Remember in one second【】

The title of Guyong's new book has a self-dissuading effect, which surprised almost everyone.

Yang Qiming and Li Bo smiled helplessly, Gu Yong still wanted to surprise them from time to time.

After smiling helplessly, the two clicked on the first chapter and started reading.

No matter how the title of the book has its own dissuasive effect, it is naturally impossible to dissuade them.

Jian Yishen was particularly shocked. He smiled bitterly and said to Wang Yang, "Editor-in-Chief, is he so bold as a skilled artist?"

Wang Yang smiled and said, "Maybe."

After that, the two of them also clicked on the first chapter, so naturally they couldn't be persuaded to leave.

Although the title of the book has its own dissuasive effect, there are still many people who were not dissuaded. After holding their foreheads and sighing for a while, they all clicked on the first chapter one after another.

Of course, there are also many people who have been dissuaded. In addition to those book fans who did not intend to read it in the first place, there are also many book fans who were already interested and planned to read it.

It’s okay now, no need to look anymore.

Forget it, they should start looking forward to Gu Yong's next new work from now on.

"Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" is mostly documentary type, or semi-documentary type, and it gives them a headache just thinking about it.

Of course, if someone is willing to tell them, what will happen in the Ming Dynasty? In fact, they are willing to listen, as long as they are not allowed to read literature-type books.

By the way, what's going on in the Ming Dynasty? They seemed to only know that the founding emperor was called Zhu Yuanzhang, and others...others...and...

"There is a man named Tang Bohu who is very famous in history. He seems to be from the Ming Dynasty."

"Tang Bohu? I've heard of it too. However, since Tang Bohu's surname is Tang, he should be from the Tang Dynasty, right?"

"Who said that people with the surname Tang must be from the Tang Dynasty? The emperor of the Tang Dynasty was named Tang, so does it stipulate that all people with the surname Tang must be from the Tang Dynasty?"

"This...the emperor of the Tang Dynasty does not seem to have a surname of Tang."

"Not Tang? What's your surname?"

"It seems... surnamed Li?"

"Is that so? Then the emperor of the Song Dynasty is no longer named Song?"


It seems that the emperor of the Song Dynasty was named Song... Well, it should be Song, right? "


Well, they have to admit that their understanding of history is too little.

In addition, there are many people who are hesitating, should they click on the first chapter to take a look?

Although the title of the book is quite discouraging, this is an ancient work after all. Even if it is really a documentary work, it will definitely be different from other documentary works.

Moreover, it is not necessarily the literature type.

After all, a book title says nothing.

After a brief hesitation, those people also clicked on the first chapter to read it first. If you really can't stand it, just don't read it, and you won't lose anything.

“We started with a dossier.

Name: Zhu Yuanzhang.

Alias ​​(nickname): Zhu Chongba, Zhu Guorui.

Sex: Male.

Nationality: Han.

blood type:?

Educational background: No diploma. He is not a scholar. He studied by himself later.

Occupation: Emperor.

Family origin: (at least three generations) poor peasants.

Birth and death: 1328-1398.

Favorite color: Yellow (I don’t seem to have a choice here).

social relationship:

Father: Zhu Wusi, a farmer.

Mother: Chen, a farmer (sorry, her name does not seem to be in the history books).

Motto: What's yours is mine, and I'm still mine.

main experience:

Herding cattle from 1328 to 1344.

He was a monk from 1344 to 1347, and his main job was to go out to beg for food (this...).

From 1347 to 1352, the main job of a monk was to ring bells.

Rebellion from 1352 to 1368 (this fierce).

From 1368 to 1398, his main job was to be emperor.

Everything started from that night in 1328, when farmer Zhu Wusi's wife Chen gave birth to a baby boy. Everyone knew that this baby boy was the later Zhu Yuanzhang.


"I'll wipe it!"

Everyone couldn't help shouting "I'll wipe it!"

This...this...can still be like this?

Before clicking on the first chapter, they were worried that they would not even finish the first chapter, so they continued reading.

In that case, it really makes people feel a little sad. It's not that they don't want to understand history, but that they really can't read books about history.

However, now, a unique opening made their eyes brighten instantly, and most of their previous worries disappeared in an instant.

They just felt that the opening chapter was so interesting that they suddenly had the desire to read on.

After reading the opening chapter of a book about the history of the Ming Dynasty, not only did they not have a headache, but they also had the desire to read on.

This is simply a miraculous existence.

Even they themselves could hardly believe that this was true, that they would actually become interested in a history book.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Although it cannot be said yet, they will continue to maintain this interest in the future. But the current opening at least made them interested in continuing to read.

And this is the most important.

If you can't interest them at the beginning, no matter how attractive you are later, you will lose most of your readers.

After seeing the opening chapter of this book, book fans felt happy.

It’s not that they don’t want to learn about history, it’s just that they really can’t read books about history, and they are quite distressed by this.

They also know that they really should know more about history.

Now, they are naturally happy to see such a history book that can interest them.

They were very happy that they clicked on the first chapter.

Gu Yong's works cannot be viewed with ordinary eyes.

They had understood this before, and they understood it even more now.

Zhu Yuanzhang, as most book fans know, knows that he was the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, but that's all.

Almost nothing else is known.

Now, with just a simple file about Zhu Yuanzhang, everyone knows a lot.

I learned that Zhu Yuanzhang was born as a poor farmer, herded cattle, worked as a monk, rebelled and became emperor, etc.

This feeling is quite wonderful.

The book fans were very happy and couldn't wait to continue reading below.

I couldn't stop watching this.

The story begins with Zhu Yuanzhang's birth, and then goes on to say that due to poverty, Zhu Yuanzhang had to herd cattle for the landlord Liu De's family since he was a child, etc.

It was also mentioned that Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to study, but was unable to do so because of poverty.

When I was sixteen years old, I began to dream about my future happy life. I asked Mrs. Wu from the entrance of the village to act as a matchmaker to find a hard-working and capable girl as my wife, and then give birth to my own children...

Later, he talked about the tragic world where Zhu Yuanzhang's father, mother, and brother starved to death one after another due to disasters and the inaction of the government...

A new perspective, sometimes light and playful, sometimes heavy words, and novel narrative techniques present a historical picture of Zhu Yuanzhang's childhood life in front of book fans in an unprecedented way.

The book lovers were mesmerized. They were mesmerized by reading a book about history!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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