Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1979 The first pot of gold harvested

Remember in one second【】

Jian Yishen and Wang Yang were sighing, and other authors in various fields were also sighing at this time.

"Time travel, a modern person travels back to ancient times. I have to admit, this is really attractive. Authors love to write and readers love to read. I feel that the vitality of the Internet is getting stronger and stronger, which is very important for us traditional This is really not a good thing for the author!”

"It is indeed not a good thing. If this trend continues, the speed of network development will be much faster than we thought before. It really makes people feel a little desperate."

"I guess despair is yet to come. Gu Yong has only released three works now. Moreover, "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" cannot be counted among them. Strictly speaking, there are only two. Two works have brought , the Internet has such a strong vitality. If Gu Yong launches other movies in the future and creates other genres, the development speed of the Internet may be like a rocket. At that time, it will really make people despair."

"According to the current situation, Gu Yong is likely to continue to create genres. He said before that there are many types of Internet, and now it seems that one type may be more than one genre. If it is true In this case, it is indeed quite terrifying.”

"I really don't understand why Gu Yong's creative talent is so high? It's really scary! One person, in a short period of time, gave the Internet such strong vitality!"

"It is foreseeable that in the future there will be more and more online authors and more and more online readers, and our traditional markets will gradually become smaller. Alas!"

"Now it seems that this trend is inevitable. Moreover, its speed may be faster than we imagined. Therefore, except for martial arts authors, everyone else has to think about where to go in the future. "

"Alas! Now I really envy the martial arts authors. They have Gu Yong to protect them all the way. In the future, they only need to add some new elements and become new element martial arts. But we are not so lucky."

"It's useless to be envious. It's better to think about where to go in the future? I guess the only way is to switch to the Internet. I hope I won't be eliminated by the market."

"It seems that switching to the Internet is the only way. But if you can't adapt to the Internet market and are eliminated, then you can only either close it down or continue to stick to the original one. There should still be some market."

"Anyway, everyone should prepare in advance."


"Return to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince" creates a new time-travel genre,

Countless people from all walks of life are talking about it.

Everyone can feel that a time-travel craze is coming. A large amount of time travel history will emerge on the Chinese website.

The vitality of the Internet is becoming stronger and stronger.

For traditional writers, this may not be good news, but for countless networks, they all like the fairy tale genre in the past and the historical genre now.

And now, they are looking forward to the update of "Return to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince". What they want to know most now is how Yang Ling reaped the first pot of gold after traveling through time?

When the time arrived at 10 o'clock the next morning, "Return to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince" was updated on time.

The questions that book fans have been waiting for are finally answered.

After discussing with Han Youniang, Yang Ling sold the thin farmland at home for four taels of silver, and then took Han Youniang out of the mountain col to a small town called Jimingyi, where she planned to find a way to make money.

The two rented a house in the city. Han Youniang went to make money doing needlework for others, while Yang Ling went out and wandered around the city, looking for ways to make money.

Witnessed a disturbance in a musical instrument store.

A young girl, Ma Lian'er, wanted to buy a piano. She negotiated the price with her boss and gave him a pearl.

When the boss saw that Ma Lian'er was a foreigner, he became greedy and wanted to steal Ma Lian'er's pearl.

Ma Lian'er's brother Ma Ang was also at the scene. When he saw his boss cheating on his sister's pearl, he got angry and had a conflict with the boss. After the two sides argued for a while, the boss fell to the ground and died.

The boss's two sons showed up and thought it was Ma Ang who had killed the boss, so they reported it to the police immediately.

This was a major case involving human life, and the government did not dare to neglect it. They brought all the people to the county government office for questioning.

As a witness, Yang Ling also went to the county government office together.

The county magistrate was a military general, he was an upright person and an honest official, but he was not good at asking questions and it gave him a headache to settle the case.

Later, when he asked Yang Ling to help him figure out a way to solve the case, he said something that is very classic, "Yes, yes, yes, you scholars are very smart. If you have any good ideas, just tell me. I have the biggest headache going to court to investigate the case. If the following is Tatar soldiers, I just waved my sword, and I was annoyed because the public said the public was right and the mother-in-law said the mother-in-law was right. It sounded like I was the only one who didn't care. I really couldn't give them this justice, so I heard the drum beating. I’m beating a drum in my heart.”

Ma Lian'er and Ma Ang are the children of Yi Cheng. During the dispute with the boss, Ma Ang did push the boss. However, the main reason for the boss's death was obviously because he had some kind of disease. It doesn't matter much.

The county magistrate intended to excuse Ma Ang, but Ma Ang was helpless and suspected of taking action. The boss's son insisted that it was Ma Ang who killed the person, and the county magistrate could not excuse Ma Ang.

The county magistrate is not good at solving cases, and he is even more helpless when faced with a case like this.

Afterwards, Ma Lian'er saw that Yang Ling seemed to have a way to exonerate his brother, so he asked Yang Ling for help. The county magistrate and Yi Cheng also asked Yang Ling for help.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Ling asked for help.

In the end, Yang Ling used the knowledge of modern people to successfully solve the problem. The boss's two sons stopped suing, and Ma Ang was exempted from guilt.

Ma Lian'er, Ma Ang, and Yi Cheng were naturally very grateful to Yang Ling. The county magistrate also took a fancy to Yang Ling's talents and hired Yang Ling to serve as a master in the county government.

In this way, Yang Ling became the chief master of Jimingyi County Government.

And this is Yang Ling's first pot of gold after traveling through time.

The answer was revealed, and all the book fans suddenly realized it and felt very happy at the same time.

Yang Ling just used the knowledge of modern people to "implement a small plan" and successfully solved the problem. Not only did he get the gratitude of the person involved, he also got the appreciation of the county magistrate, and gained the first pot of gold after time travel.

When a modern person travels back to ancient times, it's as if he's cheating. It's not difficult to prosper.

Book fans are very excited and looking forward to the next story!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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