Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1980 1 News

Remember in one second【】

Book fans are very excited and looking forward to the following stories, and "Return to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince" continues to be serialized.

After Yang Ling successfully harvested his first pot of gold and became the chief master of Jimingyi County Yamen, he started his own glorious road step by step...

As the works continue to be serialized, everyone's understanding and knowledge of this type of time-traveling history has become more and more comprehensive and profound.

Internet authors were also very excited. They slowly discovered that they seemed to be able to start conceiving their own works.

As a result, many online authors are imagining their own works while watching "Back to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince" which is updated every day.

However, many authors have such a regret in their hearts, that is, they are only familiar with the history of the Ming Dynasty, and everyone can only travel to the Ming Dynasty in the same way. They want to travel to other dynasties in order to have better opportunities. stand out.

Unfortunately, they are not familiar with the history of other dynasties. They want to look through relevant historical documents and books, but they really can't read them.

It’s really a headache and a pity.

However, a piece of news that surprised them came out.

The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture also announced to the outside world that several historians, represented by famous history experts Shen Cong and Cen Geng, will draw on the writing method of "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" to officially launch the history of other dynasties. books.

There are major dynasties such as Zhou, Qin, Han, Three Kingdoms, Jin and Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Tang, Song, Yuan and Qing, and each historian is responsible for one dynasty.

Among them, Shen Cong was in charge of the Tang Dynasty, and Cen Geng was in charge of the Song Dynasty.

It is launched in the same way as "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty". It is serialized on the Chinese website and updated every day.

Of course, the number of words updated may not be stable, nor can it be updated as fiercely and explosively as Gu Yong.

As soon as the news came out, the first people who were excited were the Internet writers. For them, this was excellent news.

In this way, they can become familiar with the history of those other dynasties.

Although their first work may not wait for the updates from historians, it doesn't matter. Their second and third works can choose other dynasties.

And even if everyone chose Ming Dynasty in the first work,

It's not a big problem either.

Because their first work is one of the first batch of time-travel historical works, and the number is limited after all. Even if everyone travels to the Ming Dynasty, book fans will not suffer from visual fatigue.

By the time book fans may develop visual fatigue, they can already choose to travel to other dynasties.

Simply perfect!

A group of online authors are very excited. The historians’ decision this time can be said to be a timely blessing for them.

Subsequently, for countless ordinary book fans, they were equally excited.

Although they are very fascinated by Guyong's newly created time-travel history genre, it does not conflict with their desire to know more about the history of dynasties.

They want to read time travel history, and they also want to read the works published by historians.

The combination of the two makes it even more perfect.

Ever since they tasted the sweetness of being familiar with the history of the Ming Dynasty, they have found it difficult to desire to know the history of other dynasties. This desire has not disappeared with the emergence of the time-travel history genre, but seems to have made them even more eager.

Because if an author writes a work that travels to other dynasties, if they are familiar with the history of that dynasty, they will obviously have a stronger sense of immersion.

Otherwise, if the author writes that the protagonist meets a certain historical celebrity, but you don’t know that it is a historical celebrity, and you have never even heard the name, you should feel happy and surprised, but you don’t know the historical celebrity at all because you don’t know the historical celebrity. no response.

If you don't feel the pleasure you should feel, and you might make people laugh because of it, then it's really a bit of a fool's errand.

Therefore, it is better to be familiar with history. Not only will you have a better sense of immersion, but you will also be able to discover the celebrities the protagonist meets as early as possible.

Of course, the reason why book fans are excited about this new addition is secondary. The main reason is because everyone is very eager to learn more about the history of the dynasties and make themselves appear more culturally rich.

It would be fine if there is no work similar to "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty". Once it appears, you will never miss it.

As a result, in addition to the excitement of online authors and book fans about the work that will be serialized tomorrow, countless people from other walks of life have also paid attention to such news.

This news shocked everyone, and they all lamented that the influence of "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" was too great.

It was jointly launched by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture. Famous historians such as Shen Cong and Cen Geng personally drew on it and created it. People can't help but sigh at its great influence!

After sighing with emotion, everyone felt that things were normal and not unexpected.

There have been rumors before that the Ministry of Education has already noticed the work "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" and intends to use Gu Yong's writing techniques to re-compile history textbooks for various academic stages.

In addition, famous historians such as Shen Cong and Cen Geng have all given very high evaluations to "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" before.

Now, it doesn't seem surprising that they want to learn from the writing techniques of "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" and launch history books about other dynasties.

Both the National Ministry of Education and the National Ministry of Culture should have this idea.

Countless people sighed with emotion, and after all the emotion

^0^ Remember in one second【】

After that, everyone suddenly thought of another problem. These famous historical figures just published their works, but they actually chose to serialize them on the Chinese Internet.

To a certain extent, these famous historical figures are going to guest star as online writers.

Then, they are also considered to be online writers under the Chinese website.

The quality of this group of writers is too high.

The Chinese website is so awesome that countless people are secretly dumbfounded.

The writers on the Chinese website seemed very excited because they would be updating their works on the same website as those famous historical figures.

Who could have imagined this before?

Also, the famous historical figures chose to serialize their works on the Chinese website. Invisibly, they seemed to raise the quality of the Chinese website a little higher, which also made them excited.

Ministry of National Culture.

In the office, in addition to Shen Cong, Cen Geng, and Wang Xuetao, there were several people in their fifties or more.

They are all nationally renowned historical experts and the authors of this series of works.

They all volunteered themselves to create such a work. In their opinion, this is a very important and meaningful thing.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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