Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2028 new game character

The proprietress Chen Guo was disappointed, while the book fans were stunned.

How did Ye Qiu become Ye Xiu? Is this guy's name Ye Qiu or Ye Xiu?

Not to mention, these two names quite rhyme, but no matter how they rhyme, they are completely different names.

Book fans were puzzled, but after seeing the answer later, they finally understood.

It turned out that Ye Qiu's name should be Ye Xiu, and Ye Qiu was his twin brother.

Ten years ago, for some reason, Ye Xiu's ID card was kept at home. When Glory opened the server, he used his younger brother Ye Qiu's ID card to register an account, and named the character "One Leaf Zhiqiu".

Now, Ye Xiu used his name back.

It turned out to be the case, book fans finally understood.

So, speaking of it, the protagonist of this work should be called Ye Xiu, not Ye Qiu.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether it's called Ye Xiu or Ye Qiu, it's the same for book fans.

The proprietress Chen Guo found out that Ye Xiu was not her idol Ye Qiu, she was quite disappointed, she went back to District 47, and returned Ye Xiu's ID card to Ye Xiu.

After Ye Xiu said his thanks, he suddenly asked Chen Guo if she was looking for a network administrator here?

Then he said that he fully met Chen Guo's requirements and was willing to be a network administrator here.

It turned out that there was a recruitment notice for a network administrator on the Internet cafe's page.

When they saw this, all the book fans couldn't help but "huh", could it be that Ye Xiu is going to be a network administrator here?

It might not be a great job, but it seems very interesting.

Think about it, there must be a lot of gamers playing Glory in the Internet cafe, but they don't know that the network administrator serving them is Ye Qiu who is known as the "Glory textbook".

In this way, many interesting stories will definitely happen, which makes people look forward to it.

Moreover, the proprietress Chen Guo's idol is Ye Qiu, and now Ye Qiu works as a network administrator in her Internet cafe, but she doesn't know her, which is also very interesting.

I don't know what kind of shocked expression Chen Guo will have when she knows that Ye Xiu is Ye Qiu?

Book fans are looking forward to it.

In this way, book fans really hope that Ye Xiu can really work as a network administrator here.

And the next fact is that Ye Xiu really became a network administrator here.

Fans are excited and looking forward to it.

Plus, there's one more thing to cheer up fans of the book.

Tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of Honor's operation, and Honor will open a brand new new district, "Honor Ten District".

Starting from the second anniversary of Glory, a new area will be opened at midnight every year on the anniversary.

Veteran players who are unhappy in the old districts and novices who are about to enter the Glory have already prepared accounts for the new districts, and are looking forward to the upcoming "Glory Ten Districts".

Ye Xiu's previous account, "God of Fighting" Ye Zhiqiu, has changed hands, and his own glorious career has also come to an end.

And it just so happened that at this time, Ye Xiu encountered the annual opening of a new district, and Ye Xiu's mind was touched, and the past ten years suddenly slipped into his mind.

He is going to enter the new area and create a new account character, starting from level 1.

This incident made book fans feel extremely excited. Ye Xiu went to the new area, isn't this equivalent to a full-level character, going to Novice Village to chop melons and abuse vegetables?

Of course, it is not ruled out that there will be other masters who will also go to the new area to play.

But no matter what, Ye Xiu's going to the new area is something worth looking forward to.

At 11:53 in the evening, there were still 7 minutes before the opening of the 10th district of Glory. The entire Internet cafe was booming, almost all of them were Glory players, and they all came for the new district that was about to open.

Everyone has opened the login interface, and the mouse is hovering over the gloomy tenth district, ready to go.

Entering the new area for the first time, there are too many things waiting for the players to do, such as grabbing the level list, grabbing the first kill of the dungeon, grabbing the dungeon clearance record, etc., etc.

Opening a new area in a game is always something that excites players.

Only Ye Xiu is very leisurely, he is not in a hurry,

But after all, I was ready.

At this time, book fans are more interested in the game of Glory.

Because of the glory mentioned here, there is another very important setting, that is, there is a common map on each major region, which is called the "God's Domain".

Players in any large area can go to the realm of gods after meeting the corresponding requirements.

In other words, players from any region can meet in the God's Domain, as long as you are skilled enough to pass related tasks.

Such a setting makes book fans excited, especially gamers and book fans.

In real games, no game has such a setting. All gamers know that it is impossible for characters from one region to meet characters from another region.

The setting of the realm of God of Glory undoubtedly makes the game more interesting, and much stronger.

If there is a game that can be set like this in reality, it would be really cool, gamers all think so in their hearts.

And those game companies who want to copy Glory, after seeing such a setting, can't help but feel shocked. Such a setting has obviously very high requirements for technology and equipment.

"Can we do it?" People from major game companies are thinking about this question.

The result is that some companies think they can do it, while others shake their heads helplessly.

The dream of copying glory was destroyed for the first time.

Ye Xiu created a new game character and named it "Jun Mo Xiao".

Lord Grim, Ye Xiu's new character name obviously has some self-evident meaning.

All the book fans were thoughtful, and Ye Xiu operated "Jun Mo Xiao" and started a new journey of glory.

With the start of Ye Xiu's new journey of Glory, various data about the game of Glory were revealed bit by bit.

All the game companies are in high spirits, looking for and recording various data about the game.

Book fans are equally interested in the various data of the game.

Just like the real game, Glory also has a variety of occupations. Ye Xiu's occupation of "One Leaf Knowing Autumn" is a battle mage.

However, for the current "Grand Mo Xiao", Ye Xiu does not plan to change jobs, but decides to keep playing casual.

The disadvantages of undisciplined people are obvious, but for the top expert Ye Xiu, the advantages of undisciplined people are the most important.

Lord Grim possessed his first weapon, the Thousand Chance Umbrella.

The Myriad Manifestation Umbrella is silver, and it is the unique look of self-made equipment in Glory.

Self-made equipment is a major feature of Glory. It is not a life-making skill in the game, but equipment made by an equipment editor in the game, which belongs to high-end content.

There is a popular saying in Glory, "self-made equipment may not be the strongest, but the strongest equipment must be self-made."

"Self-made equipment system?" Book fans, especially gamers and book fans, once again saw an important setting of Glory.

But all the game companies are frowning at this time, "Self-made equipment system? Can this thing be done?"

"Maybe." Even the top game company can only give one such answer at this time.


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