Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2029 From now on, love Ye Xiu

Remember in a second【】

Little Farmer and Big Star Main Volume Chapter 2029 From then on, I love Ye Xiu's game data about "Glory". As Ye Xiu controls the new character "Jun Mo Xiao", he starts the game in the new area, And it showed up little by little.

The major game companies have gradually discovered that the game "Glory" is far more complicated than they thought before, and it is much more difficult to completely copy this game than he thought before.

Most game companies have realized that their game companies may be difficult to copy, so they can only sigh helplessly.

Only a few game companies feel that they still have hope at this time.

As for book fans, they are becoming more and more interested in "Glory". Even book fans who usually don't play online games are also interested in "Glory".

If there was a game called "Glory" in reality, they would probably all play it.

The reason for this was not only the various settings of "Glory" itself, but also because of the related storyline, because of Ye Xiu, and because of Lord Grim, which made them completely interested in "Glory".

Of course, to be more precise, he became completely interested in the work "Professional Master".

"Green Forest" is the first dungeon of "Glory", and it is a low-level dungeon. Ye Qiu controls Lord Grim at the entrance of the dungeon and joins a wild team, a total of five people.

The reason why Ye Xiu wanted to fight "Green Forest" was to hide the things dropped by the boss "Dark Night Cat Demon".

Every dungeon has a hidden boss, but not every time you enter a dungeon, the hidden boss will appear only if you are lucky.

Of course, it can also be said that it is bad luck, because the hidden boss is difficult to deal with, and the chances of ordinary gamers doing it are very low.

But for Ye Xiu, he was lucky. His strength was to abuse the hidden boss casually.

The things dropped by the hidden boss are very precious, and they are what Ye Xiu needs.

Through the copy of "Green Forest", book fans and people from the game company discovered two important features of "Glory".

One is that there is no background music in the game, and there are only all kinds of real sound effects in the wind and grass. The immersive feeling is very strong, just like the player is really in the game world.

two is,

"Glory" is a first-person perspective game, and what is displayed on the screen is basically a real human perspective. When the player manipulates the mouse and wants to look in a certain direction, the character in the game will look in a certain direction.

For example, when the player moves the perspective to look at the sky, the characters in the game will also look up at the sky, which is very real.

This kind of game setting made book fans exclaim, the sense of reality of this game is too strong, it is a magical feeling like being there.

If there is such a game in reality, it will definitely cause a sensation.

All of a sudden, book fans have an unprecedented desire to see the game "Glory" in reality!

And all the game companies gasped, this game is too complicated, even more complicated than anyone thought.

The more they understand this game, the more helpless the game company finds out that this game is far more complicated than they thought.

Almost all game companies have given up at this time, they do not have the strength and financial resources to develop such a game.

Only the most powerful game company, Jibei Game Company's eyes are shining, and they can't help being fiery and excited.

Game complicated? Complicated! The more complex the better!

Because, in this way, it is almost impossible for other game companies to develop successfully, and they will have almost no competitors.

If the level of complexity is average, and many game companies can successfully develop it, then the competition they face will obviously be very large.

Even though Extreme North Games is the largest game company, it may not necessarily be the final winner.

But now, the development of "Glory" is extremely difficult. Apart from their Extreme North Game Company, other game companies may find it difficult to develop successfully, and they will no longer have competitors.

Of course, even for them, the difficulty is very high, and they cannot 100% guarantee that the development will be successful, but the probability can reach 70%.

The probability of this is not small, so Jibei Game's eyes are shining, looking very fiery and excited.

They have to find a way to obtain Gu Yong's authorization, and then focus on developing the game "Glory".

If it can be successfully developed, many things will happen to the game industry of the whole world, and Jibei Games is excited and looking forward to it.

Book fans don't know that Jibei Games is preparing to develop "Glory".

If you know, I'm afraid you will be as excited and looking forward to the Jibei game.

Ye Xiu was lucky, the first time he entered the dungeon "Green Forest", the hidden boss "Dark Night Cat Demon" appeared.

In Ye Xiu's team of five, the captain Yue Zhongmian was obviously an old bird, commanding his teammates to kill the Night Cat Demon.

It's just that Sleeping Moon has good intentions. First, he used his teammates to help deal with the Dark Night Cat Demon. When the Dark Night Cat Demon turned red blood, he secretly used tricks in an attempt to kill the other four, and then swallowed the items dropped by the Dark Night Cat Demon by himself. .

Sleeping Moon's calculations were very good, but unfortunately Ye Xiu saw through them all, but Ye Xiu remained calm.

In the end, Sleeping Moon killed the other three teammates, but because Ye Xiu didn't help him, he was also killed by the Night Cat Demon.

Then, Ye Xiu is left with the items dropped by the Night Cat Demon exclusively.

^0^ Remember in a second【】


The book fans burst out laughing, and Sleeping Moon was calculating, but they never imagined that Jun Moxiao would be the number one expert in "Glory" Ye Qiu, and he saw his tricks clearly.

Originally, the items dropped by the Dark Night Cat Demon were to be rolled to see who was lucky enough to get it. Sleeping Moon had a chance to get it, but now because of his own calculations, he killed himself and let Ye Xiu get the Dark Night by himself. Items dropped by cat demons.

Thinking about it, I feel relieved, enjoyable, and funny.

Sleeping in the Moon's heart was unwilling, and swiped the screen on the world channel to slander, "Jun Moxiao is a shameless person. In order to hide the boss for himself, he deliberately refused to heal the team and killed the team. Everyone be careful."

All the players could see that the players who didn't know the truth obviously believed Sleeping Moon's words and regarded Lord Grim as a shameless person.

Ye Xiu just smiled lightly and didn't care.

However, what made Ye Xiu a little helpless was that he wanted to go to the dungeon again, but no team was willing to group him up.

Obviously, everyone believed Sleeping Moon's words and regarded Jun Moxiao as an ignorant person who cheated his teammates.

At the entrance of the dungeon, Yuanjia Road was narrow, and Ye Xiu met Sleeping Moon again.

Sleeping Moon knew that Lord Grim would not be able to form a team, and was very proud. He asked Ye Xiu, now that they know that the Moon Wheel Union is not easy to mess with, right?

Ye Xiu said that he already knew that he could no longer form a team.

Sleeping Moon was very comfortable, she laughed and said, "I'll let you be a bitch again."

However, Ye Xiu continued, "Are you sending someone? Make me one?"

Sleeping Moon was stunned: "Damn it, you're so cheap..."

Ye Xiu said again: "Add one and add another, now that we know the basics, how about everyone working together?"

Seeing this, all the book fans couldn't help but burst out laughing, Ye Xiu is really "cheap".

The book fans liked it very much, and many book fans immediately expressed that they love Ye Xiu from now on!


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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