Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2042 A game that made people crazy in the past life

Remember in one second【】

Next to the vegetable area of ​​the farm.

Ma Shu looked at the mouth-watering vegetables in the vegetable section and sighed: "These vegetables look so appetizing. No wonder they can cure anorexia. No wonder they are called the 'miracle of vegetables' by medical scientists." ', Mr. Li Fan's farm is far more magical than the legend says."

Li Fan smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Ma Shu is overrated. I just hope that the farm can bring the most beautiful ingredients in the world to people all over the world, so that people can taste the most beautiful food in the world."

Ma Shudao: "People from all over the world can eat such delicious food, they must thank Mr. Li Fan. By the way, Mr. Li Fan, I saw that many tourists pick vegetables by themselves. Will this not damage the vegetables?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Since the farm opened, tourists have been allowed to pick vegetables by themselves, and most tourists will choose to pick vegetables by themselves. That way, they will have a sense of fun and satisfaction in harvesting. We don't There are worries about vegetables being damaged. Firstly, the roots of these vegetables are very strong and have great vitality. Tourists picking vegetables cannot hurt them at all, unless they are maliciously damaged. Secondly, tourists will also damage them while picking. We are very conscious about not harming the other rhizome fruits, so we are willing to let tourists pick vegetables by themselves to experience the fun and satisfaction. Of course, if tourists don't want to pick them themselves, they can let others do the work. People help.”

Ma Shu nodded and said: "So, picking vegetables by yourself is indeed a kind of fun and satisfying, especially for tourists in the city."

Then, Ma Shu looked at the vegetable area in front of him, seeming a little eager to try.

Li Fan saw it and smiled: "Mr. Ma Shu, do you also want to experience it yourself?"

Ma Shu laughed, nodded and said, "I am dissatisfied with Mr. Li Fan, that's what I really think."

Li Fan made a gesture of invitation and said, "Mr. Ma Shu, please."

Ma Shu said: "Then we will disturb Mr. Li Fan's vegetable area."

Then, Ma Shu walked along the path around the vegetable area to the entrance and entered the vegetable area. He walked around in the vegetable area for a long time, seeming to be hesitating about what vegetables he should pick.

Finally, Ma Shu came to the cucumber area and picked two cucumbers from the emerald-green cucumber vines.

Holding two cucumbers in his hand, Ma Shu walked out of the vegetable area, returned to Li Fan, raised the cucumbers in his hand, and said, "Does Mr. Li Fan need it?"

turn out to be,

The reason why Ma Shu chose to pick cucumbers was because he wanted to eat them.

The cucumbers produced by Xianyuan Farm are the best delicacies in the world. They can be eaten raw or cooked, and each has a different taste.

Although the taste is different, it is the same ultimate enjoyment.

Li Fan smiled, reached out and took the cucumber handed over by Ma Shu, and said, "Of course."

Then, without washing it, he put the cucumber into his mouth and took a bite, saying, "It tastes really good."

Ma Shu laughed and followed Li Fan's example. He put the cucumber in his hand into his mouth and took a bite. He wanted to speak but couldn't because he was chewing the cucumber in his mouth, so he had to quickly raise a big sign with his hand. thumb.

Li Fan smiled when he saw this and gave a thumbs up as well.

The two of them walked forward slowly while eating cucumbers. It did look a bit unsightly, but neither of them cared.

After finishing the cucumber, Ma Shu said with a smile: "Mr. Li Fan, don't tell me, the feeling of eating cucumbers picked by one's own hands is really different from eating cucumbers not picked by one's own hands."

Although Ma Shu has never been to Xianyuan Farm before, it is obviously a very simple thing for him to eat the ingredients produced by Xianyuan Farm.

He had eaten many cucumbers produced by Xianyuan Farm before, including raw ones, but it seemed that they were not as good as before.

Of course, this is just a mental illusion, but this illusion is very wonderful for people.

Li Fan smiled and said: "So most tourists are willing to pick vegetables themselves."

Ma Shu nodded and said, "That's true."

Then, the two of them slowly walked forward along the vegetable area and slowly got to the point.

Ma Shudao: "Mr. Li Fan, to tell you the truth, it was precisely because of the impact of the game "Plants vs. Zombies" you designed that our Schindler Corporation decided to accelerate its entry into the game field. Originally, in the original plan, we It will take some time before we enter the gaming field."

Li Fan said: "I'm honored."

Ma Shudao: "We should be grateful to Mr. Li Fan. It was Mr. Li Fan who made us realize that the game market is actually much larger than we thought before. Moreover, it is much larger."

Li Fandao: "The game market is indeed not small. Moreover, it is not necessarily the world of large-scale online games. The number of players of some small-scale games is often much higher than the number of players of those large-scale games."

Ma Shu nodded and said: "It is true. Just like the number of players of "Plants vs. Zombies", it has now far exceeded that of the most popular large-scale online games. The entire gaming industry, no, I should say people from all walks of life. , were not aware of this problem before. It was Mr. Li Fan who made everyone aware of this problem."

Li Fan waved his hand and said, "I wonder if Mr. Ma Shu wants to launch a large-scale online game when he enters the gaming field, or does he want to launch a small game that may have more players?"

Ma Shudao: "There may be more small games for gamers. This is also the reason why I came to visit Mr. Li Fan this time. I want to invite Mr. Li Fan to cooperate with our Schindler Enterprise. I don't know if Mr. Li Fan still has it.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Interested in designing another game? "

After saying that, even Ma Shu couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. Finally, he got down to business. Can he succeed in entering the gaming field this time? It all depends on whether Li Fan nods or shakes his head at this time?

"Oh? That's true." Li Fan smiled lightly. From the beginning, he guessed Ma Shu's intention.

And he will not refuse.

"Glory" and "Plants vs. Zombies" are not all the games that Li Fan plans to bring to the world. Li Fan also plans to bring more classic games from previous lives to the world.

The main product of Schindler Enterprise, the qd online chat tool, made Li Fan's heart suddenly move. He remembered a business simulation game that was popular all over the country in his previous life.

During the peak period of the game's operation, countless players even set alarm clocks to get up in the middle of the night for it, which is crazy.

If that game were brought to this world, it might be quite interesting.

Li Fan suddenly looked forward to it!

Everyone should know which game this is. Have you been fascinated by it before?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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