Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2043 Did you

Remember in one second【】

Li Fan thought of the game in his previous life that made countless players crazy, and was silent for a moment.

Ma Shu, who was waiting for Li Fan's reply, couldn't help but feel a little worried. If Li Fan didn't nod at this time, their Schindler Enterprise's plan to enter the gaming field this time would be temporarily shelved.

It was not a game designed by Li Fan himself. They really did not dare to enter the game field rashly, and everything had to go according to the original plan.

Moreover, even if it goes according to the original plan, the final results it can achieve will definitely be far from being comparable to a game designed by Li Fan himself.

Therefore, Ma Shu felt uneasy.

But fortunately, Li Fan did not make him uneasy for too long. Li Fan smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Ma Shu, how many users does your product QD online chat tool currently have?"

Ma Shu didn't quite understand why Li Fan asked this, but he still answered seriously: "Mr. Li Fan, the total number of registered qd accounts has exceeded 2 billion. However, considering that some people have registered two at the same time, even It’s multiple accounts. Therefore, we estimate that the actual number of users is around 1.7 billion.”

"1.7 billion?" Li Fan nodded. It was similar to what he had guessed. This number was much larger than the number of Penguin users in the previous life.

After all, the world's total population is much larger.

With so many users, if we bring that game over, it will definitely be even crazier than in the previous life.

The QD online chat tools in this world also have the QD space function, but there is nothing related to games in the space.

Later, Li Fan said: "Mr. Ma Shu, do you want me to design a game for you that will allow you to successfully enter the gaming field?"

Ma Shu felt a sudden change in his heart and said quickly: "I don't dare, I don't dare. Our Schindler Enterprise really wants to invite Mr. Li Fan to cooperate. The conditions for cooperation can be raised by Mr. Li Fan. No matter what conditions Mr. Li Fan proposes, We will all agree. Of course, we know that Mr. Li Fan’s wealth is far beyond that of our Schindler Company. But this is the intention and sincerity of our Schindler Company, and we also ask Mr. Li Fan to help."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Yes, I have just thought of a game that is very suitable for your company to develop and operate. Its ultimate influence will far exceed that of "Plants vs. Zombies"."

Ma Shu was overjoyed. Since Li Fan said this, the matter is settled today.

The influence will far exceed that of "Plants vs. Zombies".

If someone else had said this, Ma Shu would have just regarded it as bragging, but now that Li Fan said this, Ma Shu believed it.

The influence far exceeds "Plants vs. Zombies". Thinking of this, even Ma Shu couldn't help but feel hot inside, and said with some uncontrollable excitement: "This... this is really great, thank you Mr. Li Fan. Li Mr. Fan, this...this..."

Li Fan smiled slightly. He understood what Ma Shu wanted to say. It seemed that Ma Shu would never feel at ease unless the conditions were made clear, so he said: "We will share the revenue from the operation of this game 50-50."

"Okay! It's settled as Mr. Li Fan said." Ma Shu said happily, the matter was finally settled.

Afterwards, Ma Shu relaxed completely and said with a smile: "I wonder what the game Mr. Li Fan mentioned is like? Mr. Li Fan, can you tell me about it in general?"

Li Fan pointed to the endless vegetable area in front and said, "It has something to do with the vegetables Mr. Ma Shu saw."

"Vegetables?" Ma Shu immediately thought of the vegetables and plant equipment in "Plants vs. Zombies". Isn't it a game similar to "Plants vs. Zombies"?

Ma Shu thought so in his heart, but he also knew that it wouldn't be a game like "Plants vs. Zombies."

Because he knew that Li Fan could not design two similar games.

So, what kind of game could be related to vegetables? Ma Shu knew that he couldn’t figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it and said, “It’s related to vegetables?”

Li Fan nodded and said: "It is indeed related to vegetables, but it is not like "Plants vs. Zombies". In addition to vegetables, it is also related to the orchards, pastures, etc. here. So, to be more precise, it is related to this farm. .”

"Is it related to the farm?" Ma Shu was still confused, shook his head helplessly, and said with a smile: "I can only trouble Mr. Li Fan to explain it more clearly, otherwise, I really can't understand it."

Li Fan smiled and said: "In my vision, this is a simulation management game. To put it simply, the game is based on a farm or a farm. Each player has a farm of his own, and then plays the role of a farm manager. The player plays the role of purchasing seeds from the app store, then cultivating, watering, fertilizing, weeding, harvesting fruits, etc., and finally selling the fruit trees to the market to obtain money, which is an interesting simulation of the entire crop growth process and the farm. Operation and management. Finally, it is very important that this game is associated with the QD account. QD friends can see and visit each other's farms. If the vegetables and fruits on the other party's farm are ripe but not harvested in time, You can go to the other party’s farm to steal it. Of course, you can also help the other party’s farm with cleaning, fertilizing, etc., and you will get certain rewards.”

The game Li Fan is planning to launch this time is Q~Q Farm, which was popular all over the country in his previous life and made countless people crazy.

This game in the previous life once made the term "stealing food" a term that countless people often talk about.

In order to harvest their ripe fruits in time to prevent others from stealing them, many people even set alarm clocks to get up in the middle of the night, just to collect the ripe fruits in time.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

, can definitely be called crazy.

In addition, there are also many people who get up in the middle of the night and turn on their computers in order to steal other people's food. This is really incomprehensible to those who don't play, but there are still many people who do that.

It was an addictive game, its popularity and influence far exceeded that of "Plants vs. Zombies".

Now, Li Fan is about to bring that game to this world. I wonder if the players in this world will get up in the middle of the night?

Li Fan estimated that there must be people like that, and there would be many more.

"Stealing food" will soon become popular in this world, and when the time comes, the content of everyone's chats will become:

"Hey! When will the vegetables on your farm mature? Let me steal some."

"Oh no! These guys are stealing vegetables too fast. I have been waiting to harvest them as soon as possible, and a lot has been stolen."

"Did you steal vegetables last night? How was the harvest?"


This would obviously be very interesting, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of Li Fan's mouth.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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