Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2047 Mature time

Remember in one second【】

Thinking about ways to upgrade and make money, players continue to look at other functions on the game interface.

Right below the game interface, there is a row of function buttons, namely: shovel, backpack, watering, insect removal, weeding, harvest, all harvest, and tool box.

Seeing these function buttons, the players were thoughtful and already somewhat understood how to play this game?

Then, all the players noticed that on the right side of the game interface, there was a pop-up window with the words "My Friends" written on it.

Players can understand that in online games, there will be game friends.

Click on "My Friends" and the "My Friends" panel will pop up. Players will see that there are already game friends in the friends panel.

Some players have more game friends, and some players have fewer game friends.

Then taking a closer look, the players found that the game friends in the panel were all their QD friends.

Then I thought about it carefully and realized that all QD friends who have activated this game will become game friends of this game.

Game friends are displayed in order of level ranking. Now the level of all game friends is "0", and the order of display is random by the system.

Then, it is obvious that the higher the friend's level, the higher the display will be.

The players' eyes suddenly became a little fiery. They thought of a situation. If their level was high, they would be displayed at the top of the "Game Friends" panel of all their game friends, or even ranked first.

In that case, wouldn't it be equivalent to showing off in front of QD's friends? That feeling should be very good.

The players were very excited, and they all made a decision in their hearts. In order to show off in front of their QD friends, they must level up as soon as possible.

However, how to improve the level as quickly as possible is a question that requires careful study.

To study this issue, there is another prerequisite, which is to thoroughly understand how this game should be played?

After carefully reading all the functions and panels on the game interface, and following the relevant game guidance instructions, all the players gradually figured out how to play this game?

turn out to be,

You are the operator of this farm. You can use gold coins to buy seeds in the store, then cultivate, water, fertilize, and weed, so that the seeds grow, bloom, and bear fruit. When the fruit matures, you can harvest it.

The harvested fruits can be sold in the market to earn gold coins and experience.

Once you have gold coins, you can buy more and more expensive seeds. The more expensive the seeds, the more gold coins you will earn after the final harvest. Then you can buy more expensive seeds and earn more gold coins. This is In a virtuous cycle, more and more gold coins will be earned.

Experience can improve the level, and it is the only data basis for improving the level. In other words, in order to improve your level, you must earn enough experience.

In addition to buying seeds and planting them yourself, there are many other ways to earn gold coins and experience.

For example, you can weed, fertilize, water, etc. for yourself or your game friends’ farms, or you can steal ripe fruits from your game friends’ farms, etc.

There are many ways.

After figuring out how to play the game, the players felt excited, as if they suddenly had a farm in reality.

Moreover, the name "Xianyuan Farm" always reminds them of Xianyuan Farm, which makes them even more excited.

Xianyuan Farm, Li Fan's manor, not only produces the most delicious ingredients in the world, but also has various legends about the mysterious beasts that protect the village. It is a holy land in the hearts of countless people and a paradise they long for.

Now, they also have their own Xianyuan Farm, where they can grow vegetables. In their opinion, they grow the most delicious ingredients in the world in Xianyuan Farm.

How could this not make them excited?

So, if you don’t plant vegetables now, when will you wait?

So, almost all players opened the store with excitement and anticipation, ready to buy some seeds and start planting for the first time.

In the store, there are a lot of seeds, including vegetable seeds and fruit seeds. Most of the seed players have heard of them, but some seed players have not heard of them.

Each seed is marked with a price and level. Players understand that their current game level is level 0, so they can only purchase level 0 seeds for the time being.

I bought higher level seeds, but now I can’t plant them.

Of course, they now only have the initial 1,000 gold coins in the system, so they can only buy some level 0 seeds.

Because level 0 seeds are cheap, they can only afford level 0 seeds now.

There are three types of level 0 seeds, carrots, white radish and grass.

Carrot seeds are more expensive and have higher returns, so most players choose carrot seeds.

Click to buy.

There are now six pieces of land, so buying six seeds will cost a total of 978 gold coins.

There were 22 gold coins left out of 1,000 gold coins. The players sighed for a while, how poor they were!

When purchasing seeds, the information panel will also display a lot of information, including maturity time, harvest experience, estimated total income, planting level, crop type, expected yield, fruit selling price, etc.

Then, the ripening time of carrots is 13 hours.


^0^ Remember in one second【】

Hours? Players are more concerned about this time, and they don’t know whether these 13 hours are the real 13 hours in reality or the 13 hours in the game?

If it is 13 hours in real time, then the time is a bit long. If you wait 13 hours to harvest, doesn't it mean you have to wait until 11 o'clock in the evening?

It shouldn’t take such a long time, right?

It seems that the game time is more likely to be 13 hours, and players all think so.

I just don’t know how to set the time difference in this game? 1 hour of game time is equivalent to how long in real time?

If you know this, you can calculate the game time to be 13 hours. How long is it in reality?

This is a very important question.

Because only by knowing the specific ripening time can players calculate the time to harvest the vegetables.

After players decide to plant the seeds, they must clarify this issue.

Then, there is another piece of information that players are very concerned about, that is, the crop type shows "one season".

After thinking about it for a while, the players understood that this meant that carrots could only be harvested once. After one harvest, they would wither and they would have to buy new seeds to plant them.

After figuring everything out, the players exited the store system, found the carrot seeds they had just purchased in their backpacks, and planted them directly into the ground without hesitation.

Six seeds cover exactly six plots of land.

After planting the seeds, players can clearly see the newly planted seeds on the soil.

Place your mouse pointer over a seed and some information about the seed will pop up.

Among them, the information that players care about most is, "Seeds (germinate in 1 hour and 59 minutes)."

In this regard, players can understand that seeds must germinate first, and then they can grow up and bear fruit.

Germination after two hours is also normal. The entire maturity time of carrots is 13 hours, and it takes two hours to germinate normally.

The key question is, how long are these two hours equivalent to in real life?

Players began to look for answers in the game's help interface. They thought that there should be answers in the help interface.

However, 5 minutes passed and they still had not found the answer.

Then, they put the mouse pointer on the seed again, ready to see how much time the seed had left to germinate?

5 minutes have passed in real life. If you know how much time has passed in the game? They can also roughly calculate the time ratio themselves.

The germination time shown is: seeds (germination in 1 hour and 54 minutes).

"I'll wipe it!"

The players were all stunned. Only 5 minutes of game time had passed. Does this mean that the game time and real time are the same?

So, the ripening time of radishes is 13 hours. Do they really need to wait 13 hours before they can harvest them?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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