Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2048: Worrying in the Heart

Remember in one second【】

The time in the game is the same as the time in reality. After players confirm this, their first reaction is: will the time be too long?

The carrots can’t be harvested until 11pm, which is a bit hard to wait.

However, it didn't take long for everyone to feel that this seemed not bad, and it would be better if it lasted longer.

Because the feeling of waiting for the harvest is very wonderful. In this process, my mood is beautiful and expectant.

In this case, it is obviously very good to wait a little longer for harvest and enjoy the feeling of waiting for harvest.

Moreover, during these 13 hours, the planted seeds will continue to change, from seeds to germination, to small leaves, to large leaves, and finally to maturity, making the waiting process not boring, but full of fun. and hope, it is like witnessing the whole process of a vegetable from seed to maturity. Every time a seed changes to a stage, it can make people feel that the time for harvest is much closer.

This feeling is very beautiful.

In addition, while waiting, players still have a lot of things to do, such as visiting the farms of game friends to see what their friends have grown. Are there any ripe vegetables that can be stolen? Or do you have any grass that you need help removing? Is the ground dry and need help with watering, etc.?

Thinking like this, the players all clicked on their game friend panels, and then entered their friends' farms one by one.

It's just that the vegetables that everyone grows now are either carrots or white radish, which are very single, which makes people feel a bit regretful.

Players know that when everyone's level becomes higher, they can plant more and higher-level vegetables, and have more choices. At that time, when they go to different friends' farms, they will be able to see a variety of different vegetables. Vegetables will be more interesting.

Now, I can only look at carrots and white radish.

Every time they enter a friend's farm, players hope to see grass growing in their friend's field, or that the land is dry. In that case, they can help with weeding and watering, which not only allows them to experience the fun of the game, but also increases their own The experience is simply very refreshing.

Therefore, every time they see grass or dry land on their friend's farm, players will cheer with joy and help weed and water as quickly as possible.

If you move slowly, it is very likely that someone else will beat you to it.

Every time someone else gets the upper hand,

Players will sigh.

The players followed the friend list and clicked on their friends' farms one by one, feeling happy and looking forward to it. They clicked on all the dozens of friends' farms, but they still felt that they were still unsatisfied.

What to do?

It's very simple. Just click it again from the beginning, and then over and over again. You keep clicking on your friend's farm. You enjoy it so much that you can't stop.

Players clicked on their friends' farms over and over again, and then gradually thought, if they had more game friends, wouldn't they be able to see more farms?

The more friends’ farms there are, the more harvest I will get from my friends’ farms, won’t it?

If you harvest more on your friend's farm, won't your experience grow faster? Then the level will rise faster?

If you level up faster, you can expand more land and plant higher-level crops before your friends. Then you can show off in front of your friends, right?

This is quite cool!

So, the top priority now is to have more gaming friends.

How to have more game friends?

The answer is to add more qd friends, because game friends and qd friends are related.

As a result, a lot of voices suddenly appeared on the Internet, requesting to add QD friends and play Xianyuan Farm together.

And countless people have the same thoughts, so players can easily add many QD friends.

There are more and more game friends in the game friend list, and the players are becoming more and more happy.

The more friends you have, the more you may gain. When your level gets higher in the future, you will be able to show off in front of more people, which is simply great!

Players visited their friend's farm and added more friends. Unknowingly, two hours passed.

In my own farm, the carrot seeds that were planted before have changed. The state has changed from the previous seeds to the current germination.

The status is: Germination (2 hours and 59 minutes for small leaves).

The players were very happy to see that the carrot seeds had finally sprouted, and they were full of expectations for the next stage of Little Leaf.

Although there are still three full hours before the next stage, players can completely quit the game and come back to take a look after three hours.

But players are reluctant to quit the game. They want to stay on the farm and look at their own carrots, or go to a friend's farm.

However, it is obviously unrealistic to watch the game all the time, because most players have their own jobs, they still have to work and do their own things.

Then, you can only choose to leave the farm temporarily and do what you want to do.

However, even though the players have left the farm and are doing their own things, they still remember their farm in their hearts.

Don’t know if grass is growing on your farm? Has any land dried up? If the grass grows and the land dries up, which friend will weed and water it?


^0^ Remember in one second【】

Helping you weed and water yourself, or helping your friends weed and water, all information is recorded and players can see it.

In their spare time, players will always look at relevant information records and the footprints left by their friends on their farms.

If you find that a boy or girl you like helps you weed and water you, you will be excited for at least a long time, and then you will be in a happy mood for a long time.

Fairyland Farm has just been officially launched for a few hours, but it has already made countless players worry about it. I have to say that this is a more magical game than "Plants vs. Zombies".

In other words, a more attractive game.

Everyone in the gaming industry is feeling emotional, and so are the players themselves, especially the new players who have never played games before and like Li Fan's games because of "Plants vs. Zombies".

As expected, Li Fan's game would not disappoint them. No, it should be said that it was much better than what they expected.

Although only a few hours had passed, they now completely fell in love with their farm, and they were very grateful that they were lucky enough to encounter such a game.

Of course, they are not the only ones who feel very fortunate now. There are countless newer players than them.

"Xianyuan Farm" is the first game players have played in their lives.

These new players are the most excited right now.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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