Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2049 1 Stealing food must be carried out to the end

Remember in one second【】

New players are the most excited because this is their first time experiencing the joy of playing the game.

Moreover, it was so much fun that they were completely reluctant to leave their farm.

After work, or when I'm busy with my own affairs, I can't help but take the time to secretly open the "Xianyuan Farm" game interface, just to take a few glances.

As long as they can take a few glances, even if they do nothing, they will feel a great sense of satisfaction.

This feels very good!

Of course, this kind of behavior is not limited to those pure new players. Almost all players are the same. They will secretly open the game interface and take a few glances when they are busy.

If you can take the opportunity to secretly weed or water, you will feel even more satisfied.

Then, they saw that the growth stage of the carrots they planted changed from "sprouting" to "small leaves".

Players who know what carrot seedlings look like can tell that the crops that have grown leaves on the ground are indeed carrots, very similar to carrot seedlings in reality.

But there are also many players who don't know what carrot seedlings look like. They only know what carrots look like, but they have never seen an unripe carrot growing in the ground.

Now, when they see the carrot seedlings in the farm land, they know that the carrot seedlings look like this. This really adds to their knowledge.

Carrots are just one of the dazzling array of crop seeds in the store. They will be able to see a variety of other crop seedlings in the future. What do other crop seedlings look like? We can also know whether the fruits of a certain crop are produced on the ground or under the ground?

In fact, for many players, they really don’t know whether the fruits of certain crops are grown on the ground or underground?

Only then did the players realize that "Xianyuan Farm" can also popularize a lot of basic knowledge about crops for them.

Having fun and learning some knowledge is obviously an unexpected gain, and the players are very happy.

After that, the shape of the carrots in the ground changed from small leaves to large leaves, and the crops looked more realistic.

What makes players even more delighted is that,

The next state of the crop is maturity, which takes 4 hours.

In other words, they will be able to harvest the first batch of crops from the farm in another 4 hours.

The players are all thinking, "After 13 hours of waiting, the feeling of harvest should be very refreshing and satisfying, right?"

Therefore, players are all looking forward to the maturity of carrots.

By this time, it was already 7 o'clock in the evening, and most of the players had already finished work and returned home.

Of course, there are also many players who are still students, mainly college students. They have also returned to their dormitories after a day of classes.

After that, no matter whether they were office workers or students, whether they were planning to go out to play in the evening or planning to go to self-study in the evening, they no longer went out.

They want to play "Xianyuan Farm". When they are working and studying during the day, they always think about the farm and always want to play.

Now that I can finally play with confidence, there is no reason to go out again.

Looking at the farm interface, they finally no longer have to think about the farm.

And those who have to go out for important things, or who have not yet got off work, are quite worried about it, especially at 11 o'clock in the evening, when the carrots are ripe and they must be collected in time.

The first is to prevent friends from stealing it. After 13 hours of hard work, it would be a pity if part of it was stolen.

You should know that if part of it is stolen, the gold coins and experience you get when harvesting will be reduced accordingly, which is quite detrimental to the improvement of your level.

Players all hope that their level will be improved faster than that of their friends so that they can show off in the future. Naturally, they will not allow their food to be stolen.

Second, after collecting in time, it is best to start planting the next batch of crops immediately. The sooner you plant the next batch of crops, the sooner you can harvest the next batch of crops. This is also crucial for the growth of gold coins and the improvement of level. of.

If you can get faster than your friends every time, then the growth rate of gold coins and levels will naturally not be comparable to your friends, and you will just pretend to be successful.

Therefore, it is extremely important to be able to collect all the fruits as soon as the crops mature.

All players understand this truth. This is also the reason why those who have to go out for important things, or who have not yet got off work, are so concerned about the farm. They are worried that they will not be able to collect the fruits in the first time.

In that case, their pace of upgrading and earning gold coins will lag behind those who can harvest the fruits in time.

They are anxious!

The other players who don't have to go out are not in a hurry, but they are also worried that they will miss the first harvest due to some reasons.

Therefore, some players simply set an alarm clock, and the alarm time is two minutes before the carrots are ripe.

In this way, when the alarm clock rings, they will know that the carrots are about to mature. Even if they are doing other things, they can rush to the computer as soon as possible and be ready to harvest.

By the way, be prepared to steal vegetables from your friends’ farms. With so many friends, there will always be people who cannot collect them at the first time due to various reasons. They steal vegetables.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The opportunity has come.

No matter how much you steal or how little you steal, as long as you steal something, you earn it. It’s really nice to get free gold coins and experience.

Therefore, based on the principle that what you steal is what you earn, the players decided to continue stealing food to the end.

The harvest time is getting closer and closer, and the players are all gearing up to harvest their own crops and go to steal their friends' farms.

On the Internet, at this time, the sounds of harvesting and stealing vegetables gradually began to sound.

"Wow haha! The first batch of crops grown in the farm career is finally about to be harvested. I feel very happy and looking forward to it now."

"Everyone planted the first batch of crops at about the same time, so the maturity time will be similar. It is estimated that most of them will differ within 10 minutes."

"The first harvest will be coming soon, and I'm a little excited now!"

"What I'm even more excited about is that I will soon be stealing vegetables for the first time. It's really exciting to think about it. I hope I am lucky enough to be able to steal more."

"So, everyone must harvest in time as soon as possible, and don't let others steal it. Although others can steal up to 40% of the output, it is also quite heartbreaking!"

"I have set the alarm clock, and I will definitely harvest it as soon as possible. So, this time I am the only one who steals from others, and others cannot steal from me."

"In short, everyone, please be prepared. I hope that while you can harvest your own crops in time, you can also steal more of your friends' crops."

"Okay, then I wish everyone good luck."



Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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