Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2050 Steal, steal, steal!

Remember in one second【】

The voices on the Internet about harvesting and stealing food are getting louder and louder, and countless people are discussing it excitedly.

As the alarm clock rang, the relevant discussions on the Internet gradually disappeared.

Because when the alarm clock rings, it means that there are only the last two minutes left before the first batch of carrots mature. Players are all focused on the carrots that are about to mature and are ready to collect them as soon as possible. Still want to continue the discussion?

At the bottom of the game interface, there is a harvesting tool for harvesting crops. Players have all selected the harvesting tool, and a hand icon appears at the mouse pointer.

This means that crops can be harvested with just a click of the mouse, and players are all ready.

There are only 10 seconds left before the carrots are ripe.

Watching the time decrease second by second, the players felt inexplicably a little nervous. They were afraid that their crops would be stolen by their friends. They felt distressed!

Of course, besides being nervous, there was more excitement and excitement. After waiting for 13 hours, the first batch of crops in the farm career was finally harvested in the last few seconds.

The players all stared with their eyes wide open. When the countdown to the maturity time turned to "0 seconds", the players became excited and clicked the mouse frantically.

The sound of "pah pah pah" is endless.

In fact, a crop only requires one click. The players themselves know this, but they still click the mouse like crazy.

One is to worry about not clicking the right button once, so click more times to be safer.

Secondly, you have to feel like this, a feeling of full harvest.

Many players clicked Harvest immediately, thinking that they would be able to harvest everything without any chance of being stolen by their friends.

But the fact is that when they succeed, the system displays information such as "Production of 17, leaving 17", "Production of 17, leaving 16", "Production of 17, leaving 15".

This means that some of the carrots in some fields have been stolen by the good guys.

"Oh no! Who stole this? I clicked on Harvest right away, and part of it was still stolen. Wasn't it too fast?"

"I also gained the first click.

Some of my carrots were also stolen, my heart aches! I don’t know if the person who stole my food has fast hands or a fast Internet connection? "

"It doesn't matter if he has fast hands or a fast Internet connection, it has been stolen anyway and can't be taken back. If we steal other people's, there will always be someone who doesn't rush and harvests it as soon as possible. Even if he is guarding The first harvest, we may also grab some, just like others also snatched some from us.”

"Of course, you must go to steal vegetables. My friends who planted them later than me and matured a little later, I'm really sorry. I came to guard your vegetables, and then stole your vegetables."

"Of course you are going to steal vegetables, but don't blame me for not reminding you, replant your land with a new batch of seeds first before going."

"Of course, I replanted it as soon as possible after harvesting. Time is money. Of course, the sooner I plant it, the better."


The players who successfully harvested the crops immediately planted new seeds and immediately attacked their friends' farms with murderous intent.

If they see crops on a friend's farm that will mature in a short period of time, they will keep guard and steal as soon as possible after the crops mature.

If they see that the crop is still a while away from maturing, they will immediately quit and move on to the next friend's farm.

If you are lucky, you will see the system prompting you to collect it as soon as you enter the farm. That will be the most exciting thing. Naturally, they will not refuse such a good thing and will enjoy stealing it.

"Haha! I was just lucky. I stole a total of 10 carrots from a friend's farm, and I stole one or two carrots from each plant. After I finished stealing, he didn't collect it yet. I guess there was something wrong and he didn't have time to collect it. How pitiful!”

"I am also very lucky. I have harvested crops on several of my friends' farms. It feels so good to steal food. I can't stop at all."

"It feels really good to steal vegetables. I can't stop. I want to steal from all my friends' farms. It's a pity that many of them were collected at the first time. I was obviously guarding the mature ones, but I only stole one or two. It's a pity. !pity!"

"Hurry, hurry up, everyone takes action and goes to steal food. It feels really good!"


After feeling the thrill of stealing food, players are even more enthusiastic about stealing food. They constantly enter their friends' farms in the friend list to look for opportunities to steal food.

This put those players who were too late to harvest in time to be in trouble. After the crops matured, only 60% of them were stolen in less than a minute of planting.

Some players hurriedly rushed to the computer and entered Xianyuan Farm, thinking that their carrots had only matured for less than a minute, so they should not have been stolen by their friends, and they could still have a full harvest.

However, when they took a closer look, they discovered that the yield of each of their carrots was only 60%, and they had been stolen to the point where they could no longer be stolen.

Fortunately, the system stipulates that the maximum amount of money that can be stolen is forty percent. Otherwise, they would definitely not be able to harvest even a single carrot.

It's only been less than a minute. Those people stealing food must have been a little too fast.

They want to cry but have no tears, so they can only

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Chang had no choice but to harvest the remaining 60% of the carrots.

After harvesting, they also joined the army of vegetable thieves. Nearly half of their own carrots were stolen, so why should they steal others' to make up for some losses?

Then, they also discovered to their surprise that stealing food felt really good!

From then on, they also fell in love with stealing vegetables. If they didn't steal some vegetables every day, they always felt like they were not doing something important.

Stealing food has become the most popular term on the Internet overnight. When everyone is chatting, they are always inseparable from stealing food.

"Oh no! Last night I stole food until after 2 a.m., and I almost couldn't get up this morning."

"I didn't want to sleep until 3 o'clock in the morning, so I finally forced myself to go to bed. Mr. Li Fan's new game is poisonous. It is much more toxic than "Plants vs. Zombies"."

"I stayed up very late last night, but I got a good harvest. I got a lot of gold coins and experience. It was so exciting!"

"The more friends you have, the greater the chance of stealing more things. No, in order to steal more food, I have to continue to add new QD friends. I only have 100 game friends now, which is really too few. ”

"Alas! Last night's harvest didn't feel very good. Let's continue today. I hope today's harvest can be better, and then I can upgrade to level 5 as soon as possible."


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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