Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2082 Anxiety

Remember in one second【】

Li Fan nodded and said no more.

Shi Kai bowed respectfully again, then went into the house, took down the guitar hanging on the wall, and then went back to the yard.

Taking the guitar out of the guitar case, Li Fan glanced at the guitar that was already in Shi Kai's hand and nodded secretly. It could be seen that this guitar was often used and had been around for many years, but the guitar itself was protected Well done.

Holding the guitar in his arms, Shi Kai sat down on a table. He was ready.

At this time, he felt that this courtyard was his stage. Li Fan's words just now gave him a clear understanding.

Therefore, he became more and more respectful to Li Fan.

"Sir, I'm ready, can we start?" Shi Kai said.

Li Fan nodded and said, "Of course."

Shi Kai nodded, brewing some emotions again, and then started playing.

Su Qing and Qin Yulin's eyes lit up. They could tell that the song Shi Kai was about to sing was about childhood.

Moreover, Shi Kai already has certain attainments in guitar. He has been able to reach this level by relying on self-study for more than ten years. It is indeed a hard work.

It can also be seen that Shi Kai really likes singing.

Li Fan also nodded. Shi Kai's guitar level was similar to what he expected. It was a level higher than what he was familiar with, but it was still far away from the master level.

Of course, it is already very good to be able to reach this level by relying entirely on self-study and training.

Moreover, this level is generally sufficient.

After the prelude, Shi Kai began to sing. Li Fan listened very carefully and nodded calmly from time to time.

Shi Kai's singing has many flaws, but he still has some singing talent. With the guidance of a famous teacher and his hard practice, he can become an excellent singer.

Shi Kai sang very focused and devotedly, and he had completely regarded the courtyard as his own stage, which made Li Fan very satisfied.

A few minutes later, Shi Kai ended his singing and said to Li Fan: "Mr.

I finished singing. "

Li Fan smiled and said, "It's not bad. If you like singing, keep at it. Maybe one day, you will suddenly succeed."

Shi Kai said: "Thank you sir, even if I don't succeed, I will persevere. I don't sing for success, just because I like to sing. I can either sing to myself and my family, or go to Mengen City to sing to unfamiliar audiences." Listen, I think it’s pretty good.”

Li Fan nodded and said, "It's getting late, we should go. I'll take this little guy with me."

Hearing Li Fan say he was leaving, Shi Kai felt a little regretful, but it was indeed getting late. Li Fan and the others had to return to Mengen City, so they really should set off.

So, Shi Kai nodded and said: "Okay sir, we will return to Mengen City now. I will ask you to take care of this little guy from now on."

Li Fan said: "I will take good care of it."

Then, Li Fan said goodbye to Shi Kai's father, mother, and grandparents. His father, mother, and grandparents stood up to see him off. Li Fan even asked a few people to stay, saying that they did not need to see him off.

But a few people still sent them some distance away, and Li Fan and the other two were very grateful.

The trip was still by camel. At the entrance of the village, Li Fan and Shi Kai got on the camel again and set off towards Mengen City.

It was a quiet journey, and when Li Fan and others arrived outside Mengen City again, it was getting late.

The owners of the other two camels came up to them, and Li Fan returned the camels to their owners. Afterwards, he paid the rent for the camels and said goodbye to Shi Kai and the owners of the other two camels.

Then, several people walked into Mengen City.

As soon as he entered the city, Qin Yulin said impatiently: "Brother-in-law, you asked that Shi Kai to sing a song live. Do you want to help him write a song?"

Li Fandao: "Probably. When we were just riding camels and walking on the edge of the desert, I suddenly had an idea. If it were written into a song, it would not be difficult to sing, and it is related to the desert and camels, so it would be quite suitable for Shi Kai to sing. . I think that young man is pretty good, and being with him on this journey is a kind of fate. Also, because of his relationship, I got this little guy, so it’s nothing to give him a song.”

After hearing this, Qin Yulin laughed and said: "In the eyes of brother-in-law, this is nothing, but to Shi Kai and the outside world, it is quite nothing. By the way, brother-in-law, I just wanted to ask you, why are you Are you so interested in this little guy? Is there anything special about this little guy?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "There is indeed something special about this little guy, and it is the kind of specialness that can only be encountered but not sought. However, you can't see it now. You have to wait until he grows up to a sufficient level. special."

"That's it." After hearing this, Qin Yulin and Su Qing took a closer look at the little guy in the bamboo cage. Indeed, they couldn't see anything special.

In this case, let's wait until the little guy grows up enough.

Then, the two women asked about the song again, but Li Fan just smiled and asked the two women to calm down, saying that when the time came, they would naturally hear the song.

The two women groaned at the same time and rolled their eyes.

At this time, several government personnel from Mengen City happened to be walking into the city from outside the city, less than a hundred meters away from Li Fan and the others.

Several people are the main people in charge of the Tengger Desert tourism development this time. They have been inspecting outside the city all day today.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

We discussed countermeasures and arrived in the city when it was almost dark.

They are becoming more and more anxious about the lack of results in tourism development in the Tengger Desert.

When this project was proposed two years ago, they were full of confidence, believing that they had finally found an effective way to improve the economy of Mengen City and surrounding villages.

In order to make preparations in advance, they also encourage and welcome investors to build more hotels and guesthouses in Mengen City.

Now, local and foreign investors have responded to their call and built many hotels and guesthouses in the city.

However, two years have passed, and there has been little improvement in tourism projects in the Tengger Desert. The occupancy rate of hotels and inns in the city is very bleak.

Investors have gradually begun to criticize this.

More importantly, when this project was proposed two years ago, the government department warned the residents of Mengen City and the surrounding villages that everyone must support, encourage, and assist the Tengger Desert. The tourism development work will definitely give everyone satisfactory results when the time comes.

The residents of Mengen City and surrounding villages have great trust in this project of the government department, and have provided support and assistance one after another, fully assisting the government department in the tourism development work of the Tengger Desert.

While everyone is giving their full support and assistance, they also maintain considerable hopes and expectations for the future.

Now two years have passed, and the tourism projects in the Tengger Desert have hardly improved, but residents still maintain their hopes and expectations.

The project leaders are all very aware of these situations.

It is precisely because they all know everything that makes them more and more anxious. They are afraid of betraying everyone's trust and expectations.

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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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