Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2083 What kind of song do you most want to sing?

Remember in one second【】

Several project leaders are very anxious and are inspecting and discussing solutions every day.

However, almost all the methods they can think of have been thought of and tried, but none of them have any effect.

How can they come up with any more effective way?

Today's time is almost wasted.

Walking into the city, one of the project leaders sighed: "It's all our fault that we were too optimistic before and gave everyone hope early. Now, I'm afraid we will gradually disappoint them."

Another project leader said: "For now, this project is not actually a failure. We have successfully developed the resources that need to be developed, and all the preparations that need to be done have been done. The only thing left is for tourists to come. ”

The person before said: "Having said that, the final step of tourists coming to your door is often the most critical and difficult. If there are no tourists coming, all the previous efforts will be in vain. Looking at the country, there are actually many failed projects like this , everything was ready, but in the end no tourists came, and the whole project had to be declared a failure.”

Another person said: "That's true. So, how can we attract tourists? This is the only work we have to do now."

The second person who spoke said: "This matter is said to be difficult, but it is actually easy to say that it is simple. Sometimes even just one influential song is enough."

The person before said: "An influential song? How influential does this song need to be? Your statement of 'only one song' is simple, but it is actually extremely difficult. Because we can't To get a song like this.”

Another person said: "That's true. If you want to have such an influential song, it can only be composed by Mr. Li Fan and related to the Tengger Desert. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible. And Mr. Li Fan composed Songs are all about chance. No one can ask Mr. Li Fan to compose a song for him. It is impossible for us to ask Mr. Li Fan to compose a song for the Tengger Desert. So, just think about this. "

The second speaker said: "That's right, we don't have such an opportunity after all. However, I believe there will always be a way, and we can't just give up. Since we have given everyone hope, we must help everyone realize their hope. "

The person before said: "That's true. It's not the time to despair yet. Since everyone believes in us so much, we must not let everyone down. Even if we try our best, we can't let everyone down."

Another person said: "Well,

If everyone works hard to think of a solution, there will eventually be a solution. "

Several project leaders were discussing as they walked, and Li Fan, who was walking not far in front of them, listened clearly to what they said.

Others could not hear their conversation, but Li Fan's hearing was extremely keen and he heard them clearly.

Li Fan couldn't help but look back and glanced in the direction of several project leaders.

When Su Qing saw Li Fan looking back, she also looked back. She didn't find anything strange, so she asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "It's nothing, I just heard a few people talking and wanted to take a look at them."

Su Qing nodded and did not continue to ask.

After that, several people went straight back to the hotel where they were staying.

The next morning, the three of them got up early. According to the plan, the three of them were going to go deep into the desert to experience it today.

Su Qing and Qin Yulin were quite excited and looking forward to it.

After breakfast, the three of them set off from the hotel without any delays along the way and arrived at the city gate again.

As soon as they left the city gate, Shi Kai came up to them. It was obvious that he deliberately waited for Li Fan and the others here.

Because Li Fan told him yesterday that he was going to the depths of the desert today.

"Sir, do you need me to accompany you?" Shi Kai asked respectfully.

Li Fan smiled and said, "We don't need it today. Just prepare three camels for us."

Shi Kai nodded and said: "Okay sir, the camel is ready for you."

If it had been yesterday, Shi Kai would have insisted on following Li Fan and the others into the desert. He wanted to ensure the safety of Li Fan and the others.

But after yesterday's contact, Shi Kai had a vague feeling that Li Fan was definitely not an ordinary person, and he did not need to worry about safety.

Therefore, he no longer insisted on accompanying him into the desert.

Then, Shi Kai led Li Fan and the others to the place where the camels were tied. They still had the same three camels from yesterday.

Li Fan took the reins of the camel and said "thank you". Then he saw Shi Kai bringing his guitar over and couldn't help but said, "You brought the guitar over too. Are you going to sing here?"

Shi Kai smiled sheepishly and said: "Yes, sir. In fact, I can feel that sir will not let me follow you into the desert today. So, I brought my guitar over and prepared it here. Sing for a while. I was deeply touched by what my husband said yesterday. He said that a person who likes to sing should get used to having his own stage everywhere. So, I will treat this city gate location as my stage today. . Not only is I here, but my partner is also here, and we are going to sing together. We used to come to Mengencheng to sing together.”

Li Fan nodded. Shi Kai did say yesterday that he has a friend from the same village who also likes to sing. They often sing together in Mengen City.

Later, Li Fan said: "Your partner is called

^0^ Remember in one second【】

what name? Is he coming? "

Shi Kai said: "His name is Luo Zhan. He is already here. He is right over there. Do you want to see him, sir?"

Li Fan nodded and said: "Now that he is here, I do want to see him."

Shi Kai said with some excitement: "Then I'll call him over. He will be very excited. In fact, he really wants to see Mr., but he doesn't dare to come to see him."

After saying that, Shi Kai ran in one direction and soon ran back with a young man about the same age as him.

The young man was also carrying a guitar, and he must be Shi Kai’s partner Luo Zhan.

Running up to him, Shi Kai said, "Sir, he is Luo Zhan."

Luo Zhan seemed a little restrained and nervous. He just said "Hello, sir" and didn't know what to say next.

Luo Zhan still doesn't know Li Fan's identity, so why he seems restrained and nervous, it must be Shi Kai who told him that Li Fan is definitely not an ordinary person.

Li Fan looked at Luo Zhan, smiled and said, "Hello, you also like singing, right?"

Luo Zhan nodded and said: "Yes, sir, I have liked it since I was a child."

Li Fan added: "If you two were given a chance to choose, what kind of song would you most like to sing? I mean a new song."

Shi Kai and Luo Zhan looked at each other. They didn't quite understand why Li Fan suddenly asked them this question, but Shi Kai still replied: "Sir, in fact, Luo Zhan and I have thought about this problem before. Our Our hometown is Tonghu Village. We have been involved with the desert and camels since we were young. We have always wanted to sing a song related to the desert and camels. Unfortunately, none of the songs currently are related to the desert and camels."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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