Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2091 Aladdin’s Magic Lamp

Remember in one second【】

A picture appeared in front of everyone present.

There are images and there are sounds.

It is their own voice and the song they hear in their ears.

"I stepped into the desert boat,

Carrying a pipe and hourglass on his back,

There was also a jug of liquor in his hand.

The long ancient road is long,

Indescribable joy, anger and sorrow,

Only the camel remains busy.


The picture continued to change according to the sounds they heard. In the picture, the person they saw looked like themselves and someone else. He turned over and exaggerated the camel next to him, carrying a pipe and an hourglass on his back, and holding a hand. Holding a jug of spirits.

The image is very strong, and what everyone sees is so real.

It was so real that they couldn't tell clearly. Is what they saw virtual or real?

The man in the picture got on the camel, carried a pipe, an hourglass, and a strong drink. What was he going to do?

Naturally, we have to cross the desert.

From then on, other troubles in the world had nothing to do with him. Only on that long ancient road, in the vast and desolate desert, could he see his lonely figure riding a camel.

The figure is lonely, but also enviable and desirable.

Yearning for the vastness, desolation and loneliness of the desert, yearning for the spiritual camels walking in the desert, carrying hope and distance.

When you are exhausted physically and mentally, when you are bored and helpless by all the distractions in the world, put your pipe and hourglass on your back, take some spirits, get on your camel, go for a walk in the desert, and put down everything. Everything seems to be a good choice.

However, when you are entangled in worldly matters, how many people can go for a walk in the desert without worries?

Therefore, the figure walking alone in the desert is certainly distressing, but also enviable and desirable.

"What ghost legends?

What kind of ghosts and demons?

Only the herons and eagles sang quietly.

The yellow sand flies across the sky,

Visit every corner,

Walking in the endless vast river of stars.


The singing continued, some hoarse, some high-pitched, and the scenes seen by everyone present also continued.

No matter what ghosts and legends it is, no matter what ghosts and demons it is, no matter what kind of yellow sand fills the sky, all those obstacles of hatred and resentment that block the eyes are treated as if they don’t exist and can’t be seen.

As long as you walk forward, you can hear the faint singing of the herons and eagles in the sky, and you can see the endless vast stars.

Those are where hope lies.

"Day and night intersect,

So enchanting and graceful,

The years are wasted and the self is wasted.

There are too many lost paths ahead,

Perseverance can lead to freedom and ease,

When you step out of the darkness, you will be free and happy.


Day and night are so distinct, and when they intersect, they are so enchanting and graceful.

Especially in the desolate and lonely desert with vast stars and rivers, the interlaced images are definitely more enchanting and graceful.

No one can deny its enchantment, and no one can deny its gracefulness, even those who have never seen such a scene.

The scene of day and night interlacing is so enchanting and graceful, but for many people, time also flies by in such an enchanting interlacing.

Time is wasted, years are wasted, and self is wasted. The long road of life is like the desert in front of us, desolate, lonely, and too many lost ways.

But if you can keep moving forward, you will definitely be able to cross the lost path ahead, walk out of the darkness, and become free and happy.

The singing paused, but the rhythm of the melody was still cheerful and free, just like the person walking alone in the desert, who finally crossed the desert, lost his way, walked out of the darkness, and became carefree and happy.

It was as if one could hear the person's extremely free and easy laughter.

The scene in front of everyone at the scene still hadn't disappeared. They saw and heard the man laughing.

The picture in front of me is still following the melody, swinging rhythmically, which is cheerful and free.

At this time, the singing paused, and everyone's thoughts should have temporarily withdrawn from the singing, and then felt shocked, surprised, excited and excited.

Because a song that they were not optimistic about originally made them fascinated like a man possessed.

But the fact is not like this. They are neither shocked, surprised, nor excited and excited.

Because their thoughts have not yet come out of the singing, they are still fascinated.

Until the song comes out again.

"I seek desert oases,

A mirage appears,

I seemed to see her waiting there.

Thinking of her tenderness,

Burning my chest,

Lost in the pot of old wine last night.


In the barren desert, always look for an oasis, because the oasis represents life and hope.

In the process of looking for an oasis, mirages often appear.

The mirage is illusory, but it is so real in the eyes of those looking for an oasis in the desert.

Not only is it true, it's also very beautiful.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Beautiful places often have beautiful things, and the most beautiful thing is naturally the one you love waiting there.

I think of her tenderness and how she used to lean on my chest. Everything is beautiful, but unfortunately I can only use the word "remember" now.

Everything is in the past, and she will only appear in the mirage again. You can see it, but you can no longer touch her hair, her cheeks, and her tenderness.

Love has joys and sorrows, regrets and misses.

Perhaps, everyone will meet someone who wants to love but misses it.

Love is never perfect again.

Everyone sighed softly. At this time, they were probably really getting lost in the pot of old wine last night.

"I put on my big leather shoes,

Across the harsh wilderness,

I felt like I was transported to another world.

Aladdin's lamp is tilted,

Heaven and hell have overlapped,

Suddenly a butterfly flew up.


The lost love cannot come back again. Occasionally, I can still see her face and think of her tenderness. It is enough.

Bury love deep in your heart, don't touch it for the time being, put on your big leather shoes, and cross the country in the cold wilderness, as if you have entered another world.

What kind of world is that?

It was a beautiful fairy tale world, a fairy tale about the beautiful love between Aladdin and the princess.

Beautiful love often only exists in fairy tales.

Aladdin, a poor and kind-hearted young man, lives in the west of China.

One day, a magician found him.

The magician claims to be the younger brother of Aladdin's deceased father. He pretends to be Aladdin's uncle in order to get Aladdin to help him get a treasure.

The treasure only Aladdin can get is an old oil lamp.

The magician took Aladdin to where the oil lamp was and told him how to get it.

Aladdin did as he was told and finally got the oil lamp successfully.

However, an accident occurred when Aladdin returned and was trapped underground by the magician.

Aladdin finally understood that the magician was not his uncle, he was just using him to help him get the oil lamp.

Fortunately, Aladdin did not hand over the oil lamp to the magician. Aladdin looked at the oil lamp and wiped it with his hand, and a magical scene appeared.

A giant god stood in front of Aladdin, calling himself master and asking Aladdin what his orders were.

It turned out that it was not an ordinary oil lamp, but a magic lamp.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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