Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2092 From a legendary character

Remember in one second【】

The oil lamp that Aladdin got was not an ordinary oil lamp, but a magic lamp.

However, although Aladdin owned the magic lamp, he never used it lightly and only relied on it to do a small business to make a living.

Then one day, Aladdin met the beautiful princess, and from then on he began to neglect food and drink. Later, with the help of the magic lamp, he successfully married the beautiful princess back home.

But the story is not over yet. The magician learned of this situation and decided to take revenge on Aladdin and take away Aladdin's magic lamp.

In the end, the magician successfully deceived the magic lamp from the princess, kidnapped the princess and brought her to his territory.

When Aladdin returns from hunting, he sees that his wife and magic lamp are gone, and he realizes that it was the magician who did it.

Aladdin spent a long time and finally reached the distant magician's territory. He saw his wife who was imprisoned by the magician.

He discussed with his wife and finally defeated the magician through strategies and regained the magic lamp.

Aladdin returned to his residence with his wife and magic lamp.

From then on, he hid the magic lamp deeply and never used it easily. The sweet life of him and his wife was never disturbed again.

Fairy tales are always beautiful, and the love in fairy tales is always beautiful.

Heaven and hell have overlapped, and suddenly a butterfly flies in.

A butterfly's wings will trigger a series of reactions, and many things may change and become unpredictable.

A butterfly in the Amazon rainforest in South America, flapping its wings occasionally, can cause a tornado in Texas two weeks later.

The butterfly effect may seem over-the-top, but in theory, it is undoubtedly correct.

So, reality or fairy tale? Maybe it's a bit unclear.

Many times, everyone can only dream about the world in fairy tales and live in the real world.

However, when our mentality is good enough and our body is healthy enough, we will find that the real world is also very beautiful.

Even more beautiful than the world in fairy tales.

"What ghost legends?

What kind of ghosts and demons?

Only the herons and eagles sang quietly.


When such singing came again, many people couldn't help but hum along.

"I have fallen into this magical kingdom,

Camel bells accompany the road to the church,

Forgive me for being in a trance and getting lost,

Covering his eyes,

drowned out intention,

How could he be conquered like this.


Who has not been lost? There are so many crossroads in the vast road of life. Even if you are not at the crossroads, there may be all kinds of obsessions, resentments, and obstacles ahead at any time, and it is inevitable to get lost.

It's not terrible to be lost. Even if your eyes are covered, even if your intentions are drowned, as long as you roar in your heart, don't be conquered like this.

Then, you will eventually be able to see the red sun when the clouds open, and the bright moon when the clouds and mist are cleared.

"What ghost legends?

What kind of ghosts and demons?

Only the herons and eagles sang quietly.

Back to the beginning in the dream,

The waves rise and fall,

Hesitating about the future and feeling lonely.

The long journey of life,

Countless flowers bloom and fall,

How can the boiling time be wasted.

From early morning to dusk,

Birds flock across the sky,

The swaying sky traces the loess.

Oriental fish belly comes out white,

The scorching sun blooms and reveals.

Putting aside the dust, I have embarked on my return journey. "

When Shi Kai and Luo Zhan finished singing the last line of lyrics, the brisk, free and easy melody with a clear rhythm suddenly came to an abrupt end in a very short period of time.

At this time, the minds of everyone at the scene were still stuck on the last line of the lyrics. When the fish belly came out white in the east, when the scorching sun began to appear in the sky, the lonely figure in the desert had put down its dust and started to return home.

Go back, go back, when you are no longer lost, when you have let go of all the dust, then it is time to go back.

The hearts of those who are on their way home are always warm, and the hearts of everyone present are also warm at this time. Many people have a faint smile on their lips.

However, the sudden stop of the melody made everyone suddenly feel a little melancholy. They didn't want the singing and melody to end like this.

But both the singing and the melody have finally come to an end.

At least it's over for now.

The people who fell into melancholy slowly returned to reality and slowly heard some other voices.

Everyone's minds began to slowly think about other things.

Everyone turned their heads and saw the scene around them. At first, their eyes were a little confused.

It seems that he is still thinking in his heart, why are there so many people around here? Why am I here? What am I doing here? What just happened? What did I just hear and see?

Of course, this kind of confusion only lasted for a moment, and everyone quickly reacted.

After reacting, everyone was extremely shocked for the first time!

They remembered, remembered them

^0^ Remember in one second【】

What are you doing here?

The reason why there are so many people gathered here is to listen to the two young men in the crowd singing an original new song called "Desert Camel".

They also remembered that before the two young men started singing, they thought that the quality of "Desert Camel" must not be very good.

However, the fact is that as soon as the two young men opened their mouths, or even when the prelude just started playing, they were like possessed, completely brought into the song, and saw the extreme scenes displayed by the singing. Real picture.

They couldn't extricate themselves from the scene and the singing.

When they thought of this, they were extremely shocked and felt as unreal as a dream.

But they knew that it was all true. They had just fallen into the song called "Desert Camel" and couldn't extricate themselves.

Why is this happening?

Is that song too good?

No, that song is definitely not as simple as being great.

In other words, just using the word "excellent" cannot describe the success of that song.

That's not excellence, that's a kind of magical magic that can make people fall into it and be unable to extricate themselves.

What kind of song is that? Everyone present felt that they could not use words to describe it accurately.

All they knew was that this song was by no means composed by an ordinary musician.

By the way, by the way, I remembered that before singing, the young man named Shi Kai seemed to have said this, saying that this song came from a legend.

At that time, everyone didn’t think much about this sentence, or even noticed it at all.

But now, when everyone was thinking about this sentence, they discovered that Shi Kai revealed an extremely important information to everyone through this sentence.

An information about the author of "Desert Camel".

Moreover, this information is not difficult to guess.

From legend? Naturally, it doesn’t really come from a legend, but from a legendary character.

The answer is already coming.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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