Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2094 Shoot a short video

Remember in a second【】

After listening to Shi Kai's story about "The Desert Camel", all the people at the scene were moved and envious.

Apart from this, he seemed very excited. There is no doubt that the stories Li Fan left in Menggen City, Tonghu Village, and Tengger Desert this time will form a new story along with "Desert Camel". legend story.

Although they are not direct participants, they can be regarded as witnesses, and they are also beneficiaries, which makes them feel excited.

In addition, what is certain is that Li Fan was in Menggen City yesterday and the day before yesterday, and also went to the Tengger Desert, which made them proud. Although he didn't know why Li Fan came here, there was always a reason.

No matter what the reason is, since Li Fan came here, it is enough to make them feel proud, proud of Menggen City, and proud of Tengger Desert.

Not only are they proud, they also have a feeling of following in Li Fan's footsteps, which makes them feel excited.

After a long period of emotion and excitement, everyone at the scene raised a new desire, asking Shi Kai and Luo Zhan to sing "Desert Camel" again.

This song is poisonous. Although they have only listened to it once, they are completely unable to get out of the song. If possible, they hope to repeat this song as a single.

Especially in this situation, the ancient city gate that shows the traces of time, outside the city gate is a desert of yellow sand, a dozen camels are wandering a little far away, a group of people are listening, and two singers are singing live .

Such a scene is undoubtedly more emotional and emotional than a person listening to this song quietly through a broadcasting device in other places.

Therefore, everyone at the scene has sunk, and now they just want to hear the two boys sing "Desert Camel".

Shi Kai and Luo Zhan were also affected by the emotions at the scene. People around were willing to listen, so they were naturally willing to sing.

They are ready to sing again.

But at this moment, several voices came out at the same time, "Please wait a moment, please wait a moment before singing, and please wait a moment before listening."

The people who spoke were the project leaders. They didn't want to stop Shi Kai and Luo Zhan from singing again, but they had better ideas.

They are already sure that when the song, and the story about it, spreads on the Internet, the Tengger Desert's popularity will increase dramatically,

There will be a lot of tourists, following Li Fan's footsteps and coming here admiringly.

Originally, this was enough.

However, just now when Shi Kai and Luo Zhan sang it again after hearing the eagerness of the people around , That is to shoot this situation and scene into a video clip, and let the shot clip be circulated on the Internet.

In this way, its appeal will definitely be much stronger than that of the song alone.

The equipment used for shooting does not need to be very good, as long as it is clear, the mobile phone can shoot. The photographer does not need to be too professional, too professional will make people feel deliberate.

So, it can be done right away.

Several project leaders became more excited and excited as they thought about it, and immediately stopped Shi Kai and Luo Zhan who were about to start singing again.

Shi Kai, Luo Zhan, and most of the people at the scene knew several project leaders.

For the past two years, several project leaders have often made relevant introductions and publicity in Menggen City or several surrounding villages.

Therefore, most people know each other.

It's just that everyone doesn't quite understand what is the intention of several responsible persons to stop suddenly?

Shouldn't the two be allowed to continue singing?

This is impossible, everyone listens to the music here, and there is no hidden danger.

Everyone was very suspicious, and when they made a passage for them, they all stared at them.

Several people in charge could feel the meaning of everyone's gaze, so they walked to the center of the crowd, and after they got to Shi Kai and Luo Zhan, they quickly apologized to everyone, and one of them said, "Don't get me wrong, we are not To prevent everyone from continuing to listen to the song, I have an idea that requires everyone's cooperation."

Everyone around breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they don't stop everyone from continuing to listen to the song, as for what kind of ideas they have, everyone just cooperates.

Everyone expressed that they were willing to cooperate with whatever ideas they had.

Several people in charge expressed their thanks again, and one of them then told everyone about their idea of ​​shooting a short video.

In the end, he said that for the sake of our Menggen City and the surrounding villages, I hope everyone can cooperate. He also said that this video must have a live audience, so each of you is very important.

After the several responsible persons finished speaking, they were a little worried that everyone would not cooperate, but their worries were obviously completely superfluous.

First of all, Shi Kai and Luo Zhan are definitely willing to cooperate.

Then, after listening to the thoughts of several project leaders, everyone at the scene couldn't help thinking that if they were to be filmed as short videos, wouldn't that mean that they could all show their faces on camera?

This is a short video about the legendary story of Li Fan and "The Desert Camel". This short video is destined to spread to every corner of the country, destined to be sought after by countless people, and destined to make countless people addicted.

And there are them in this short film, and they will follow the short film and become part of Li Fan's new legend this time.

Thinking of this, their entire minds are filled with unprecedented

^0^ Remember in a second【】

Excited and excited, as well as all kinds of longings after the short film spreads, how could they not be willing to cooperate?

The worries of several project leaders are completely unnecessary.

Everyone at the scene burst out with unprecedented enthusiasm, and they all excitedly expressed that they were willing to cooperate, no matter what they were asked to do, they were willing to cooperate.

Many people are already secretly arranging their makeup, especially those young boys and girls, tearing and tearing their clothes, using their mobile phones as mirrors, and taking pictures again and again.

They want to show their most beautiful selves in front of countless people across the country.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the crowd at the scene, the several persons in charge breathed a sigh of relief, but were also affected by the enthusiasm of the crowd at the scene. They were more motivated than before, and immediately began to talk to Shi Kai, Luo Zhan, and the crowd Discuss specific shooting plans.

Although it was an impromptu shooting, some arrangements should be made simply.

After the discussion, everything officially started, and the two directors were personally responsible for the shooting.

Shi Kai and Luo Zhan began to sing again, and the people around finally heard the song again, which made them intoxicated.

In the distance, Li Fan looked at the busy crowd and smiled faintly.

Li Fan also agrees with the approach of several project leaders, it is indeed a good idea.



Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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