Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2095 I'm going to the desert!

Remember in a second【】

After watching a group of people filming for a while, Li Fan, Su Qing, and Qin Yulin returned to the city.

Tomorrow, the three of them will leave Menggen City.

This time, Qin Yulin came here mainly because he wanted to experience the desert. Now that he had experienced the desert, it was time to leave.

For Li Fan, the harvest this time is not small. In addition to getting a suitable opportunity to bring "Desert Camel" to this world, the most important thing is because he met someone with a talent potential as high as 90%. Nine, the guy with the ability to fly.

This kind of guy is hard to come by. Li Fan's trip to the desert this time is obviously very lucky.

Of course, for that little guy, it was a huge opportunity.

Because, although its talent potential is very high, if you don't meet Li Fan, such a high talent potential is actually useless. If you can grow up successfully, at most it will be smarter and stronger than those ordinary snake vultures That's all.

Only when he meets Li Fan, with the help of Qiling Pill and Xianyuan Space, can he mutate with 99% of his innate potential, and finally be reborn and grow into a powerful beast.


outside the city gate.

Under the organization, arrangement, and command of several project leaders, the shooting process went very smoothly.

The ancient city gates and city walls with the traces of time, the barren desert with yellow sand, the camels walking alone, a group of people gathered together, listening to two young men's selfless singing, etc., were all photographed.

It didn't take too long for the shooting to be completed.

After that, everyone got together to see the effect of the shooting. The shooting equipment was not high-end, and the shooting was not professional, but in the eyes of everyone, it was very contagious.

Several project leaders were very satisfied with the effect, and excitedly announced the end of work.

The next thing is simple, you only need to upload the video to the Internet, and you don’t need to deliberately promote it. Several project leaders believe that the video can be fermented by itself.

Once fermented, it will spread to the entire network at an extremely fast speed, without any deliberate publicity at all.



For many people today, it is already an essential thing.

If there is no music, for many people, they will feel that life has lost its original color.

When I am happy, when I am sad, when I am confused, when I am broken in love, and many, many times, I want to listen to music.

Of course, the premise is good music.

The best and most anticipated music in the country is naturally Li Fan's music.

It's a pity that Li Fan's music is really too little.

Everyone knows that it may only take a few minutes for Li Fan to write a song, but the key is for Li Fan to be interested in writing a song, or if anyone has the opportunity to get a song by Li Fan, Then it will take a long time to wait.

Moreover, the time is not fixed, no one knows when Li Fan will suddenly release a new song.

When other musicians or singers want to release a new song, the major music websites are constantly promoting and warming up, just to make the upcoming new song achieve a slightly better result.

And when Li Fan releases a new song, it will either be sung by a certain singer on a certain street or in a certain alley, or it will suddenly and quietly appear on the Internet.

Of course, there are also things that are known in advance, such as the song "A Laugh from the Sea" composed for Gu Yong's "Swordsman".

But what people know is just one or two songs, and most of the songs come out of nowhere.

Therefore, for all people, there is such an expectation in their hearts, when they can suddenly hear Li Fan's latest song.

Moreover, everyone has made such preparations, even if someone suddenly tells them that Li Fan has released a new song, they will not be surprised.

Because, Li Fan's new song is just like this.

However, that being said, if someone suddenly told them that when Li Fan released a new song, would they choose to believe it immediately? It is estimated that a question mark is still needed.

There is also a reason for this, because Li Fan will never release a new song easily, and it is very difficult to wait for a new song by Li Fan.

A famous music forum.

"Mr. Li Fan hasn't released a new song for a long time. Although the songs released by other musicians are very good, they are far behind when compared with Mr. Li Fan's works. I really want to hear Li Fan's songs. Mr. Fan's new song!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense, how can the works of other musicians be compared with those of Mr. Li Fan? As I said earlier, there are two types of musicians in Huaguo. The first is Mr. Li Fan, and the first is Mr. Li Fan." The second is other musicians. Everyone is looking forward to Mr. Li Fan's new song at any time, but unfortunately, Mr. Li Fan will not release new songs easily."

"It's been a long time since Mr. Li Fan's last song "A Laugh From the Sea". Maybe, Mr. Li Fan will give me a surprise soon."

"This possibility does exist. It's not because it's been so long since Mr. Li Fan's last song, but because Mr. Li Fan's new song may appear at any time. If two songs appear in succession, then It's also possible."

"Mr. Li Fan's new songs need opportunities, which cannot be found. In addition to Mr. Li Fan's new songs, I also hope that other musicians can create more songs.

^0^ Remember in a second【】

Good songs, don't expect them to reach the height of Mr. Li Fan, at least they must be high-quality. It's a pity that there are very few fine products! "

"That's something that can't be helped. It may be easy to create a song, but it's extremely difficult to create a high-quality song. We also need to understand those musicians."

"During this period, many musicians and singers are promoting new songs. A new song will be released almost every day, and the quality is not bad. If you listen to it more, you should be able to find your favorite song."

"Those new songs are okay. Without Mr. Li Fan's new songs, we can only listen to those new songs."


Everyone is discussing music, discussing new songs, and these voices are also normal voices that should be on the forum.

However, some seemingly unusual voices suddenly appeared on the forum.

"Desert! Desert! I'm going for a walk in the desert, I'm going to cross the desert, I'm going to find my true self. God! I'm going to the desert!"

"I want to carry a pipe and an hourglass on my back, I want to take a jug of spirits, and then step on the boat of the desert, let go of everything in the world, and pursue the desolation and loneliness of the desert."

"The desert is lonely, and people who walk alone in the desert are even more lonely, but I don't think they are lonely, because they have an oasis in their hearts, there is hope, no matter what ghosts and legends it is, no matter what ghosts and monsters it is, as long as they go forward OK, you can walk out of the darkness, and be free and happy. Suddenly, I yearn for their figures walking alone."



Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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