Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2104 Gu Yong willing to make a move?

Remember in a second【】

The other members of the program team expressed their opinions one after another, and they were in a good mood. Their previous cheers were loud, and spread out of the office area of ​​the "Late Night Ghost Stories" program group, and reached the ears of some other program members.

What's happening here? Why did the crew of "Late Night Ghost Stories" cheer suddenly? Shouldn't they be very depressed at this time?

Everyone who heard the cheers felt very strange, the cheers were too abnormal.

Abnormal situations tend to spread faster.

Soon, almost the entire station knew about it.

Jiang Rui, the program director of "Music Frontline", Lu Yue, the program director of "Night Talk Tonight", and those who are on the same line as them have also heard about it.

All the people in the radio station couldn't figure out the situation. With strong curiosity, some people walked into the "Late Night Ghost Stories" program group to inquire about the situation.

The "Late Night Ghost Stories" program group did not hide it, of course they didn't need to hide it, their "Late Night Ghost Stories" is about to return to the peak, and even surpass the previous peak to form a new peak, they should be proud and proud.

They could feel that most of the other people on the radio station looked at them with sympathy, and a small part was gloating.

Now, they don't need sympathy and won't let those who gloat get their way.

They didn't hide why they were cheering.

Soon, everyone in the radio station knew the reason.

After knowing the reason, many people couldn't believe that Gu Yong was really willing to help them create a story?

Everyone was saying before that if "Late Night Ghost Stories" wanted to bring the dead back to life, they had to ask one of Li Fan and Guyong to create a story for them.

Now, it has come true?

The always mysterious Guyong is really willing to help? This is not true, is it?

Almost everyone couldn't believe it, but the program crew of "Late Night Ghost Stories" couldn't make fun of such things.

Then, it's really true.

The director of the program, Feng Ge, is quite capable, and he actually hired the mysterious Guyong.

If Gu Yong made a move, "Late Night Ghost Stories" should really be brought back to life.

From everyone's point of view, it was incredible that Gu Yong was willing to make a move.

Everyone in the radio station was discussing this matter for a while.


Director's Office.

Director Yuan Hongzhi felt a little unbelievable. Looking at Feng Ge who came to report, he said, "Old Feng, how did you ask Gu Yong to take action? Even I, I am not sure that I can ask Gu Yong to take action."

Feng Ge smiled and explained the reason.

Yuan Hongzhi was stunned, nodded and said: "So that's the case. With Mr. Zheng coming forward, it's really not difficult. There are rumors that Li Fan and Guyong have a very close relationship, and now it seems that it should be so."

Feng Ge said: "Both of them are unborn geniuses, and they will definitely cherish each other."

Yuan Hongzhi said: "That's true. Old Feng, do you think Gu Yong's works can really bring "Late Night Ghost Stories" back to life?"

Feng Ge said: "Of course, I have no doubts about this. Moreover, what this work brings to our radio station may not just be as simple as bringing "Late Night Ghost Stories" back to life."

"Oh?" Yuan Hongzhi looked at Feng Ge and said, "Old Feng, what do you mean?"

Feng Ge said: "It's hard to say now. However, I am looking forward to it!"

Yuan Hongzhi nodded slowly. Of course he could understand what Feng Ge meant just now, but is it really possible?

If there is, it will be a boon for the entire station. Even the gospel of the entire radio station.


For the majority of people in the radio station, Gu Yong was willing to take action on this matter. While they felt incredible, they naturally felt that this was a good thing worthy of their celebration.

After all, for them, they don't want to see the once brilliant "Late Night Ghost Stories" disappear completely like this.

However, for Lu Yue, the director of the "Night Talk Tonight" program, this is definitely not a good thing.

Although he had thought before that even if Li Fan or Guyong were really willing to take action, they would not be able to save "Late Night Ghost Stories", and he found a reason.

But now, when Gu Yong was really willing to make a move, Lu Yue suddenly became nervous and uneasy, and began to doubt his previous judgment.

He didn't want to, he also wanted to stick to his own judgment, but that was Gu Yong after all.

Now, he needs someone on the same front to tell him that even if Gu Yong makes a move, he will still be powerless.

In that chat group, Lu Yue said: "I didn't expect Director Feng to really invite Gu Yong, which is really great. In this way, "Late Night Ghost Stories" may really come back to life. I am happy, for "Late Night Ghost Stories" is happy, and I am also happy for Director Feng."

After saying this, Lu Yue himself felt tired. He obviously didn't think so, but he just wanted to say it. Can you not be tired?

Jiang Rui, who was in the same group, met him, but this time he didn't despise Lu Yue's duplicity.

Because, he is not in that mood now, and Gu Yong is really willing to make a move, which makes him feel very uncomfortable.

What he was looking forward to, the cancellation of "Late Night Ghost Stories", is it going to be a scandal?

Is "Late Night Ghost Stories" really coming back to life?

^0^ Remember in a second【】

Jiang Rui felt irritated for no reason, how could he have the mood to despise Lu Yue's duplicity?

After a while of irritability, Jiang Rui thought about it carefully, and then found that he seemed to be able to stop being irritated.

Because, he found that he really thought that their previous analysis that even Li Fan and Guyong could not save "Late Night Ghost Stories" was undoubtedly correct.

In this way, Jiang Rui suddenly became relaxed again. In the group, he replied to Lu Yue and said: "Director Lu, there is no need to worry. As we analyzed before, even Gu Yong can't save "Late Night Ghost Stories". Director Lu's "Night Talk Tonight" will definitely be broadcast as scheduled. .”

Seeing this, Lu Yue's eyes suddenly brightened, and he said, "Does Director Jiang really think so? Even if Gu Yong takes action, is it really useless?"

Jiang Rui said: "Of course, we have analyzed the reasons in detail before. Director Lu thinks carefully, which of those reasons is unreasonable?"

Lu Yue thought about it, and it was true that those reasons were all very reasonable. It seems that he is really worrying too much, he shouldn't doubt his previous judgment.

In this way, Lu Yue was no longer nervous or uneasy, and his thinking became active again, thinking, "Gu Yong's willingness to make a move doesn't seem to be a bad thing."

Because, if even Gu Yong can't save "Late Night Ghost Stories", it undoubtedly proves that ghost stories and supernatural stories should really be completely eliminated.

"Late Night Ghost Stories" is not only being cut now, but there will be no chance of its resurgence in the future.

Good thing ah good thing! This is a good thing!

Lu Yue's mood became better again.


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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