Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2105 Is it finally going to stop broadcasting?

Remember in a second【】

Lu Yue's mood became good again, and Jiang Rui could naturally think of what he could think of.

In the group, Jiang Rui said: "Actually, it is not necessarily a bad thing that Guyong is willing to take action. A week later, "Late Night Ghost Stories" is still unable to recover. Even Guyong can't save, that is enough to show that ghost stories, Ghost stories have really been eliminated by the market. "Late Night Ghost Stories" will disappear completely from now on, and there will be no chance of making a comeback."

Seeing Jiang Rui say this, Lu Yue felt better. It seemed that he was not the only one who thought this way, so he felt more at ease.

However, his words said: "Director Jiang's words do have some truth. However, it is Gu Yong after all, and there may still be a lot of changes. If there are changes, we should also support "Late Night Ghost" Happy with the story."

When Jiang Rui saw it, he once again despised it in his heart, and it was too hypocritical. You say that you are hypocritical in front of other people, that is understandable, the people in this group are all on the same front, you are a hypocrite, and you are afraid that what you say will not be spread?

Jiang Rui was very contemptuous and wanted to kick Lu Yue out of the group. He was the leader of the group and he could kick whoever he wanted.

Fortunately, other people in the group were not as hypocritical as Lu Yue, and they all agreed with his words.

"Director Jiang is right, so what if Gu Yong makes a move? Not only is it still powerless, but it also proves that ghost stories and supernatural stories are true and completely dead."

"That is, Gu Yong's move will indeed make the last week's drama more exciting, but the ending is destined to be the same as before."

"It's a good thing that Gu Yong made a move. Anyway, the ending is the same. The process is more exciting, and we will enjoy watching it even more."

"Who said it wasn't? They thought that everything would be fine if they invited Gu Yong to take action. This is obviously overthinking."

"Isn't this better? They used to imagine that Li Fan or Guyong could save them, but now that even Guyong can't save them, they will be completely desperate. From then on, their hearts are ashamed, and it feels good to think about it." !"

"Haha! That's true."


Seeing these, Jiang Rui smiled, and Lu Yue also smiled.


the number of listeners to the radio station,

It is indeed decreasing every year, but because of the large population of Huaguo and the large audience base in the past, although the number of audiences is decreasing every year, so far, the number of audiences is still quite a lot, at least tens of millions.

The number of listeners of CCTV radio station is naturally very large.

However, "Late Night Ghost Stories" is very regrettable, there are not many listeners left.

As for the few remaining listeners, they just continued to listen with a feeling, rather than because the stories being told in "Late Night Ghost Stories" are still so attractive to them.

Every night at 11 o'clock, they will listen to "Late Night Ghost Stories" on time, which is a kind of feeling and a habit for them.

They also communicate on the Internet at any time, and they also feel very sad and regretful that "Late Night Ghost Stories" is no longer brilliant.

"Hey! The number of listeners to "Late Night Ghost Stories" is getting smaller and smaller, and I don't know when, I won't continue to listen to it."

"Actually, I don't want to listen to it anymore. The more I listen to these stories now, the more boring they become. It's all about the content. I don't have much interest in listening to it. But every night Listening to it on time at 11 o'clock has become my habit, and I can't fall asleep if I don't listen to it. Alas!"

"It is true that these stories are becoming more and more boring now. Even the stories told by my favorite Ai Baoliang are not very interesting. But as you said, listening to them every night has become a habit. Obviously don't want to I have listened, but I still listen to it every night, and this feeling is somewhat painful."

"Hey! Everyone can still listen now, just try to listen. Maybe, in a short time, even if we want to, we won't be able to hear it anymore."

"What's wrong? Is it finally going to stop?"

"It should be. It is reported that the audience rating of "Late Night Ghost Stories" has been at the bottom with very low data for a long time. CCTV finally made a decision to suspend "Late Night Ghost Stories" .Moreover, it is said that there is only one more week for "Late Night Ghost Stories"."

"The last week? Who did you listen to? Is the news accurate?"

"It is said that it came from inside the CCTV broadcasting station, so it should be accurate."

After that, there was a long period of silence on the Internet, and then voices slowly started to come back.

"Hey! Is it finally going to stop? In fact, we have already made psychological preparations. We have heard that the audience rating of "Late Night Ghost Stories" is very poor. It will be a matter of time before the broadcast is stopped."

"Yeah, it will be a matter of time before the broadcast stops, but thinking about the time when it was at its peak, it always makes people feel sad and sad."

""Late Night Ghost Stories" has been with us for several years, just like accompanying me to my youth. Now, "Late Night Ghost Stories" is about to stop broadcasting, and our youth is gone. Alas!"

"I've been thinking about when I might stop listening to it. Now, I don't have to think about it anymore. It's okay to stop broadcasting, but I always feel a little sad."

"Every night in the dead of night, "Late Night Ghost Stories" is always with me. Listening to it, I feel very kind, and after listening to it, I can always fall asleep peacefully. If "Late Night Ghost Stories" is off the air, I will not get used to it , but this seems unavoidable.

^0^ Remember in a second【】

well! "


The news that "Late Night Ghost Stories" was about to be discontinued spread quickly on the Internet.

In the past, "Late Night Ghost Stories" had a very large audience, but in the past two years, the audience has gradually decreased.

Some of them still have the habit of listening to the radio, but they no longer listen to "Late Night Ghost Stories".

The other person no longer listens to the radio, but only occasionally.

Now, they all know the news that "Late Night Ghost Stories" will be discontinued.

After knowing it, their reactions were almost the same, they were all silent for a while, and then sighed softly.

Is it finally going to stop?

Originally, they no longer paid attention to "Late Night Ghost Stories", and hadn't heard any news about "Late Night Ghost Stories" for a while.

But they still knew the news that "Late Night Ghost Stories" was going to be discontinued.

Hearing the news about "Late Night Ghost Stories" again, but it is about to be discontinued, it will make people feel sad.

Knowing the news, the memories and feelings that had been blurred gradually became clear again.

They remembered again that "Late Night Ghost Stories" had accompanied them every lonely night they spent.


:. :

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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