Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2106 Who can break the cage for them?

Remember in a second【】

Then, they sighed softly again.

Although they no longer listen to "Late Night Ghost Stories", their feelings and memories of "Late Night Ghost Stories" are still there.

They hoped that "Late Night Ghost Stories" would continue to be told live, and although they no longer listened to it, they still hoped so.

One is because they don't hope that "Late Night Ghost Stories", which has accompanied them for countless nights, will stop broadcasting one day.

Second, they hope that one night in the future, when they suddenly think of "Late Night Ghost Stories" and want to listen to it again, they can still hear it again.

That way, they will feel at ease.

If they want to listen to "Deep Meaning Ghost Stories" again on a lonely night, they can't find it anymore.

They thought that at that time they must be quite sad.

And now, finally came the news that "Late Night Ghost Stories" will be discontinued, and their hope will no longer be hope.

On the Internet, they expressed their sighs and regrets. It has been a long time since they said anything about "Late Night Ghost Stories" on the Internet.

"Oh! I finally heard the news that "Late Night Ghost Stories" will be discontinued. Although I haven't listened to it for several months, I still feel sad when I hear the news."

"Indeed, a show that was once very popular is now going to be suspended. In the final analysis, the stories being broadcast now are no longer good. If there are attractive stories, it should not be suspended."

"This is not nonsense. If there are attractive stories, more people will listen to them, and the ratings will be higher. How can they be suspended? The key is that there are no good stories. In the past, they used to be those routines. I feel bored. It is impossible for those writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories to get out of the current routine."

"That's true. The suspension of "Late Night Ghost Stories" actually reflects a problem, that is, the works created by ghost story writers and supernatural story writers have become very routine. It has always been like that in the past. See From the beginning, I was able to describe the process and the ending in a very different way. However, the process and the ending are mostly similar in terms of description and expression. How can such a work be interesting? Unless it is purely new Readers. But this kind of work is already a niche work, so how can there be so many new readers? Sigh! I think this kind of work is going to be completely finished."

"Who said it wasn't? It's a real shame.



As everyone talked, they talked about the root cause of the suspension of "Late Night Ghost Stories", that is, these ghost story writers and ghost story writers can no longer create interesting works.

In other words, these current writers have approached an invisible cage of routines.

This invisible cage of routines bound them firmly, making it impossible for them to innovate and break through.

Speaking of this issue, it quickly aroused resonance among readers of other ghost stories and supernatural stories on the Internet.

Whether it was before or now, most of the listeners who like to listen to "Late Night Ghost Stories" can be regarded as lovers of ghost stories and supernatural stories.

But lovers of ghost stories and supernatural stories are far from the audience of "Late Night Ghost Stories".

Many people don't have the habit of listening to the radio, so naturally they don't listen to "Late Night Ghost Stories", but they like to watch ghost stories and supernatural stories.

Ghost stories and ghost stories belong to the niche category, and people who like them are often very loyal. If you like to read them, you will always like to read them.

But now, they can also feel more and more that the current ghost stories and supernatural stories are less and less interesting.

In the words of the listeners of "Late Night Ghost Stories", the current ghost stories and ghost stories are too routine, and the more they read, the more boring they feel.

Fans of ghost stories and supernatural stories accidentally saw it on the Internet, and the listeners of "Late Night Ghost Stories" immediately resonated with the serious problems of ghost stories and supernatural stories.

They found a common thread.

"You guys are right. Ghost stories and supernatural stories are really not worth seeing anymore. But I especially like to read this kind of works. I like to read and want to read, but there are no works to read. This feeling It's really painful."

"This kind of work is a niche work. People who like to read it are often very loyal, and I am the same. It's just that the current ghost stories and supernatural stories are really not good. Of course, it may also be that our vision has become higher. Yes, the taste has changed."

"Our vision and taste should indeed be higher than before, but I think the most fundamental problem is that the authors of these ghost stories and supernatural stories can't get out of the current routine, and they are forced by an invisible force. It’s bound. This is the most regrettable thing about works in this category.”

"Speaking of this question, I remembered that a long time ago, the authors of martial arts novels were also bound by an invisible cage. Later, Mr. Guyong turned out to break the shackles for the authors of martial arts novels The cage that held them. Now, maybe there is also a need for someone to break the cage that binds them for the authors of ghost stories and supernatural stories. After breaking, they may be able to create better works.”

"That's right, these authors of ghost stories and supernatural stories really need to break the cage that binds them. However, who can break it for them? In the world of martial arts novels back then, fortunately, there was Gu Yong. Mr. turned out

^0^ Remember in a second【】

World. Now, who can become Mr. Gu Yong in the world of ghost stories and supernatural stories? "

"Oh! I really hope that such a character will be born out of nowhere, just like Mr. Gu Yong was born out of nowhere in the world of martial arts novels back then."

"You hope, and we hope too. If such a character turns out to be born, "Late Night Ghost Stories" will be able to be found, and the original works that are attractive enough will not be suspended. Moreover, if it is really found After seeing such a work, I will definitely go back and continue to listen to it. It is a very happy thing to be able to wait on time at 11 o'clock every night."

"I haven't listened to Late Night Ghost Stories for months, but if it does find something like that, I'll be back. I really miss listening to Late Night Ghost Stories every night at 11 o'clock. But unfortunately, it is impossible to find such a story. Even if it does appear in the future, "Late Night Ghost Stories" will have no chance. Because, at that time, it has already stopped broadcasting. Unless, such a story is immediately Appeared, and "Late Night Ghost Stories" could start broadcasting immediately. But it is impossible."

""Late Night Ghost Stories"? Is it "Late Night Ghost Stories" on CCTV? I've heard of it, but I don't like to listen to the radio, so I didn't listen to it. Anyway, the stories it tells can be read in original novels. Now Is it going to stop? It's really a pity."

"Yes, that's the one. There is definite news that the broadcast will be suspended after next week."

"Really? Although I don't listen to the radio, I still feel very sorry."



Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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