Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2107 Writers have different ideas

Remember in one second【】

The news that "Late Night Ghost Stories" is about to cease airing not only makes the listeners who have listened to it, those who have not listened to it now, and those who are still listening feel regretful and sad, but also resonated with the fans of ghost stories and supernatural stories. Today's ghost stories and supernatural stories have reached a dead end.

There needs to be a character born out of nowhere to break the cage that tightly binds today's writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories, just like the emergence of Gu Yong in the world of martial arts novels back then.

Fans of ghost stories and supernatural stories believe that as long as someone can break the cage for writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories, they can still create works that will not make people feel boring.

The key question now is, there is Gu Yong in the world of martial arts novels, but who is there in the world of ghost stories and supernatural stories?

Some people have also imagined that Gu Yong will one day write a ghost story or a supernatural story?

If this is really possible, then after Gu Yong saved the world of martial arts novels, he will also save the world of ghost stories and supernatural stories.

It's just that this possibility seems unlikely, at least not for now. Gu Yong is currently serializing "Full-time Master", and it is impossible to create any ghost stories or supernatural stories.

However, in the future, it is not completely impossible. It is indeed possible for a talented writer like Gu Yong to become interested one day and want to write a ghost story or a supernatural story.

Fans of ghost stories and supernatural stories think they can wait.

Although it may be destined to just wait in vain, it is better to have hope than no hope.

If you can see hope, you won't be too desperate.

However, the listeners of "Late Night Ghost Stories" feel nothing but despair at this time. They cannot wait any longer.

They only have one last week left.

Even if Guyong really saves the world of ghost stories and supernatural stories in the future, their "Late Night Ghost Stories" program will already be gone.

Unless Gu Yong suddenly became interested in writing a ghost story or supernatural story, and started writing it immediately, and finally authorized the "Late Night Ghost Story" program to broadcast it.

Only in this way can "Late Night Ghost Stories" survive from desperate situations.

But this is absolutely impossible to happen.


If "Late Night Ghost Stories" can immediately find a very attractive work that breaks out of the routine, it will also be able to survive.

But such a work is impossible to find, and "Late Night Ghost Stories" cannot be found.

The audience also all believed that the only two people who could create such a work were Li Fan and Gu Yong.

Therefore, it cannot be found elsewhere.

"Alas!" All the listeners could only sigh at this time. They could only watch helplessly as "Late Night Ghost Stories", which had accompanied them for countless lonely nights, stopped broadcasting after a week. There was nothing they could do.

Of course, they can also pray in their hearts for a miracle.

But they also understand that if a miracle happens just through prayer, then the miracle is no longer a miracle.

Therefore, they are only desperate.

Listeners of "Late Night Ghost Stories", as well as lovers of ghost stories and supernatural stories, the writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories on the Internet are bound by an invisible cage and can no longer write attractive works. Relevant remarks have naturally caught the attention of many writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories.

Writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories have mixed reactions to such claims.

Some writers sighed. They thought so too. They also knew that they had been trapped in a cage and could not break through. The stories they created could not get out of the current routine. They used the same techniques over and over again.

Readers are tired of reading, and they themselves are actually tired of writing.

They don’t want to write, but they are professional writers and have to write.

Without writing, they would have no source of income.

Of course, it’s also because they actually want to break through, get out of the current routine, and create truly attractive works.

Then, you must keep writing. If you keep writing, there is hope. If you don't write, there will never be hope.

But, how easy is it to break through?

They sighed softly. They probably didn't have this ability anymore. Maybe, as said on the Internet, they needed a character to appear out of the blue to help them break out of the prison, just like Gu Yong appeared out of nowhere in the world of martial arts novels back then.

But, who could such a character be? When will it appear?

they do not know.

In addition, there are some writers who don't think so. They don't think that their creations are restricted, and they don't think that their works can't fall out of the routine. They think that their works are very good, with bizarre twists and turns in the story and a terrifying and weird atmosphere. They are simply perfect ghosts. story.

And the reason why those readers make such remarks is simply because they are too idle and pretentious. While looking at their works with relish, they comment all over that their works are not good here, not good there, and cannot follow the routine here. , there’s nothing new there, it’s just about standing and talking without back pain.

To say that they are trapped in an invisible cage and need a character to appear out of the blue to help them break out of the cage is simply nonsense.

Regarding the upcoming suspension of "Late Night Ghost Stories", different writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories have different opinions.

"Those "Late Nights"

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Listeners of "Ghost Stories", it's really interesting that they blame us for the reason why "Late Night Ghost Stories" is about to be discontinued. It is said that "Late Night Ghost Stories" was discontinued because we, the writers, could not create truly attractive stories. This is pure nonsense. It was obviously those listeners who gave up listening, which made "Late Night Ghost Stories" have the lowest listening rate for a long time, and that's why it was stopped, okay? "

"That is, if they don't want "Late Night Ghost Stories" to stop airing, then they should continue to support it and turn on the radio at 11 o'clock every night to listen. Even if they think the stories it tells are not good, they still turn on the radio. It is really If you don’t want to listen, just turn down the volume. If more people listen and the listening rate increases, then it won’t be suspended because we can’t create attractive stories. It’s nonsense!”

"Let's not talk about these things for now. The key is that we have good works in hand. If the program team of "Late Night Ghost Stories" does not come to us to buy the copyright and is unwilling to broadcast our stories, what can we do?"

"I have heard the reason for this. It is said that the people on the "Late Night Ghost Stories" program think that the stories created by us writers cannot save their program. Only Li Fan or Gu Yong can save it. They. In their eyes, there are only two people’s works, Li Fan and Gu Yong. They don’t like the works of us.”

"Tch! Li Fan and Gu Yong are indeed unparalleled talented writers, but after all, they have never created this kind of works. The works they created must be better than ours? I can't see it."

"That is, I am still confident enough in this type of works. This kind of works created by Li Fan or Gu Yong may not be better than mine. Why does the "Late Night Ghost Story" program team look down on my works? ?cut!"


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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