Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2108 A miracle really happened

Remember in one second【】

Some writers think this way, while other writers have different ideas.

"Actually, the listeners of "Late Night Ghost Stories" are right. The reason why "Late Night Ghost Stories" has been suspended is indeed related to the fact that we are currently in a creative bottleneck period."

"Of course we also want to break through the bottleneck and create better stories, but this is really difficult for us."

"In the opinion of the "Late Night Ghost Stories" program team, only Li Fan and Gu Yong can save them now, and that should be the case."

"But even if the two of them are really interested in creating a ghost story or a supernatural story, "Late Night Ghost Stories" can't wait. The suspension of "Late Night Ghost Stories" is indeed a bit regretful. .”

"We also want to save, but we really can't do anything. Alas!"


Writers who had this kind of thought in their hearts regretted the suspension of "Late Night Ghost Stories", while writers who had this kind of thought in their hearts not only did not feel regret, but actually felt a little gloating about the misfortune.

Anyway, "Late Night Ghost Stories" will not broadcast their works, nor will they buy the copyright from them. If it stops broadcasting, it will stop broadcasting, and it will not have any impact on them.

"Late Night Ghost Stories looks down on our work and deserves to be taken off the air."

"It is clear that our work can save them, but they just don't believe it. This kind of program should have been stopped long ago."


The news that "Late Night Ghost Stories" is about to cease airing has attracted a lot of attention in a short period of time.

Except for the authors who just gloated about the misfortune, everyone else felt very sorry for this.

Listeners who used to listen but no longer listen, listeners who have always listened, lovers of ghost stories and supernatural stories, and another group of writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories, all feel very sorry.

While feeling regretful, they all believed that only the works of Li Fan or Gu Yong could save "Late Night Ghost Stories".

But they don’t think that such a miracle will happen. Even if Li Fan or Gu Yong are really interested in creating a ghost story,

Or supernatural story works, it will definitely not be what it is now.

However, miracles do happen sometimes.

Just one day after the news spread that "Late Night Ghost Stories" will be suspended in a week, CCTV Radio and the "Late Night Ghost Stories" program team simultaneously announced an extremely heavy news to the outside world:

At the invitation of the "Late Night Ghost Stories" program team, Gu Yong will create a new supernatural work and authorize it to be broadcast by "Late Night Ghost Stories". "Late Night Ghost Stories" will officially premiere Gu Yong's latest masterpiece at 11 o'clock next Monday night.

The title of the book was not revealed in the message, not because CCTV and the program team of "Late Night Ghost Stories" intentionally left it in suspense, but because they don't know the title yet.

Zheng Jie did not mention the title of the book in her reply to Feng Ge, and Feng Ge did not ask.

It's not that Feng Ge didn't want to ask, but when Feng Ge thought about it, Gu Yong probably hadn't decided on the title of the book yet.

After all, Gu Yong had just agreed to create such a work, and the content of the work might not have been conceived yet, so the title of the book should naturally be even more uncertain.

Therefore, Feng Ge did not ask about the title of the book.

As soon as the news came out, it instantly caused great shock among all relevant personnel.

This news is really big!

Those listeners who were praying for a miracle in their hearts were all stunned for the first time, thinking, has a miracle really happened?

They asked themselves repeatedly, did the miracle really happen? They couldn't believe it.

But the official announcement made it clear that as long as they didn't make a mistake, the miracle would have really happened.

Do they recognize typos?

of course not.

Although theoretically speaking, the works created by Gu Yong may not be able to save "Late Night Ghost Stories", and the miracle is not yet complete, but no one would think so.

All the listeners thought that a miracle had occurred.

Whether they were listeners who had heard it before, no longer listened to it, or listeners who had always listened, they were all extremely excited and excited.

"Wow haha! Unexpectedly, a miracle actually happened. Mr. Guyong is really willing to create such a work. This is really surprising, but also very exciting."

"I have said before that a talented writer like Mr. Guyong might really be interested in creating such a work, but I didn't expect that it would be so soon. "Late Night Ghost Stories" really waited for Mr. Guyong's release. work."

"Today is Saturday, and "Late Night Ghost Stories" will start broadcasting Mr. Guyong's works next Monday night. Doesn't that mean that Mr. Guyong only has such a small amount of time to create his works? Although he may only need to create the beginning part. Okay, but it all needs to start with conception, isn’t the time too short?”

"For other writers, the time is naturally too short, but for Mr. Guyong, the time is enough."

"The title of the book was not revealed in the official announcement. Has Mr. Guyong not decided on the title yet?"

"Mr. Guyong may not have started to conceive of the work at this time, so the title of the book is naturally even more uncertain."

"I can't wait to hear Mr. Guyong's work. I believe that this work by Mr. Guyong will definitely not be the best."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Other similar works can be compared. "

"It's great that "Late Night Ghost Stories" actually got Mr. Guyong's work! I haven't listened to it for a few months, but now, it's finally time for me to return."

"Not only are you coming back, but all the former listeners are definitely coming back. Moreover, they are returning with strong excitement and anticipation."

"That's right, our current mood is full of excitement and anticipation!"

"In my opinion, not only will all the old listeners return this time, but there will also be a lot of new listeners."

"That's right, those lovers of ghost stories and supernatural stories. Although they didn't like listening to the radio before and have never listened to "Late Night Ghost Stories", they will definitely listen to it this time. Because, Mr. Guyong's This work is currently only broadcast on "Late Night Ghost Stories" and has no other distribution channels. If you want to know the content of Gu Yong's work, there is only one way, and that is to listen to "Late Night Ghost Stories". They like to listen, but they have to listen. Unless they can resist the temptation of Mr. Guyong's works, this is obviously impossible and they cannot resist."

"This is definitely a good thing for us. Starting from 11 o'clock every night, the more people listen to "Late Night Ghost Stories" together, the more wonderful it will be."


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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