Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2110 Break and then stand

Remember in one second【】

"At this time, Gu Yong may be really panicking, or maybe he is not panicking. After all, he is still very confident in his own strength. Maybe, he has already thought of what kind of story he wants to write. He thinks that The story he thought could really become the savior of "Late Night Ghost Stories" and the world of ghost stories and supernatural stories."

"It makes sense, but it's a pity that it's not something he takes for granted. If the story he thinks of is a normal story, it's okay. Although he can't be a savior, it won't make a joke. But if it's a ghost story, it's not a ghost story. , the supernatural story is not a supernatural story, it may make people laugh. "

"It's better to make people laugh. That way, it will let him know that even if he is a talented writer, he is not good at every field. Teach yourself a lesson, don't be so arrogant in the future, saying that you are the savior, you are really Do you think you are the savior?”

"I think that this time Gu Yong should really write a ghost story that is not a ghost story, and a supernatural story that is not a supernatural story. Because, don't those hypocritical readers say that the stories we create are very clichéd? They say that we We are all bound by an invisible cage, and we need someone to help us break the cage. How to break it? Naturally, we need to create a story that we think is not a routine. Ghost stories are not ghost stories, and supernatural stories are not the opposite of supernatural stories. The story may indeed be unconventional, it just makes people laugh."

"You're right. It's very possible that Guyong will create such a story. I'm suddenly looking forward to his story. Now I really want to know, what kind of story will he write?"

"After you said this, I am also looking forward to it. I am looking forward to seeing what kind of supernatural story our ancient writer will create? Then, at 11 o'clock the day after tomorrow, let's go and listen to it. See how he saves our world of ghost stories and supernatural stories. In this way, he will undoubtedly contribute some listening ratings to "Late Night Ghost Stories", which will really benefit them."

"Indeed, it will really give them an advantage, and I really don't want to do it. They look down on the story we created, saying that only Li Fan and Gu Yong can save them, which makes me uncomfortable. I really hope that "Late Night Ghost Stories" will be released immediately was suspended."

"Actually, it's not a bad thing if we contribute a little listening rate to them the night after tomorrow. Think about it, if the listening rate on the first day, that is, the day after tomorrow is extremely high, it will make "Late Night Ghost Stories" and those hypocritical Readers all saw great hope. Then Gu Yong felt complacent and thought that he was indeed the savior. Then on the second and third days, the listening rate dropped off a cliff and returned to before. Wouldn't it be interesting to see "Late Night Ghost Stories" and its pretentious readers first see great hope, and then have their hopes quickly be shattered? Doesn’t it feel better that Gu Yong not only failed to become the savior as he wished, but also became a joke?”

"Haha! That's right.

This is indeed the case, then we will contribute more listening ratings to them tomorrow night, so that they can fully see hope. The greater the hope they see, the greater the blow they will suffer next. It’s really cool! "

"The crew of "Late Night Ghost Stories" must be very excited and looking forward to it now. They really think that Gu Yong will be able to save them, and really hope to see their expressions after their hopes are destroyed. It will definitely be very exciting. , it’s very enjoyable to watch!”

"That's their own fault. Who told them to look down on our works? Blindly trusting Gu Yong should end up like this."

"Anyway, let's look forward to the arrival at 11 o'clock the day after tomorrow."

"Of course, I can't wait now."


The news that Guyong will create a supernatural story for "Late Night Ghost Stories" has also attracted strong attention from other radio stations.

In addition to comparing the listening rates of radio programs between various programs within the radio station, various forms of data comparisons are also made between radio stations and between radio stations.

It's no secret that "Late Night Ghost Stories" has extremely low listening ratings among all stations across the country.

It is certainly no secret that "Late Night Ghost Stories" will be going off the air in a week.

A once brilliant star program is now about to face the fate of being suspended. This will naturally arouse the attention and discussion of the radio industry.

Most people regretted the ending of Ghost Stories, especially its fellow shows.

Originally, as similar programs to "Late Night Ghost Stories", they were in competition with each other. Now that "Late Night Ghost Stories" is about to go off the air, it should be a good thing for them.

But they couldn't be happy. Not only were they not happy, but they also felt a kind of sympathy for each other.

The listening rate of "Late Night Ghost Stories" is very low, and their listening rate is also very low, even lower than "Late Night Ghost Stories". With such a low listening rate, how can there be any competition?

"Late Night Ghost Stories" is about to go off the air, and their show will also not escape the fate of being suspended, but it will be able to survive for a while longer than "Late Night Ghost Stories".

In this case, how can they still be happy?

There are also rumors that "Late Night Ghost Stories" pins the chance of survival on two people, Li Fan and Gu Yong, hoping that one of them can create a story for "Late Night Ghost Stories".

In that case, "Late Night Ghost Stories" will definitely be brought back to life.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Similar programs on other radio stations agree with this statement. They also believe that stories created by Li Fan or Gu Yong can bring "Late Night Ghost Stories" back to life.

They also hope that "Late Night Ghost Stories" can really invite Li Fan or Gu Yong to create a story for "Late Night Ghost Stories".

Because this is also a good thing for them.

Although on the surface, if "Late Night Ghost Stories" really comes back to life, it will be a devastating blow to their program, and the poor listeners who are still a little bit will never be the same again. Everyone left to listen to "Late Night Ghost Stories".

However, they were already in a desperate situation, so the damage caused by any devastating blow would actually be very small or even negligible.

There is no difference at all between having 100 listeners and 0 listeners.

And if "Late Night Ghost Stories" is really brought back to life by Gu Yong's work, then the entire world of ghost stories and supernatural stories may be reactivated.

That is what is said on the Internet, breaking the invisible cage that binds ghost story and supernatural story writers today.

In this way, the current writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories will create excellent works that are no longer too cliche. They will also have the opportunity to find such works and successfully purchase the broadcasting rights.

When they start broadcasting such stories, the ratings may slowly rise. Although it cannot surpass "Late Night Ghost Stories", it should be able to escape the fate of being suspended.

This is called breaking and then building.

So, this is also a good thing for them.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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