Remember in one second【】

Similar programs on other radio stations also hope that the "Late Night Ghost Stories" program team can really invite Li Fan or Gu Yong to create a story for "Late Night Ghost Stories".

But they don't hold out any hope for this.

However, who would have known that the program team of "Late Night Ghost Stories" really invited Gu Yong to take action. When the news came out, similar programs on other radio stations were surprised and surprised.

Doesn't this show that their program also has a glimmer of hope?

This is really a huge surprise.

"This is really great news. Although I don't know what kind of story Mr. Guyong will create? But it must be extraordinary. The listening rate of their "Late Night Ghost Stories" will skyrocket, that's for sure. That's for sure. Will the entire world of ghost stories and supernatural stories be reactivated? If so, our show will have a chance of survival."

"I think the possibility of activation is very high. Mr. Guyong's move is definitely extraordinary. Now I just want to know what kind of story Mr. Guyong will create?"

"We will know at 11 o'clock the day after tomorrow. Maybe we don't have to wait until 11 o'clock at night. The "Late Night Ghost Stories" program team will most likely announce the title and introduction of the book some time in advance. After all, Gu Yong will definitely give them the manuscript in advance. Yes, once they know the title and introduction of the book, they will definitely announce it as soon as possible. ”

"This is indeed very possible. We should always pay close attention to it."


At the same time, other people in the radio industry were also discussing.

"Gu Yong actually took action? Will "Late Night Ghost Stories" really come back to life because of this?"

"The possibility is not small. Although Gu Yong has never created a supernatural story before, he is Gu Yong after all. Even if it is his first time to create a supernatural story, it will definitely be extraordinary."

"Actually, this is a good thing for our entire radio industry. Gu Yong is really famous and has countless readers and fans. His readers and fans will be excited to see Gu Yong's latest supernatural works. "Late Night Ghost Stories" will most likely choose to listen to it, which may bring some new listeners to our radio industry."

"The listener base is shrinking every year. If the listener base doesn't shrink this year because of this, that would be a great thing."

"There is hope for this,

But it's unlikely. In this era of movies, TV, and all kinds of movies and videos, it is really difficult to get people interested in listening to the radio. The listener base of the radio station will only gradually decrease, and it will be difficult to generate new listeners. This is a very helpless fact. "

"Either way, this is good news for us."


Countless people are talking about it, countless people are paying attention to it, and different people have different thoughts.

And it was the afternoon of the next day, Sunday afternoon.

CCTV Radio, "Late Night Ghost Stories" program team.

"Director, has Mr. Gu Yong sent the manuscript?" Starting from noon, people from the program team will ask this question every few minutes.

From noon to now, I don’t know how many times I have asked.

"Everyone, don't be anxious, just wait patiently. Since Mr. Gu Yong said he would send it to us this afternoon, he will definitely send it to us." Director Feng Ge answered like this every time.

However, although he told everyone not to worry, he was actually more anxious than everyone else. He kept refreshing his mailbox over and over again, expecting that after a certain refresh, there would suddenly be more messages from Gu Yong in his inbox. of manuscripts.

He was nervous and eagerly waiting for the surprise at that moment.

And the surprise will indeed come at that moment. Since Gu Yong said he would send it to him this afternoon, he would definitely send it to him.

Suddenly, after refreshing his mailbox one time, Feng Ge's eyes suddenly popped up. There was an additional email in his inbox, which was the manuscript sent by Gu Yong.

"Sent it!" Feng Ge couldn't help shouting, his voice changing slightly due to excessive excitement.

And this shout made other people's eyes bulge, and they naturally understood what was coming.

The next moment, everyone immediately left their original position, ran behind Feng Ge, looked at Feng Ge's computer screen, and said impatiently: "Director, look at what the title of the book is? What is the total title of the book? How many words did you send?”

Feng Ge said excitedly: "I'm downloading it and I'll be able to see it soon."

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the progress bar of file download on the computer screen, with excitement and anticipation.

The file is very small, so it downloads very quickly. It takes a few breaths to complete the download.

Putting the mouse pointer on the file he just downloaded, Feng Ge said: "Is everyone ready? I'll click on it."

Feng Ge was a little nervous. This small document carried the hope of bringing their "Late Night Ghost Stories" program back to life, so he couldn't help but calm down.

"Click on it, director, we are ready." Others said at the same time, they were equally nervous.

Feng Ge nodded, and seemed to have used a lot of effort to double-click the mouse and open the file.

They finally saw the title of Guyong's supernatural work: "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"!

"Ghost Blows Out the Lamp!" Everyone couldn't help but read the title of the book out loud, and then, for some unknown reason, they all suddenly shuddered.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Is it because the title "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp" is too cautious?

It doesn't seem to be the case. It is originally a ghost story or a supernatural story, and the title of the book Shen Ren is really too normal.

They had seen many more discreet book titles before, but this was the only one that made them shudder unconsciously.

What is the reason? They themselves don't know.

If you can't think clearly, then don't think about it. It's not important anyway. Next, let's take a look at what is written in the introduction of the work?

The introduction only has one sentence: "This is a story about tomb robbing."

"Robbing... a tomb?" Everyone, including Feng Ge, had a confused first reaction after seeing the introduction.

Grave robbing? Grave robbing? Is Tomb Robber also a supernatural work?

The title of the book "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp" made them shudder unconsciously. Looking at the title, it was definitely a supernatural story.

But the introduction made them a little confused. It didn't seem like a supernatural story!

Another key issue is that tomb robbing seems to be illegal.

"This... tomb robbing should be illegal, right?" a member of the program crew said weakly.

"It's not that it should be done, but it's illegal," another person said.

The rest of the people are also thinking about this problem.

Only Feng Ge shook his head and said: "Tomb robbing is indeed illegal, but this does not mean that this work is illegal, nor does it mean that tomb robbing cannot be written. It is impossible for Mr. Gu Yong to write what cannot be written. Therefore, I think this " There will definitely be no problem with "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp"."

After hearing this, the others all nodded. They must have been overly worried.

However, is it really okay to write a supernatural story about tomb robbing?

Someone asked this question in his heart.

This time, Feng Ge was not sure. After pondering for a moment, he said: "It should be okay."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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