Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2112 I can only see this one scene in my life

Remember in one second【】

Is tomb robbing a supernatural story?

In the eyes of the crew of "Late Night Ghost Stories", nature doesn't count.

No one has ever written a story about tomb robbing before, not only ghost stories and supernatural story writers, but also writers in other fields, including Li Fan, and Gu Yong himself has never written it before. Pass.

This work called "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is undoubtedly the first tomb robbing novel.

In the eyes of the program crew, tomb-robbery novels are a new kind of novel, and only Gu Yong could think of such a subject.

The key question is, is it considered a supernatural work?

In the eyes of the program staff, it naturally does not count, but now that its author is Gu Yong, the program staff have to reconsider this issue.

When Guyong wrote this, they had to think that maybe their idea was wrong, and tomb-robbing novels were indeed supernatural works.

Feng Ge said: "You don't have to worry about this issue anymore. Since Mr. Guyong wrote it like this, it must be a supernatural novel. Mr. Guyong is definitely not wrong. It's just that our thinking can't think of it."

The program crew members nodded slowly after hearing this, and they agreed with what Feng Ge said.

Then, Feng Ge continued: "Let's start reading the text now. Xiao Ai, you must carefully consider it. This is Mr. Guyong's work. I know you will be under great pressure when you broadcast, but I believe you are." No problem."

Ai Baoliang nodded and said: "Don't worry, director, I have no problem. The excitement in my heart now exceeds the pressure I feel. It is my greatest honor to be able to broadcast Mr. Gu Yong's works."

Feng Ge nodded with great satisfaction, and after a few more words of encouragement, everyone began to read the text.

At the beginning, everyone didn't feel that amazing, but as they watched, everyone became more excited and excited than ever before.

"Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is a phenomenal work by the famous writer Tian Xia Ba Chang in the previous life. It is an extremely classic suspenseful tomb robbery novel. After its release, it has sold like crazy.

Now, Li Fan has brought him to this world.

In the opening part of this work,

It has very heavy historical background traces. When Li Fan was editing this work, he had completely revised those historical background traces.

Although traces of the historical background have been modified, it will not have any impact on the work.

Li Fan believes that this work will also become a phenomenal work in this world, setting a precedent for tomb robbery novels.

The staff of the "Late Night Ghost Stories" program were reading the "Ghost Blowing Lamp" manuscript, while other staff at the radio station were trying their best to inquire about Gu Yong's manuscript.

Jiang Rui, Lu Yue, and those on the same front as them were also inquiring.

in their chat group.

Jiang Rui said: "Gu Yong seems to have sent the manuscript. Is there anyone who can get the manuscript over so we can take a look?"

Someone replied: "It's not easy. I heard that Feng Ge has given a death order to the program crew, and no one can leak the contents of the manuscript. Tsk! They really treat it as a treasure, as if they really think that the manuscript can save them. .”

Someone else said: "The manuscript is probably unavailable, and the specific content is difficult to find out. However, the title and introduction of the book can be found. I guess this was leaked intentionally by Feng Ge."

"Oh? What is it?" Lu Yue asked impatiently. He didn't seem to be in a hurry just now, but now he was asking so impatiently.

"The title of the book is "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", and the introduction only has one sentence, 'This is a story about tomb robbing.' Although I don't know what the three words 'Ghost Blowing the Lamp' mean? But there is nothing wrong with the title of the book. I know it is indeed a supernatural story. But what is the story about tomb robbing? Tomb robbing is obviously illegal and is harmful to morality. Can such behavior be used as the subject of a novel? Moreover, this is not considered a supernatural story. I really don’t know if my information was wrong or if this is what Gu Yong did?”

There was nothing wrong with the title of the book, so Jiang Rui and Lu Yue didn't care. What they cared about was the introduction, a story about tomb robbing.

If this introduction is true, Jiang Rui and Lu Yue will definitely laugh out loud. As the person just said, tomb robbing is illegal and detrimental to morality, and it is not considered a supernatural work. If the ancient If you write a novel based on the theme of tomb robbing, it will definitely make people laugh.

Jiang Rui and Lu Yue became a little excited. They expected that the information that the man found out was true, and that this was what Guyong really did.

They decided to go find out in person. Originally, they had no intention of taking action personally. After all, they were the directors of a program and they had status. Inquiring about this information would damage their status.

But now, they couldn't help it anymore. They wanted to confirm as soon as possible whether the news was true?

And they quickly determined that the news was indeed true.

Jiang Rui and Lu Yue laughed loudly and seemed extremely excited. The situation was indeed similar to what they had analyzed at the beginning. Even if Gu Yong personally took action, it would be difficult to save "Late Night Ghost Story".

Lu Yue wanted to show off and speak very tactfully. He said: "It's really a story about tomb robbing. Mr. Gu Yong is not good at creating ghost stories and supernatural stories, so he chose tomb robbing as a subject of course. This It's really a bit regretful. I'm afraid that "Late Night Ghost Stories" really can't be saved, which is even more regrettable. Of course, I still look forward to a miracle happening."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Jiang Rui once again despised Lu Yue's hypocrisy in his heart. He could say whatever he wanted. He was afraid of being a target. He said: "Why did Gu Yong choose tomb robbing as the subject? This is actually not difficult to analyze. Not many people have done this before. Are you talking about the fact that today's ghost stories and supernatural stories are very cliche? They are all clichés and it is difficult to arouse people's interest. So, as a highly anticipated genius writer, Gu Yong himself will definitely think that the stories I create must be I can't do tricks. Otherwise, I will lose face. So, how can I avoid tricks? Gu Yong must have racked his brains thinking about it. His thinking was indeed active, and he even thought of tomb robbing. Taking tomb robbing as the theme No one has ever written a novel before, so it will definitely not be a routine. It’s a pity that Gu Yong didn’t think well after all, or maybe he was too self-righteous. Now there’s something good to watch!”

Jiang Rui's words made everyone agree.

"To be honest, I was a little worried that Gu Yong could really save them. Now, I am finally relieved. Gu Yong is indeed a talented writer, but this time he is obviously too self-righteous. Tomb robbery novels? He must still be there now He is complacent, thinking that he has created a new genre, but in two days, he will cry."

"A story about tomb robbing, Feng Ge actually gave the death order and refused to let the contents of the manuscript be leaked, and yet he still regarded it as a treasure? It's really hard not to shed tears until he sees the coffin."

"It's understandable that he doesn't want anyone to leak the content of the manuscript. He has no choice but to make a final desperate move. Maybe his heart has collapsed now."

"I think he has already collapsed. He placed all his hopes on Gu Yong and regarded Gu Yong as his savior. Gu Yong changed hands and gave him a story about tomb robbing. It would be strange if he didn't collapse."

"In short, the show this time is exactly what we thought before. It is getting more and more exciting and interesting. Let's enjoy it."

"Of course, of course you have to enjoy it. You may only be able to see such a good show once in a lifetime."


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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