Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2115 Ready to listen

Times Literary Award Jury Office.

Yang Qiming frowned slightly and said: "Gu Yong actually chose 'tomb robbing' as the subject this time. To a certain extent, this is not a healthy subject. I wonder what kind of story he will write about tomb robbing?" "

Li Bo smiled and said: "If you and I can think of it, he is not Gu Yong. I am quite interested in the subject of 'tomb robbing'. The less we understand the subject, the more capable Gu Yong is." It brings us a surprise. So, Lao Yang, we can just look forward to it.”

Yang Qiming nodded and said: "That's right. It's impossible for Gu Yong to write unhealthy works anyway. If you think about it this way, this time's "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is indeed very exciting."

Lipa said: "It's been many years since you listened to the radio, right? I didn't expect that the next time I would listen to the radio, it would be for a novel. It was really unpredictable."

Yang Qiming said: "Who says it's not the case?"

With the attention of countless people from all walks of life, Gu Yong's latest supernatural work "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", which was originally somewhat low-key, has become a hot topic.

And this time, because it is broadcast by a radio program, the release of Guyong's new work is very special.

Countless people who had no habit of listening to radio before began tinkering with the radio just to listen to Gu Yong's new work.

And time passed slowly, and it came to the next day, and then to the next night.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, the first broadcast of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", which has become a hot topic, will start in an hour.

CCTV Radio, "Late Night Ghost Stories" program team.

Ai Baoliang became a little nervous again at this time. For tonight's first episode, he did not record in advance, but wanted to broadcast it live.

This is to make the broadcast of the program more effective. He has the strength and confidence to broadcast directly on the spot.

He was also ready. After such a long period of tension and excitement, he had become quite calm.

But now, he was nervous again.

Because the number of listeners tonight will probably far exceed their previous predictions, and now they have already foreseen it.

Feng Ge saw Ai Baoliang's nervousness and said, "Xiao Ai, relax a little and don't think about how many listeners there are. You will have absolutely no problem."

Ai Baoliang nodded and said: "Don't worry, director, there is still one hour left, I will adjust and brew my emotions."

After hearing this, Feng Ge encouraged him a few more words and stopped disturbing Ai Baoliang.

Because it is a live broadcast, Ai Baoliang's performance will have a very obvious impact on the listening rate. He needs to adjust his emotions to the most suitable position for broadcasting "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

Hu Yanghong, deputy director of the radio station, arrived at the "Late Night Ghost Stories" program team.

Feng Ge saw him and greeted him quickly: "Director Hu, why are you here? You haven't gone back so late."

Hu Yanghong smiled and said: "Let me come and take a look, Lao Feng. Judging from the current trend on the Internet, the listening rate of this episode is probably going to be incredible. The program has not yet been officially launched, but it has already attracted great attention from the radio industry. . Well done this time, Lao Feng, very well done!”

Feng Ge said: "Director Hu received the award. This is entirely because Mr. Gu Yong's influence is too great. It is much greater than I thought before."

Hu Yanghong said: "Of course this is because of Mr. Guyong's influence, but Lao Feng, the reason why Mr. Guyong is willing to create such a story for you is entirely because of your hard work. Therefore, this matter is yours Great credit.”

Feng Ge said: "This is my show. I don't care whether I get credit or not. As long as I can keep this show, I will be satisfied.


Hu Yanghong laughed and said: "Now this program is not just as simple as keeping it? I am very much looking forward to the listening rate of tonight's episode."

Feng Ge also smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to it too!"

At the same time, countless people from all walks of life are ready to listen to "Late Night Ghost Stories".

The atmosphere on the Internet has become explosive.

"It's finally about to begin. As an old listener who listens to "Late Night Ghost Stories" every night, what I want to say is that today I finally don't have to hear those same old stories that make people vomit. I can finally hear them. The story of Mr. Guyong.”

"I haven't listened to "Late Night Ghost Stories" for several months, but tonight, I'm back! I'm back with great excitement and anticipation. Mr. Gu Yong's "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", let's start soon."

"I have never listened to the radio before, let alone "Late Night Ghost Stories". I just like to read ghost stories and supernatural stories. But now, I am also ready to listen to "Late Night Ghost Stories", and I feel a little uncomfortable. , but for Mr. Guyong’s "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", I will definitely listen."

"Listeners of "Late Night Ghost Stories", book friends who like to read ghost stories and supernatural stories, and loyal fans of Gu Yong are here to report. To be honest, I don't like ghost stories and supernatural stories, I'm scared. But I finally came after struggling for a long time. Gu Yongda’s works will definitely be very exciting. Even if I don’t like the supernatural stories, I won’t give up. So, I will listen to it with you tonight.”

"Haha! Welcome, welcome! Welcome fans of Mr. Guyong. Speaking of which, we are actually fans of Mr. Guyong. Ghost stories and supernatural stories may indeed be scary sometimes, but scary stories are definitely not ghost stories and supernatural stories. The point and center of the story. So, you don't need to be afraid. Besides, we have so many people listening tonight, don't be afraid."

"You timid book fans have been struggling for so long, and you are finally here! So, as I said before, you must not miss Gu Yong's great works, and don't be afraid of supernatural stories."


Many people were waiting excitedly, but obviously not all of them had such thoughts.

Writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories who feel very good about themselves are also ready to listen at this time.

They saw so many people on the Internet, so excited and looking forward to it, and they couldn't help but sneer in their hearts.

"A completely different story actually makes so many people so excited and expectant. I really feel sad for their judgment. Can't they see that this will be a very failed story that will make everyone laugh?"

"They all blindly trust Gu Yong. What can you tell? They will know after they listen to today's first issue later."

"Let's start quickly and let's see what kind of ridiculous story our 'savior' Mr. Guyong will come up with?"

"It's almost here. It's less than an hour and I'm already getting more and more excited."

"Me too……"


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