Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2116 Blank Paper Woman

Remember in one second【】

It was late at night, many people had gone to bed, and it was very quiet outside.

And tonight, it seems to be particularly quiet. There is no moon and the night is dark and windy. It is the best time to listen to ghost stories.

The time has come to 11 o'clock in the evening, and countless people who have been waiting for a long time are already ready to listen.

Most people were lying on the bed. Some people turned off the lights. The room was dark except for the sound from the radio. Some people did not turn off the lights.

I was listening to a supernatural story, and it was obvious that I didn’t have to be so scared if I turned on the light.

"Dear listeners in front of the radio, good evening, everyone, and welcome to the program "Late Night Ghost Stories". I am Ai Baoliang..." Ai Baoliang's voice is low and at a moderate speed, lingering with the feeling of a ghost story. Atmosphere.

"It's finally begun." Everyone who was listening to the program at this time thought so in their hearts, no matter what their thoughts were.

"I know everyone has been waiting for a long time, because the story I am going to tell you today comes from the famous writer Mr. Gu Yong. Welcome everyone to listen to "Ghost Blowing the Lamp". This is a story about tomb robbing..."

After the opening remarks, Ai Baoliang officially began to broadcast "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", "My grandfather's name is Hu Guohua. The ancestors of the Hu family were famous big landowners from all over the country. In the most glorious period, they bought three alleys connected to each other in the city. There were many houses, and there were also some officials and businessmen who donated grain and trough transportation from the former Qing Dynasty.

There is a folk proverb that says: 'You can only be rich for three generations. ’ This is very reasonable. Even if the family has gold and silver, it cannot withstand the squandering of the prodigal descendants.


"It's the first person." The opening chapter is not very surprising, it is very ordinary, but almost everyone is sure of one thing, that is, this work is written in the first person.

First person, some people frowned a little, they don't like first person works too much.

However, since Guyong chose the first person, it means that this work is more suitable to be written in the first person, and their brows relaxed again.

This is the first time that Guyong uses the first person, so there is a reason for it. They absolutely believe in Guyong.

But some people are already happy at this time, such as Jiang Rui and Lu Yue from CCTV Radio, as well as those who are on the same front as them.

Another example is those who feel very good about themselves,

Writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories.

Most readers don't like to read works written in the first person. This is indeed a fact. Now Gu Yong has chosen the first person. Isn't this a suicide attempt?

It’s already a strange story, and it’s still in the first person. Don’t you really know how to write the word “push on the street”?

They were overjoyed, thinking that Guyong was overconfident after all, thinking that with his current influence, readers would definitely like it no matter how messed up he was.

Unfortunately, this is not the case. Even if you are Gu Yong, if the quality of your work is really not good, readers will not buy it.

They absolutely believe this, which is of course also a fact. If the quality of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is really not good, even if it is written by Gu Yong, the audience will not continue to listen to it. They will only feel regret in their hearts and even think about it. Has Guyong finally exhausted his talent?

"In the 1920s and 1930s, my grandfather's generation began to decline. First, the family was divided. Hu Guohua also received a lot of property, which was enough to live a life of food and clothing without worries. However, he refused to learn well. Of course, This is also related to the social environment at that time. First he was addicted to gambling, and later he started smoking, which destroyed all the wealth of Wan Guan's family.

Hu Guohua had the most evil ideas. In order to deal with his uncle, he went home and found a craftsman in the village who could make paper figures and horses, the kind that were burned to the dead. This paper-making master is very skilled in craftsmanship. As long as he has something you can name, he can make it perfectly.

Hu Guohua carried the paper figure home, placed it on the kang in the back room, and covered it with a quilt. He was thinking very well. When his uncle came a few days later, he said that my wife was sick and could not be seen in bed. Guest, just let him take a look from a distance. Thinking of the happy place, I couldn't help humming a ditty and went to the city to smoke.


Ai Baoliang continued to broadcast, and for a long period of time, he always talked about the story of "my" grandfather Hu Huaguo, which made some people frown.

Isn’t this a story about tomb robbing? Why do I keep telling this story about my grandfather Hu Huaguo endlessly?

My grandfather’s story is just my grandfather’s story. Unfortunately, this grandfather’s story has nothing to do with tomb robbing. It’s all about my grandfather being idle and smoking. A rich kid turned into a down-and-out kid who couldn’t even get a wife. .

What is this all about? The beginning of this chapter doesn’t seem very good! It's completely different from Gu Yong's other works. Just the opening chapter can firmly grasp people and make them want to stop.

If it weren't for knowing that this was Gu Yong's work, some people might have chosen to give up.

While everyone is listening, they are also doing some small amount of communication on the Internet. Many people feel this way.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Rui, Lu Yue and others, as well as those writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories who felt good about themselves, laughed out loud.

The situation was better than they expected. It was indeed a strange story. Gu Yong was indeed overconfident. The beginning of a work is undoubtedly extremely important, but he always made some nonsense. , really willful.

Unfortunately, readers or listeners will never

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Indulging in this kind of willfulness, if it continues to be so willful, some people may really give up listening to it.

They were very excited, expecting that some people would start to give up listening, and then a chain reaction would occur, with more and more people giving up listening, and finally only the most die-hard fans and readers of Guyong would be left.

The listening rate for today's episode will indeed be high, but tomorrow it will drop off a cliff, just as they had expected.

They couldn't help but want to start a small celebration in advance.

However, the next paragraph made their laughter a little smaller.

Hu Huaguo's uncle gave Hu Huaguo some money and asked him to go home and marry a wife.

Hu Huaguo took the money to smoke cigarettes, and then asked a craftsman to roll a paper woman out of white paper. He put the paper woman on the bed and covered her with a quilt. Thinking that his uncle would come in a few days, he said that his wife was sick and could not see guests while she was lying in bed, so he could just let his uncle take a look at her from a distance.

A few days later, his uncle came. According to his idea, Hu Huaguo asked his uncle to take a look at the paper woman covered with a quilt on the bed from a distance outside the door.

However, the uncle said that since he was sick, he should go in and see if he needed to find a doctor for diagnosis.

How could Hu Huaguo dare to let his uncle enter the house to take a closer look? He refused to allow his uncle to enter the house.

Hu Huaguo's behavior made his uncle suspicious and he had to go into the house to have a look. The two got into an argument at the door.

At this time, a fair and clean woman walked out of the room. She claimed to be Hu Huaguo's daughter-in-law and greeted her uncle.

When the uncle saw the woman, his suspicion disappeared, but Hu Huaguo was shocked.

Because the woman who came out of the house was the white paper woman that he asked the craftsman to tie up with paper.

The woman with blank paper actually survived?

Hu Huaguo felt horrified.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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