Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2117 Are you starting to rob the tomb?

Remember in one second【】

Hu Huaguo felt creepy, and the countless listeners who were listening at this time also felt creepy.

In the middle of the night, when the night is dark and windy, it is indeed very prudent to hear such stories. This is even more prudent than hearing those ghost stories about ghosts and ghosts.

This caused some people who were accustomed to hearing ghost stories to turn on the lights quietly.

Only then did they realize that some stories were more alarming than plain ghost stories.

"The woman who was tied up with paper actually came alive. I always felt cautious. Mr. Guyong's imagination is indeed incomparable."

"Interesting, interesting, this makes it interesting. It was so dull before, but suddenly it becomes interesting here. Let me just say, how can Mr. Gu Yong's works always be dull?"

"What's next? What happens next? I really want to know."


When they arrived here, those who had frowned slightly at first had their brows relaxed again, and their eyes were bright.

The paper woman is alive. Only Gu Yong can imagine such an idea. What will happen next? It’s already full of expectations.

Although it still seems to have nothing to do with tomb robbing, it has aroused a strong desire to continue listening to the following.

Gu Yong's works are extraordinary after all. Fortunately, they didn't choose to give up listening to them just now.

Jiang Rui, Lu Yue and others who were originally laughing, as well as those writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories who felt good about themselves, now laughed much less.

They had to admit that such a plot was indeed interesting and imaginative, and it could arouse everyone's desire to listen further.

However, they are still not worried. No matter what, the story about tomb robbing will end up being a different story.

Moreover, this is actually normal. Gu Yong is Gu Yong after all. Even if his works are popular, they cannot be without highlights.

Although this made their laughter much smaller, it actually made them feel more at ease.

"My uncle's eyesight was dim and he didn't think there was anything wrong with that woman. He drank seven or eight glasses of old wine and became very drunk. Hu Guohua borrowed a donkey cart to take him home.


Ai Baoliang's lecture continues.

The white-paper woman was alive. Not only did she greet her uncle, but she also cooked a meal for him. The uncle was so happy that he was sent home by Hu Guohua when he was drunk.

After sending his uncle back, Hu Guohua was a little afraid to go home.

After he used up all his money, he had no choice but to go home and saw that the woman had turned into a blank woman again, still lying on the bed.

Hu Huaguo was worried that the blank woman would become alive again, so he prepared a fire to burn it.

But just when Hu Huaguo was about to make a fire, the woman with blank paper spoke, saying that Hu Huaguo had no conscience and that she had kindly helped, but Hu Huaguo wanted to burn her.

Hu Huaguo was startled again and asked the woman in white paper whether she was a demon or a ghost. The white paper woman said that of course she was a ghost, but that she was currently living in this paper woman.

She also said that she was willing to marry Hu Huaguo, and that she was very rich during her lifetime, so that when Hu Huaguo became too poor to survive, he would go to the barren grave in Shisanlipu to find her.

It was said that in the middle of the cemetery, there was a solitary grave without a tombstone. The coffin inside was where her body was. There were a lot of gold, silver and jewelry in the coffin, and Hu Huaguo could use it as much as he wanted.

After that, the blank woman stopped talking or moving.

Hu Huaguo was very tempted when he heard about the gold, silver and jewelry, but he still didn't dare to look for the woman's coffin in the barren grave.

Then, a lot of things happened. Two years later, Hu Huaguo was finally so poor that he could no longer survive.

He remembered the words of the female ghost leaning over the paper woman. There was a large amount of gold and silver in her coffin.

He finally decided to go.

During this time, he heard a lot about tomb robbing. Grave robbing is also called "back-and-forth fighting" among the people. It can make a fortune, but if you catch it, you will lose your head.

"Tomb robbing?" The word "grave robbing" finally appeared, and everyone's eyes lit up. From here on, will the tomb robbing begin?

It's just that the story told here is still the story of my grandfather Hu Guohua, and "I" as the protagonist has not yet appeared.

What's happening here? Could it be that the protagonist is my grandfather Hu Guohua, not "me"?

This shouldn't be possible.

Jiang Rui, Lu Yue and others, as well as those ghost story and supernatural story writers who felt good about themselves, sneered in their hearts, "Oh? Are we finally going to start robbing tombs? Very good, let's start quickly. It's time to start." It’s over.”

On a night when the moon was not bright, Hu Huaguo drank some wine and bravely went to the deserted grave in Shisanlipu, and he found a solitary grave without a monument in the center of a large cemetery.

It should be the female ghost possessing the paper woman, and it's her tomb she's talking about.

Hu Guohua bravely opened the coffin lid. The corpse inside was a beautiful woman with a lifelike face. She was dressed in a phoenix crown and a bright red silk auspicious robe, which turned out to be that of a bride.

It was undoubtedly strange that the body had not been damaged after such a long time. Hu Guohua also thought of this, but he could no longer care so much at this time.

Because he really saw many gold, silver and precious stones in the coffin.

Hu Guohua was overjoyed, thinking that he was now rich, and reached out to grab the gold, silver and gems in the coffin.

However, as soon as he stretched out his hand, the female corpse in the coffin suddenly

^0^ Remember in one second【】

It turned over and grabbed his wrist. The force was so strong that Hu Guohua couldn't get away.

When they heard this, everyone shuddered unconsciously and felt a little cold.

It seems that robbing a tomb is not an easy task. This is a scam!

It must be a fake corpse, right? Although many people were scared, their thinking was still very active, and they quickly found the reason for the resurrection of the female corpse.

The female corpse opened her eyes, sneered, and said: "You are indeed a money-obsessed kid. A despicable person like you is willing to do anything as long as you have money? I think you have a heart and are useless, so I will do it for you first. Put it away.”

Hu Guohua screamed in panic, but couldn't get away. The female corpse opened Hu Guohua's chest and took out the heart. It was bloody, and she swallowed it directly into her mouth, and then swallowed it.

Although Hu Guohua lost his heart, he was not dead and did not even feel pain. However, his consciousness became increasingly blurred and he gradually could not remember what had just happened. He lay on the ground and kowtowed to the female corpse.

The female corpse told Hu Guohua that he was now her puppet and asked Hu Guohua to lure sixty-four women here for her. She wanted to eat the hearts of those girls.

Otherwise, Hu Guohua will be killed.

It turned out that the female corpse was a hundred-year-old corpse demon. In order to avoid disaster, she could not leave this hidden cemetery for the time being. She planned to trick a money-minded person like Hu Guohua into digging graves, and then coerced and lured him to capture innocent people. The woman offered her to eat people's hearts alive. After she had eaten sixty-four women's hearts and livers, even the lower realms of gods would not be able to tolerate her anymore.

"That's it." The audience all said in their hearts.

After knowing the truth of the matter, it becomes less scary.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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