Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2118 Why is this happening?

Remember in one second【】

After knowing the truth, the audience no longer felt afraid.

That's often the case, the fear of the unknown is what really scares people.

The audience is no longer afraid, and they just want to know what the next story will be like?

Hu Guohua has become the puppet of the corpse demon. Will he really find sixty-four women to feed the corpse demon to eat his heart and liver alive?

The audience was worried, worried about the sixty-four women who were about to suffer.

They were wondering if Hu Guohua would suddenly develop a skill? Then he destroyed the corpse demon and eliminated harm to the people.

The protagonist usually has a golden finger or some kind of adventure. Although Hu Guohua should not be the protagonist of the whole work, he is at least the protagonist in the opening part. It makes sense to get auxiliary equipment such as a golden finger.

However, it is a pity that the audience obviously overthought it. Hu Huaguo neither got a golden finger nor an adventure. He was frightened and finally decided to follow the corpse demon's request in order to survive.

He bought a country girl with money, lied to the girl that he was buying her to be his wife, and then took the girl to an abandoned grave in Sanlipu.

On the road, I met a Feng Shui master named Sun. When Mr. Sun saw Hu Guohua, he was shocked after counting his fingers. He blocked Hu Guohua's way and asked where Hu Guohua was going in a hurry.

Hu Guohua was very impatient and asked Mr. Sun to get out of the way, but Mr. Sun suddenly shouted sharply: "I only want to ask you a walking zombie, where is your heart and soul?"

Hu Guohua felt as if he had been given a slap in the face, and then he realized that he had met an expert. He quickly knelt down and kowtowed, asking Mr. Sun for help.

Mr. Sun asked Hu Guohua to worship him as his teacher in order to save his life.

Hu Guohua did as he was told and became his teacher.

The audience nodded. After all, Hu Guohua was treated as a protagonist. This can be regarded as an adventure.

Mr. Sun could tell at a glance that Hu Guohua was already a heartless walking corpse. It was obvious that he had real abilities and should be able to get rid of the corpse demon.

The woman who was deceived by Hu Guohua will not be eaten alive by the corpse demon.

The audience was reassured.

Ai Baoliang's lecture continues.

As expected, Mr. Sun has extraordinary abilities. Not only did he get rid of the corpse demon, he also found Hu Guohua's heart again.

After that, Hu Guohua married the woman. In gratitude for Mr. Sun's life-saving grace, he continued to serve him. He also got rid of his bad habits and lived a stable life.

Later, before he died, Mr. Sun handed an ancient book called "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret" to Hu Guohua, saying that they had a master-disciple relationship and would pass this ancient book to Hu Guohua today, saying that this book was a broken copy. , only half a volume, containing some tips on finding tombs based on Feng Shui, for Hu Guohua to keep with him as a souvenir.

Later, Hu Guohua began to study the remaining books left by Mr. Sun, learned some skills, and his days became better and better.

Later, Hu Guohua had a son, and his son had a son.

"I" as the protagonist finally made his official appearance.

"My" name is Hu Bayi. After a series of family changes, my grandfather Hu Guohua passed away and passed on the "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret" to "me".

When Ai Baoliangbo talked about this, it was already 12 o'clock in the evening, and the time of the program was already up.

Ai Baoliang ended today's program after a series of closing speeches.

"Late Night Ghost Stories" program team.

Ai Baoliang turned off the live broadcast equipment, took off his headphones, and let out a long breath. He had broadcast countless programs, and this time Unintentional was the most nervous for him.

Now it's finally over. There were no major problems in the middle, only a few minor flaws. These minor flaws will have little impact on the program's effect.

Ai Baoliang's mood could finally relax completely.

Walking out of the live broadcast room, deputy director Hu Yanghong, director Feng Ge, and everyone in the program team were all waiting outside.

Seeing Ai Baoliang come out, deputy director Hu Yanghong first said: "Xiao Ai, thank you for your hard work. You did a great job and the effect is very good."

Feng Ge also said: "Xiao Ai, it's very good, close to perfection, thank you for your hard work."

The recognition from the two leaders made Ai Baoliang feel very good. He repeatedly said modestly that there were still some problems in the process and he would need to work harder tomorrow.

Hu Yanghong and Feng Ge were also in a very good mood and encouraged Ai Baoliang a few words.

Afterwards, all the program crew members also congratulated Ai Baoliang, saying things like "Thank you for your hard work" and "I have to rely on Brother Ai for this."

Afterwards, everyone said they wanted to celebrate, and the two leaders, Hu Yanghong and Feng Ge, readily agreed.

Although the listening rate has not been released yet, it is foreseeable that the listening rate of this issue will be very gratifying, and we can already celebrate in advance.

The people from the "Late Night Ghost Stories" program team want to celebrate in advance. On the Internet, the old listeners of "Late Night Ghost Stories" are also celebrating, celebrating that the "Late Night Ghost Stories" program has finally been reborn.

And the new listeners who chose to listen because of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" are also expressing their congratulations.

At this time, they already understood the situation that "Late Night Ghost Stories" faced before, and naturally understood why those old listeners were celebrating so excitedly, so they naturally had to express their congratulations.

While expressing congratulations, they were also a little proud. The program "Late Night Ghost Stories" had already

^0^ Remember in one second【】

It was a desperate situation, but it was Gu Yong who stepped in to save the show. As fans of Gu Yong's books, they can indeed be proud.

There are voices of celebration and congratulations everywhere on the Internet. Jiang Rui, Lu Yue and others, as well as those ghost story and supernatural story writers who feel good about themselves, see this situation and have a vague premonition in their hearts. .

According to their original expectations, after the end of the first episode today, more voices on the Internet should be from listeners complaining that "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp" is a mess and is not the supernatural story they expected at all.

Some people also said that they felt very regretful after listening to it. It was a waste of time and they would not listen to it again tomorrow.

Especially after listening to the opening chapter of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" an hour ago, they thought so and were extremely confident.

In this way, although the listening rate will be very high today, it will drop off a cliff tomorrow, and finally return to before liberation. In the final result, "Late Night Ghost Stories" was suspended, and everyone realized that the works created by Gu Yong were just like that, messy, and not at all the supernatural stories that everyone expected. Gu Yong was not omnipotent, and he was not omnipotent. Can't save "Late Night Ghost Stories."

This is how it should be.

But now, so many people are celebrating, and so many people are congratulating, does this mean that they are satisfied with the content of today's issue of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"? Will you continue to listen tomorrow? Will the listening rate drop off a cliff tomorrow?

Why is this happening? It shouldn't be like this!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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