Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2119 Speculation on Listening Rate

Remember in one second【】

The situation should not be like this. Jiang Rui, Lu Yue and others, as well as those writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories who felt good about themselves, had a vague premonition in their hearts.

However, they are not too worried. The listening rate may not drop much tomorrow, but what about the day after tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow? It should fall off a cliff, right?

They still believe that the listening rate will definitely drop off a cliff, but it will be later than they originally expected.

Because in their opinion, Gu Yong used a trick to a large extent in the content of today's broadcast. There is no content about tomb robbing at all. It is all about the story of his grandfather Hu Guohua, plus the plot related to the Blank Paper Woman. The creative imagination can indeed scare most people, and make most people look forward to this work.

But in fact, the imagination and creativity of the plot related to the blank paper woman can only be used for a while, but it cannot be used for a long time.

Next, "I" as the protagonist, that is, Hu Bayi, appears. Then I will start robbing tombs, right?

As long as you start robbing tombs, it will be easy to deal with. This kind of derogatory and shameful activity is worth listening to?

Moreover, everyone will also find that this is not the supernatural story they expected, and it uses the first person narrative that everyone does not like.

The final result can only be that after the novelty wears off, everyone chooses to give up listening to it.

Therefore, Jiang Rui, Lu Yue and others, as well as those writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories who feel good about themselves, although they have a vague premonition in their hearts, they are not too worried and still believe that things will work out as planned. develop in the direction they expected.

They were still in a good mood. Even though it was already 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, they were not in a hurry to rest. Instead, they communicated on the Internet, predicting when the listening rate of "Late Night Ghost Stories" would drop off a cliff. Is it the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?

Guyong wants to be the savior? That is absolutely impossible.

They still despise "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" and still think that most listeners will gradually choose to give up listening to it, but this does not seem to be the case.

At least judging from the current situation on the Internet, the vast majority of listeners are full of expectations for the next development of the story.

Some people celebrated, some congratulated, and while celebrating and congratulating, everyone was naturally discussing the content of the work itself.

"Plots related to blank paper women,

It's so attractive, it's a combination of weird, bizarre, suspenseful, and thrilling, making people want to put it down. "

"The beginning of Gu Yong's work was originally quite dull, but as soon as the plot about the blank paper woman came out, this dullness was immediately washed away, making people highly concentrated and nervous. It also led to A incomplete ancient book, "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique". I always feel that this book will be very important and may be the key to the development of the plot in the future. Otherwise, in the final content of today's issue, Gu Yong. I won’t emphasize that after Hu Guohua’s death, his house was confiscated and nothing was left, except for the incomplete ancient book that Hu Guohua passed on to Hu Bayi.”

"It should be like this. Mr. Sun said that the contents recorded in this book are just some tricks to find tombs based on Feng Shui, but I think it should be more than that. There should be deeper content in this book, but Mr. Sun himself does not have it. It’s just enlightenment. Hu Bayi should understand it in the future.”

"Today's issue is all about my grandfather. It's a kind of memoir. At the end, the protagonist Hu Bayi officially appears. Tomorrow will obviously be about the story of the protagonist Hu Bayi. I guess Hu Bayi will Bayi should be able to find tombs and rob tombs based on the contents recorded in the ancient book "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique". It feels quite fascinating!"

"It's indeed quite attractive. This episode's broadcast is called Ai Baoliang, right? It's the first time I listened to his program. I feel that the broadcast is very good and I feel very emotional when listening to it."

"Well, Ai Baoliang can be said to be the most popular broadcaster of ghost stories and supernatural stories. He should be the most qualified person to broadcast Mr. Gu Yong's works."

"By the way, the listening rate for this episode should be very high. It feels like a lot of people are listening."

"It will definitely be very high. The program team of "Late Night Ghost Stories" will definitely announce the listening rate tomorrow. We will know then."

"It's very exciting! I really want to know what the listening rate of "Late Night Ghost Stories" will be if Mr. Gu Yong personally takes action?"

"We are also very much looking forward to it. The listening rate of "Late Night Ghost Stories" has been less than 0.1 for a long time. I wonder how many this issue will have?"

"We'll find out tomorrow, it's really exciting!"


Ordinary listeners are so concerned about the listening rate of this issue, and everyone in the radio industry is naturally more concerned.

Many people in the radio industry are still awake at this time. They can't sleep because they have a premonition that the listening rate of this episode of "Late Night Ghost Stories" will be quite high.

They are very envious, but they are not jealous, because this is actually a good thing for them, and it is also worthy of celebration.

Because if the listening rate of this episode of "Late Night Ghost Stories" is beyond imagination, it must be because many new listeners have joined.

This shows that as long as the program is good and the right method is found, there are still many people who have not listened to radio programs before, who are willing to listen to radio programs.

Also, with so many new listeners joining, there will definitely be some people left who are willing to continue listening to the radio from now on.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

programs, which will increase the listener base of current radio programs.

In this era when radio stations have long ceased to be mainstream, it is definitely a big surprise and a great good thing for new listeners to join. It is worthy of celebration by the entire radio industry.

Therefore, people in the entire radio industry are only envious, not jealous. In addition to being envious, they are also full of gratitude and seem a little excited.

Especially similar programs like "Late Night Ghost Stories" are particularly excited. They see the dawn of a new life for their programs.

What everyone in the radio industry is most concerned about right now is, what will the listening rate of this episode of "Late Night Ghost Stories" be?

Everyone is predicting and discussing.

"I think it is very likely to break through 1.0. Just look at the voices of listeners discussing on the Internet. There are too many people listening."

"It is still a bit difficult to estimate 1.0. You know, the listening rate of "Late Night Ghost Stories" has been less than 0.1 for a long time. From 0.1 to 1.0, is this too exaggerated?"

"It is indeed too exaggerated, but I feel that it is really possible. Gu Yong's influence is greater than we imagined."

"I guess it's not 1.0, it should be around 0.7. This is already a very high listening rate."


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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