Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2122 Angry yet powerless

Remember in one second【】

Everyone at the radio station felt unbelievable, but it was indeed a fact, and they had to believe it even if they didn't believe it.

Then, everyone is thinking about a problem, that is, although radio stations are no longer mainstream, this does not mean that those who have never listened to radio before will not listen to radio.

As long as the content is of interest to them, they are obviously still willing to listen to the radio.

The high listening rate of "Late Night Ghost Stories" this time perfectly proves this point.

Why is it so high? That's undoubtedly because so many new listeners have chosen to listen.

Many people were thoughtful after the shock.

The ratings of 2.8 undoubtedly ranked first, followed by "Music Frontier" with a rating of 1.52.

In the past, this was definitely a phenomenal listening rate, but now with a ratings of 2.8, it is obviously no longer a phenomenon.

The third-ranked program has a listening rating of 1.14, which is a huge gap.

Originally, Jiang Rui could look down upon him with a sense of superiority. Although the program with the second highest listening rate was ranked second, the listening rate was far behind him and it was not of the same rank at all.

Jiang Rui enjoys the moment when the listening rate is released every day. At this time, he can hear people on the radio lamenting that the listening rate of his program is so high that it is simply phenomenal.

However, today, Jiang Rui was destined to be unable to enjoy it.

"2.8? How is this possible? How is it possible that there are radio programs now that can reach a listening rate of 2.8? This is absolutely impossible!" Jiang Rui's voice was very loud. No one knew his mood at this time. They could only judge from the fact that he was The overly shocked and slightly ferocious expression revealed that his heart must be in turmoil, raging like a storm.

"Director, this listening rate is true and there is no mistake. This is the data obtained by Director Hu himself." Someone from the program team said in a low voice. He knew that Jiang Rui had a problem with the "Late Night Ghost Stories" program, and what he wanted most was What I saw was that "Late Night Ghost Stories" was discontinued.

But now, Jiang Rui is afraid that he won't be able to see "Late Night Ghost Stories" stop airing.

The program staff thought in their hearts. As for him, he had nothing to do with the "Late Night Ghost Stories" program. The listening rate of "Late Night Ghost Stories" was so high. Although he was shocked, he was very happy in his heart.

It's just that he didn't dare to show it to Jiang Rui. He knew that once he showed a little bit of happiness, his life would be difficult in the future.

Therefore, he feels very uncomfortable now.

Fortunately, Jiang Rui shouted to him very impatiently: "Get out! Get out!"

He ran out as if relieved.

"How could it be 2.8? Why did he reach 2.8?" Jiang Rui was upset. He wanted to vent violently, but he didn't know how to vent.

He knew that it was impossible for "Late Night Ghost Stories" to be discontinued.

Not to mention such a high listening rate, it is impossible to reduce it to much in the next week. Even if after two days, the listening rate really drops off a cliff and returns to its original state, it will be impossible to stop broadcasting.

A program that has achieved a miracle of listening ratings at this time will not be able to stop broadcasting in a short period of time as long as there are no serious mistakes in principle.

"Late Night Ghost Story" really escaped from death, no, it is more than just a simple escape from death, it is already a miracle, a new phenomenon.

If Jiang Rui could barely escape death just by relying on a 0-point listening rating, even if Jiang Rui felt regretful, he would not be so irritable.

However, now, "Late Night Ghost Stories" has announced the return of the king in such a way, replacing "Music Frontier" as a new phenomenon, and the listening rate has nearly doubled.

It is foreseeable that from now on, whether it is within CCTV Radio Station or the entire radio industry, the most talked about program will no longer be "Music Frontier", but will be changed to "Late Night Ghost Stories".

The once phenomenal "Music Frontier" will completely become the background and foil of "Late Night Ghost Stories".

This was unacceptable to Jiang Rui, and it was also the main reason why he was so irritable.

He wanted to vent, but didn't know how.

Jiang Rui was irritable, and Lu Yue was equally irritable. He also knew that with such a high listening rate, it would be impossible for "Late Night Ghost Stories" to stop broadcasting in a short time. He carefully prepared a long section Time's "Night Talk Tonight" is really going to be stillborn.

In the chat group, Lu Yue finally stopped pretending and angrily vented his inner emotions, saying: "Why? Why is there such a high listening rate? I also listened to yesterday's program, and it felt like it was just average. , why is there such a high listening rate?”

Jiang Rui said: "I also want to ask why? How could it have such a high listening rate?"

Someone sighed: "Because of Guyong, most people come here for Guyong. We have estimated Guyong's influence as high as possible before. But the current results prove that we still underestimated it far. Gu Yong’s influence. Alas! Since it’s all because of Gu Yong, there’s nothing we can do about it.”

"Gu Yong?" Jiang Rui and Lu Yue were extremely angry. This guy was meddling in other people's business. If it weren't for Gu Yong, they would have toasted in celebration now.

However, after they were angry for a while, they all sighed and felt a strong sense of powerlessness. Because the other party was Gu Yong, they had no other choice but to be angry.

Jiang Rui, Lu

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Yue and others were angry but powerless. Those writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories who felt good about themselves were also shocked and incredulous.

How come the listening rate is so high?

They also went out of their way to find out the current listening rate of radio programs. Do they know what the listening rate of 2.8 actually means?

However, they just felt incredible and were not angry.

After all, will "Late Night Ghost Stories" ever go off the air? They don't care and have nothing to do with them. All they care about is whether "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" will be successful?

The listening rate of the first episode is now so high, which only shows that Gu Yong's influence is indeed great, and has also saved "Late Night Ghost Stories" from the risk of being suspended in a short period of time.

However, this does not mean that the work "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is successful. After the later story about the protagonist's tomb robbing begins, it will still happen, and the results of their previous analysis will still be the same.

The listening rate of the first episode is so high, that’s why. Later on, those who should rush will still rush.

Moreover, the higher the current listening rate, the uglier it will be when it hits the streets later. There are so many people who came in a hurry for Gu Yong's reputation, but in the end they still hit the streets.

This can only show that the work "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is a complete failure.

Therefore, those self-righteous writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories have no other emotions except shock. They are still waiting for "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" to hit the streets.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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