Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2123 It’s just the beginning

Remember in one second【】

People in the radio industry also learned about the listening rate of "Late Night Ghost Stories" for the first time. After learning about it, as expected, the entire radio industry was shocked.

No one would have thought that today, when radio is no longer mainstream, there would still be radio programs with a listening rating of 2.8.

If someone said before, even now, the radio program may reach a listening rate of 2.8.

Then, that person will definitely be laughed at by the entire radio industry, thinking that that person must have lived more than 10 years ago.

But now, the listening rate of "Late Night Ghost Stories" is 2.8. Even if it is as unreal as a dream, it is already there.

This is a fact that has shocked the entire radio industry. Through this fact, should everyone have a new understanding of the current survival situation of radio programs?

It is true that radio has long ceased to be mainstream, but this does not mean that no radio program can achieve high listening rates.

As long as the program is of interest to the listeners, it is entirely possible to achieve a very high listening rate.

Of course, this is by no means a simple matter, it is very difficult! It's hard!

The reason why the listening rate of this episode of "Late Night Ghost Stories" is so high is largely due to Gu Yong's personal influence.

This is almost impossible to replicate for other radio stations and other programs.

It is very unlikely for other programs to achieve such a listening rate, almost impossible, unless Gu Yong or Li Fan takes action again.

However, one thing is certain, that is, people who have never listened to the radio before will actually be willing to listen to the radio if there is a radio program that interests them.

That said, even now, it's still possible to create new audiences.

So, as long as you are willing to work hard, it is possible that the listening rate will be greatly improved. We do not expect to achieve the miraculous listening rate of 2.8 that cannot be copied. We only need to achieve a substantial improvement on the original basis.

With effort, this should be achievable.

Therefore, while people in the radio industry were extremely shocked, they were all ignited with new passion and vitality.

This kind of passion and vitality,

It’s been a long time since I’ve been in the radio world.

Countless listeners also knew what the listening rate of "Late Night Ghost Stories" was, and they were equally shocked. After the shock, they could not suppress their excitement and excitement.

Although they believed that Guyong could save "Late Night Ghost Stories", they did not expect that the rescue would be so shocking. The listening rate of 2.8, this is a data that will shock the entire radio industry, right?

Not only in the radio industry, but also in the outside world, it will also cause shock. Today, when radio is no longer mainstream, it is really incredible that a radio program can have an audience rating of 2.8.

The audience started celebrating last night, but now, they are celebrating even more excitedly.

"I never dreamed that the listening rate would be so high. Mr. Guyong's action must be too powerful."

"I knew that Mr. Guyong would be able to save "Late Night Ghost Stories", but I didn't expect that the rescue would be so shocking. The show that was about to be discontinued has suddenly become a shocking phenomenon. This feeling is so refreshing! "

"From now on, I will be accompanied by "Late Night Ghost Stories" every night late at night. Thank you Mr. Guyong!"

""Late Night Ghost Stories" will not be suspended, and we don't have to suffer from listening to those stories that really make people uninterested. Thank you Mr. Guyong!"


The listeners are so excited, and so are the book fans who choose to listen because they are old and mediocre.

Gu Yong took action and not only saved "Late Night Ghost Stories", but also saved it so beautifully that they were really proud and excited.

Seeing that so many listeners on the Internet are so grateful to Gu Yong, they feel very comfortable.

"How is it? Gu Yong's big move is indeed extraordinary, right? Some of you were a little worried before, but now you know there is no need to worry at all."

"Not only don't you have to worry, it's really great!"

"Just watch, the more exciting things are yet to come. This is just the beginning. Gu Yong's works are far more attractive than you think. I think the listening rate will get higher and higher."

"Believe it! Believe it! We absolutely believe it! It's really exciting!"

Great Martial Arts Magazine.

Jian Yishen let out a long sigh and said with some bitterness and helplessness: "With a listening rate of 2.8, he seems to be able to create miracles no matter what kind of works he releases and in what way he releases them."

Wang Yang was also very emotional and said: "Didn't we already guess it before? The listening rate will probably be unexpectedly high. Now, we shouldn't be surprised."

Jian Yishen said: "It's true that I'm not surprised, but it makes people feel sad. However, editor-in-chief, just judging from the content of the first issue, the real story of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" has obviously not begun yet. You said that in the future, its listening rate Will it go up or down, or stay basically the same?”

Wang Yang answered directly without hesitation: "There is no doubt that it will continue to rise. As for how much it can reach in the end? I dare not say this, but it will definitely be a jaw-dropping number. Now ghost stories, supernatural stories Some writers in the industry seem to think that "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" will hit the streets, and that the theme of "tomb robbing"

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Not at all. I can only say that their structure is just like that, and they will be eliminated by the market sooner or later. "

Jian Yishen said: "There will be some such authors in every field. They feel good about themselves, or are extremely confident. It is normal for them to be eliminated. I also think that the listening rate will continue to rise in the future. Guyong's The influence of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" will eventually be quite large."

Wang Yang said: "Let's watch and see what kind of miracle he will create?"

Jian Yishen sighed again and stopped talking.

At the same time, a number of other martial arts writers were also talking about the listening rate.

"The listening rate of 2.8 is too high. Gu Yong will never be calm no matter what he does."

"What's even more frightening is that the listening rate of 2.8 is probably just the beginning, and I'm afraid it will get higher and higher in the future. People in the radio industry are already shocked to death, and I don't know what they will do next. expression?"


Times Literary Award Jury Office.

Yang Qiming said: "The listening rate of 2.8 is indeed very high, but when this happened to Gu Yong, there is nothing surprising. I am just curious now, how high can its peak listening rate be?"

Lipa said: "It's hard to guess, but it must be much higher than 2.8."

Yang Qiming nodded and said, "That's for sure."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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