Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2126: Touching the Gold Captain

Remember in one second【】

All the audience members were in suspense. The little fire ladybug was too weird and terrifying, and all the audience members were feeling panicky.

And the weirdness and terror are not over yet.

After Wang Gong and the instructor were burned to ashes, the strange ladybug split into three, from one to three.

Three strange ladybugs rushed towards the crowd at extremely fast speeds. In an instant, three more people turned into fireballs and fell to the ground arguing in pain.

Everyone felt even more panicked and shuddered.

Afterwards, Hu Bayi and his surviving comrades shot at the strange ladybug, and the gunfire triggered an avalanche.

A new danger struck again, and all the audience members were more nervous than ever before. Listening to Ai Baoliang's voice, they did not dare to breathe out or make any other noise.

They were afraid that the noise they made would affect the narrow escape of Hu Bayi and his surviving comrades in the story.

The avalanche caused violent vibrations, causing a large downward-sloping crack to open on the steep hillside. Hu Bayi and several surviving comrades fell into the large crack after narrowly escaping death.

Although they fell into the gap, it was temporarily safe for Hu Bayi and others.

There are no more weird fire ladybugs here, and no more avalanches.

It was safe for the time being, and the audience breathed a long sigh of relief. All the things that had just happened were so weird and thrilling that the words "escaping from death" seemed not enough to describe it.

However, the audience's breath was short-lived, and everyone's hearts began to rise again.

"There is a 'golden' shaped wooden tower standing underground, made of thousands of giant trees. The tower is dotted with countless red flashes. Looking through those weak flashes, it can be seen that the base of the wooden tower has nearly two hundred meters wide, made of rammed mud and stone. The body of the tower is made of thousand-year-old cypress wood. It is divided into nine floors. Each floor is filled with dry skeletons wearing strange ancient costumes. There are men, women and children. There are people of all ages on each big tree. It is full of Tibetan secret texts.

Is this a tomb? With such a huge scale, who built it underground?


Ai Baoliang's voice was low.

Hu Bayi and his surviving comrades groped their way underground,

Find a way out. As I walked deeper and deeper, I suddenly discovered such a strange nine-story wooden pagoda.

The nine-story wooden pagoda is very strange. Each floor is filled with dry skeletons wearing strange ancient costumes, including men, women, old and young. Each large tree is covered with Tibetan secrets.

The name of the nine-story wooden pagoda seems to be written in a Tibetan secret script. Someone among the comrades knew it and said it was called "Nine-story Demon Pagoda".

According to legend, this "nine-story demon tower" is the burial form of the tombs of the kings of the ancient demon kingdom.

The tower is dotted with stars and countless red flashes.

Taking a closer look, it immediately made one's hair stand on end, because those red flashes were clearly the weird fire ladybugs that Hu Bayi and the others had encountered before. There were so many of them that they were countless.

Hu Bayi and others felt creepy, and so did all the audience members. Their hearts were in their throats, for fear that Hu Bayi and others would wake up those weird little things.

If the little thing is awakened, everyone, including Hu Bayi, will definitely be burned to a pile of ashes by the blue flames in front of this weird nine-story demon tower.

That little thing is really scary.

Hu Bayi and his surviving comrades retreated cautiously. The atmosphere was always strange and tense, and all the audience members were afraid to express their anger.

However, what they were worried about still happened, and those strange fire ladybugs were awakened.

This time, there is no doubt that it is the most critical moment.

Fortunately, after a series of near-death moments, Hu Bayi and his comrades finally managed to escape the attack of those strange fire ladybugs by relying on a river.

However, the danger is not over yet.

After escaping the attack of the fire ladybug, Hu Bayi and his comrades were attacked by a more than ten meters long overlord salamander.

After another thrilling struggle and escape, the Overlord Salamander was finally successfully killed.

However, the danger was not over yet. They encountered Jibeng again, and another comrade died during their escape.

In the end, after many life-and-death struggles, Hu Bayi and his two surviving comrades finally arrived at a truly safe place and were given a new life.

At this time, all the listeners could finally breathe a sigh of relief, and their hearts that had been hanging around finally settled down.

However, in this series of changes, so many people died. Moreover, they all died tragically, which made the audience feel regretful and sentimental.

Recalling those thrilling scenes still makes them shudder.

At this time, they have been deeply attracted by this work. Those new listeners who just chose to listen today can't help but feel very lucky that they chose to listen today.

Otherwise, how could they feel the thrilling moments again and again.

Even if they can pass tomorrow, many people on the Internet have discussed the storyline and know the general content of today's broadcast, but in that case, there will not be such a thrilling, suffocating and immersive feeling. It will be very regrettable.

At the same time, they felt a little regretful, regretting why they didn’t listen to it yesterday? Although they knew the general content of yesterday's broadcast on the Internet today, they only knew the general content. If they did not listen, they would never be able to feel the excitement of listening.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

It feels regrettable.

However, they feel that they are luckier than many people. They know that there are many people who have been struggling for a long time today, but ultimately did not choose to listen.

Those people should regret it.

Compared with those people, they are undoubtedly very lucky.

Therefore, they were somewhat proud.

They were thinking this in their hearts, but today's program was not over yet, and Ai Baoliang's voice continued to speak.

After a series of changes, Hu Bayi met his old friend again, Fatty.

The two people were running around trying to make a living, but they couldn't make much money.

Later, the two met a businessman who could sell anything, Big Gold Tooth.

Later, Hu Bayi and Fatty decided to start a career.

What career?

Tomb robbery!

Of course, they won't be ordinary tomb robbers.

Tomb robbers have no technical skills in robbing tombs. They only rob open tombs on the ground.

Moreover, they are all digging and taking indiscriminately, and they do everything perfectly. No matter who you are, whether you are a loyal minister or a good general, an official or a common person, who is who, there are no rules at all, even if there are some rules, they are all figured out by yourself. That's not the case at all.

They want to rob tombs with technical content, and they want to rob tombs with rules.

They have a name called "Mojin Xiaowei".

Mojin Xiaowei was engaged in tomb robbing, but he had his own rules. He was by no means an ordinary tomb robber who dug and looted randomly.

Why is it called "Mojin Xiaowei"?

The saying "touching the gold captain" has appeared in various tomb robberies in previous lives, but it is not the original creation of today's writers, but an ancient military officer title, which was first established by Cao Cao of the Three Kingdoms.

According to historical records, "Mojin Xiaowei" originated from the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

At that time, in order to make up for the lack of military pay, Cao Cao established military ranks such as "Qiu Zhonglang General" and "Mojin Xiaowei", who were specifically responsible for robbing tombs to obtain money for military pay.

Naturally, the tomb robber got a name, "Mojin Xiaowei".

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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