Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2127: People light candles, ghosts blow out lamps

Remember in one second【】

Touch the gold captain?

Most of the audience heard this term for the first time. They thought it was an original term created by Guyong. Some of them didn’t quite understand why Guyong created such a term.

What does this term have to do with tomb robbing?

It wasn't until someone who was familiar with history explained the origin of "Mojin Xiaowei" on the Internet that those who didn't understand before suddenly realized it.

It turns out that this is not a term coined by Gu Yong, but an officer title established by Cao Cao during the Three Kingdoms period.

In this way, people can understand it.

"Touching for gold", as the name suggests, means touching valuable things in tombs. And "school captain" is naturally an official title.

However, it seems a bit surprising that Cao Cao actually organized people to rob tombs and used the stolen property as military pay.

This was the first time for most people to hear about such a thing, and they licked their tongues for a long time.

Of course, Gu Yong also added some of his own original settings to the settings of "Touching the Golden Captain" in his works.

"Mojin" is one of the four major tomb robbing sects in the work. Among them, "Mojin" is the sect with the highest technical content and the most rules.

"When people light candles, ghosts blow out lamps" is the secret of the legendary gold-touching sect.

Whenever a large tomb is dug, a candle must be lit in the underground palace of the tomb and placed in the southeast corner, and then the coffin can be opened to touch for gold.

In the process of touching for gold, the remains of the deceased must not be damaged, and the remains of the deceased must be touched gently from the top of the head to the soles of the feet. Finally, one or two treasures must be left for the deceased, and everything cannot be taken away.

During this period, if the candle in the southeast corner is extinguished, you must put back all the belongings you got, kowtow three times respectfully, and go back the way you came, without taking anything away.

Because the candles are extinguished, it proves that there is a ghost of the deceased in the tomb. If he blows out the candles, it can also be considered that he is guarding his own cemetery.

In this way, naturally nothing can be taken away.

According to legend, this is a contract between the living and the dead made by the ancestor, which has been passed down for thousands of years and cannot be broken.

When I heard this,

Everyone finally knows what "ghost blows out the lantern" is, and finally understands what the three words "ghost blows out the lantern" mean.

So that's it.

Everyone was very excited. Although it sounded a bit mysterious, it seemed very reasonable.

This is called tomb robbing. Grave robbing requires knowledge and a lot of attention and rules. It is definitely not just digging up the tomb randomly and taking away the things inside.

Those who have no technical content can only be called the most common tomb robbers.

Let’s take a look at the captains of the Jinmen sect, and see how they rob tombs? It's a matter of judgment, they're not on the same level at all.

At this moment, the audience actually had the illusion that tomb robbing was a noble and very sophisticated profession.

Of course, this was only a momentary illusion. The audience knew that even if they touched the tombs of the Golden Colonels, it could not be put on the table, and it would not be exposed to the light after all.

However, this does not matter. On the contrary, it makes people feel more mysterious and awe-inspiring for those unknown ancient tombs.

All the audience, after knowing the rules of gold-touching captains, felt a sense of awe, awe for the ancient tombs, and awe for those mysterious and mysterious things.

The audience was in awe, a little excited, and very much looking forward to the next story.

Because, after Hu Bayi and Fatty decided to touch Colonel Jin, they no longer hesitated, purchased some necessary equipment, and set off towards their first goal.

It was Hu Bayi who discovered the Feng Shui treasure cave known as the "Nine Dragons Covering the Jade Lotus" a few years ago. At that time, Hu Bayi deduced that there should be an ancient tomb of a woman with a very prominent life experience there.

Now, Hu Bayi and Fatty are finally going to find the mysterious ancient tomb.

That ancient tomb is in the primeval forest. What kind of dangers and strange events will the two of them encounter when they go there?

It’s really very exciting!

All the listeners listened in high spirits, not feeling sleepy at all.

However, at this time, Ai Baoliang's voice was heard saying goodbye to everyone. It was already 12 o'clock in the evening, and it was time for the show.

The following story has to wait until 11 o'clock tomorrow night.

All the listeners were slightly startled when they heard Ai Baoliang say goodbye. They all forgot that the show was still ending.

After being stunned, they all sighed, why is it over? How nice would it be to keep talking until dawn?

Of course, everyone just thinks this way, and of course they know this is impossible.

Let’s not talk about anything else. The anchor Ai Baoliang is broadcasting live. He must be tired by now. How can he still talk to you until dawn?

Although I am reluctant to leave, although I have strong curiosity and expectation in my heart, today’s story has finally come to an end.

It was already 12 o'clock in the evening. Originally, the show was over and everyone should go to bed.

But most people are not sleepy at this time, including many new listeners who just chose to listen today and think the program is a bit late.

At this time in the past, they had already gone to bed, but now, he

^0^ Remember in one second【】

But they didn't feel any sleepiness.

What should I do if I don’t feel sleepy?

It's very simple, just communicate and discuss with other people who are also sleepy on the Internet.

The Internet at this time today is much more lively than at this time last night, because the content of today's program is undoubtedly much more exciting than the first program last night.

This is actually what many people expected, because yesterday's program was all about the protagonist's grandfather, and it could only be regarded as an introduction, so the excitement was naturally limited.

What begins today is the story about the protagonist, the real beginning of the story of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", which will definitely be much more exciting than yesterday.

There are so many places worth recalling today.

Tomb robbery, tomb robbery, the tomb that the protagonist Hu Bayi wants to rob is not the kind of tomb that is located on the ground and can be seen by everyone. What he wanted to steal were the tombs that had been buried deep underground over the years.

In the primeval forest, there are ferocious monsters and bears in the Feng Shui cave known as the "Nine Dragons Covering the Jade Lotus".

On Kunlun Mountain, there are the weird and terrifying fire ladybugs, the chilling nine-story demon tower, and the huge monster Overlord Salamander.

Regarding the saying about touching the gold captain, and the saying that "people light candles, ghosts blow out lanterns", etc... Wait!

All these contents are memorable for the audience.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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