Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2130 So he is Gu Yong

Remember in one second【】

The crew of "Late Night Ghost Stories" saw yesterday's listening rate, and naturally others in the radio industry also saw it.

After seeing it, they were also shocked.

Many people have guessed that the listening rate will increase, and they are all prepared for the increase.

However, even though they were prepared, they were still completely stunned.

They didn't expect it to rise so much. They originally thought it would only rise slightly on the basis of 2.8, but unexpectedly, it actually rose directly to 3.4.

What is rhythm?

This is the rhythm of ratings that can only be achieved by becoming a popular TV show.

Who dares to believe it?

But it is already a fact. The entire radio industry is once again in a state of shock. I originally thought that 2.8 was the peak, but now I know that 2.8 is just the beginning.

What will the peak be? No one dares to predict now, and it is impossible to predict.

It has risen directly from 2.8 to 3.4. Who dares to predict? Who can predict? Who knows how much it will rise tomorrow?

Will it continue to rise tomorrow? Although people in the radio industry couldn't believe it, they had to come to the conclusion that they would probably continue to rise tomorrow.

"After working in the radio industry for so many years, now that I can see the ratings of such a radio program and challenge the ratings of a popular TV program, it is not in vain that I have worked in the radio industry for so many years."

"Indeed, it really makes people feel that the trip is worthwhile!"

"The success of "Late Night Ghost Stories" cannot be replicated for us, but there is still a feeling of encouragement. I feel that our entire radio industry seems to be much younger and more energetic than before."

"Of course, with the miracle of "Late Night Ghost Stories" in front of me, just thinking about it makes people feel motivated."

"How high will its peak listening rate be? Although it is impossible to predict now, it is quite exciting!"

"It is indeed very exciting. Let's wait and see. It has already shocked our radio industry twice. Let's see how many more times it can shock us."

“Let’s look forward to it together.



The entire radio industry was once again hotly debated over "Late Night Ghost Stories". Jiang Rui, Lu Yue and others from CCTV Radio once again sighed with sadness, anger and helplessness.

They no longer expect "Late Night Ghost Stories" to stop airing. They only hope that the listening rate will slowly decrease. In that case, they will feel better.

However, not only did the listening rate not decrease, but it continued to skyrocket. The level of skyrocketing made them feel deeply powerless.

"Gu Yong, Gu Yong." They chanted Gu Yong's name and sighed silently again.

On the Internet, countless listeners also know the listening rate data of "Late Night Ghost Stories" yesterday.

They laughed excitedly. For them, the higher the listening rate, the more people were listening to "Late Night Ghost Stories" with them at the same time.

The more people there are, the more excitement there is.

"Wow haha! The listening rate has indeed increased, and it has increased so much. This means that there were a lot more people listening to "Late Night Ghost Stories" with me last night. It feels really good!"

"It's indeed quite fun! The more people there are, the more fun it is! I hope there will be more and more people. Good things should be shared by everyone."

"Don't worry, don't worry, there will definitely be more people tonight, at least one more for me. I really regret missing two episodes."

"You are not the only one who regrets it. I also missed two issues, and I regret it too. I cannot miss tonight under any circumstances."

"Haha! Come on, come on, you all come, this is indeed a wonderful event that cannot be missed, and our team will become bigger and bigger."

"Then let us meet at 11 o'clock tonight to listen to the legendary story of people lighting candles and ghosts blowing out lanterns."

"Not just make an appointment at 11 o'clock tonight, but also make an appointment at 11 o'clock every night in the future."

"Yes, yes, we will meet at 11 o'clock every night from now on."


Great Martial Arts Magazine.

Jian Yishen repeatedly sighed: "People light candles and ghosts blow out lamps. Gu Yong's imagination is really unconstrained and endless."

Wang Yang was equally emotional and said: "This is the reason why he chose to write martial arts novels when he was at the peak of martial arts. Facts have proved that even if he does not write martial arts novels, he can also write various other types of novels. Moreover, they are all at their peak. The presence."

Jian Yishen said: "To be honest, this really makes people envious and jealous. How can one person's talent be so high? This is simply unfair to other people."

Wang Yang said: "This world has never been fair. It is difficult to accept it, but it must be accepted."

Jian Yishen nodded, he naturally understood this truth, and then said: "Now that the saying 'people light candles, ghosts blow out lamps' comes out, those writers of ghost stories and supernatural stories who question him will be speechless. Did you get slapped in the face?"

Wang Yang said: "This is natural. They dared to question Gu Yong, and it is normal for them to be slapped in the face. It is also their fault that they have no discernment. When have people who questioned Gu Yong in other novel fields not been slapped in the face? It’s no one else’s fault that they can’t learn from other areas of fiction.”

Jian Yishen said: "Who says no?

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Yes, even if you feel unhappy and want to question it, you can just keep it in your heart and know it alone. Why do you need to say it out loud? "

Wang Yang smiled and said: "It's very simple, just to show off. If the questioning is successful in the end, everyone will know that he raised the question in advance, and everyone will be amazed by his insight and ability, and he will succeed." It's cool to be cool. It's great to be able to feel cool at the same time. If you don't say it out, even if you succeed in questioning it, no one will know that they have questioned it. You can’t just pretend. That’s why those who question it always have to say it.”

Jian Yishen thought for a moment after hearing this, and it was really like this.

A number of martial arts writers are also discussing this.

"About the story of tomb robbing, it turns out that it can still be written like this. It is really eye-opening again. No wonder the listening rate has increased from 2.8 to 3.4. It is really too strong."

"People light candles and ghosts blow out lanterns. This imagination is really amazing. What a terrifying Gu Yong!"

"What's even more frightening is that it seemed that it only took him less than two days to determine the theme and conceive the entire story. Can you believe it?"

"I can't believe it, but it must be true. This is Gu Yong!"

"Since he wrote the martial arts novel, how many times has this opened our eyes?"

"For the nth time, every new book he publishes is of a different type and subject, but the same thing is that they are all eye-opening. It's really scary!"

"So he is Gu Yong!"


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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