Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2131 Get started

Remember in one second【】

Times Literary Award Jury Office.

Yang Qiming laughed and said: "People light candles and ghosts blow out lamps. It's really eye-opening. Lao Li, you said during the Three Kingdoms period, when Cao Cao's gold-touching captains opened a museum to touch gold, is it possible that this kind of thing also happened? statement?"

Li Bo said: "There should be no such thing. Gu Yong probably just borrowed the term 'touching gold captain', and then all the sayings and rules about 'people light candles, ghosts blow out lamps' are all made up by him. . It looks mysterious and mysterious, but it is also very convincing."

Yang Qiming nodded and said: "This is the great thing about Gu Yong, even if it is something mysterious and mysterious, it will convince you. In this way, the readers or the audience will be extremely recognized, and the rest of the things will be easier to handle. ”

Lipa said: "Indeed, the rest will be easy to handle. This "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" will undoubtedly be another classic, and it will also create a new genre, the tomb robbing style. It is foreseeable that There will be a lot of tomb-robbing novels on the market again.”

Yang Qiming said: "This is normal and is also the demand of the market. After reading "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", readers will definitely be eager to see more novels about tomb robbing, and other tomb robbing novels have emerged as the times require. For authors and readers It’s a win-win situation.”

Li Bo said: "I hope the quality of other tomb-robbery novels can be higher."

Yang Qiming smiled and said, "I hope so."

Throughout the day, countless people from all walks of life were discussing "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" and were full of endless expectations for the next plot of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern".

In the next plot, Hu Bayi and Fatty will go to the Feng Shui cave called "Nine Dragons Covering Jade Lotus" to find the ancient tomb buried there.

This is Hu Bayi's first real tomb hunting and tomb robbery. What will happen? What dangers and strange things will be encountered, etc., are all very exciting.

Countless people are looking forward to getting dark and waiting for the time to reach 11 o'clock in the evening.

And the time finally reached 11 o'clock in the evening, and the atmosphere on the Internet reached its peak.

"Haha! It's finally 11 o'clock again, let's start, let's start, let's start!"

"I'm here. It's a pity that I missed the first two issues. But starting from tonight, I will be there for every issue."

"The same new people came to report,

I really regret missing two issues. "

"Haha! Newbies are welcome to join the trap. I can't help but be excited thinking that there are countless people waiting in front of the radio like me at this moment."

"It's the same, everyone is equally excited."


All kinds of sounds burst out at the same time, and so many sounds stopped abruptly almost at the same time as Ai Baoliang's voice came out from the radio.

Ai Baoliang started to tell, so naturally they had to listen to the story first. They had been looking forward to it all day and night.

"The key to tomb robbing is to find ancient tombs, which is a very profound knowledge. Over the thousands of years of dynasty changes in our country, the rise and fall of emperors' tombs, the construction and location selection of emperors' tombs have been different.

Going further forward is the endless virgin forest. Yingzi led eight big dogs in front to clear the way. Fatty led a pony to carry tents and other supplies and equipment. I walked behind carrying a shotgun, and the group entered the border. Among the high mountains.


After an introductory remark, Ai Baoliang began today's story.

Hu Bayi, Fatty, and a woman named Yingzi set out with the necessary equipment.

The destination is a place called Yerengou, which is the Feng Shui treasure cave known as the "Nine Dragons Covering the Jade Lotus".

After a difficult journey, the three finally arrived at Yerengou safely.

It was a deep valley. Hu Bayi carefully looked at the topography of the valley according to the "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique", and then took out the compass to identify the Eight Diagrams directions. He thought to himself: "Finally, I found the right damn place. This valley must be There are ancient tombs of nobles.”

According to the "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique", it can be known that the terrain of the Savage Valley is stable and majestic, with the power to swallow up everything. One end is the grassland, and the other end is connected to the Greater Khingan Mountains. The Outer Mongolian prairie is like a vast ocean, and the Savage Valley The ditch is like a big river that flows into the sea.

Although this kind of Feng Shui style is not enough to bury an emperor, it is more than enough to bury a high-ranking official such as a prince or a general.

Hu Bayi was very happy that the first vote was finally done.

All the listeners were equally happy. A mysterious ancient tomb was about to be unveiled, which was indeed quite exciting.

To determine the specific location of the ancient tomb, you still need to wait until the moon is in the sky. At that time, Hu Bayi can refer to the position of the moon in the sky and go down to the deepest part of the valley to find the ancient tomb.

Hu Bayi, Fatty, and Yingzi were waiting for the moon to come out, and all the audience were also waiting for the moon to come out. They looked for the ancient tombs through the direction of the moon. It felt so profound, and it was really exciting and exciting.

The moon finally came out. Hu Bayi looked up at the moon in the sky, took out the compass for comparison, looked around both sides of the valley, and finally determined the position.

In Hu Bayi's view, there may be many ancient tombs in this valley, but the most important one, and the tomb of the most distinguished nobleman, is under the ground at the location he just determined.

His target was only that one tomb, and the other tombs were not in his sight.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

"嘚泽!" The audience smiled as they thought of these two words.

Now that the specific location of the tomb has been determined, the next step is to get started.

Hu Bayi and Fatty each flipped an engineering shovel up and down and started digging.

All the listeners were looking forward to it more and more, but also a little worried. This was Hu Bayi's first operation. Don't make an mistake. If there were no tombs below, it would be a bit painful. .

Fortunately, the following facts proved that the audience's balls did not need to hurt, and their worries were completely unnecessary. The "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique" is definitely a magical book.

When Hu Bayi and Fatty dug down six or seven meters deep, they found different soil. It was very fine, with distinct particles, and no lumps of soil. They tasted it with the tip of their tongues, and it was a little sweet.

Hu Bayi judged that this was the soil sealing push. If we dig four or five meters down, it should be the tomb chamber.

Sure enough, there was a tomb, and the audience was excited. Hu Bayi's ability to find tombs was really cool.

How could other tomb robbers know that there was a large tomb of an ancient nobleman under the ground more than ten meters deep?

If you can't even find the tomb, why are you robbing it? The other tomb robbers can only rob the obvious tombs on the ground.

All the listeners became more and more excited as they thought about it.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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