Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2137 Hollywood Film Exchange Meeting

Remember in one second【】

In the Immortal Space, Li Fan stood at the foot of Baiyun Mountain.

Not far away, there is a very huge guy, with a body length of more than 4 meters, with thin and extremely long legs, making it more than 6 meters tall when standing on the ground, with a wingspan of more than 8 meters, and a head with a hooked beak like an eagle. She is walking leisurely with her long legs, her posture is elegant.

This guy is exactly the little guy that Li Fan got from Luo Zhan's house in Tonghu Village, Menggen City not long ago. The little guy was originally a snake vulture, but now he has grown into such a huge guy.

However, even though it is already so huge, it still retains some physical characteristics of the snake vulture, but it is more beautiful and elegant than the snake vulture.

As usual, Li Fan gave him a name, called Tiaotian.

Looking at the big guy not far away, Li Fan was very satisfied. With a thought in his mind, the big guy not far away happily ran this way with his long legs.

This guy obviously has a very high flying ability, but he doesn't like flying. If he can run, he will never fly.

I don’t know if it’s because I feel that running is more elegant than flying?

Li Fan had no choice but to make another thought and let the big guy fly over.

The big guy then unfolded his huge wings, flew off the ground, and soon landed in front of Li Fan. He retracted his wings and looked at Li Fan eagerly.

Li Fan is very satisfied. With this guy, Xiaotian is not the only mythical beast that can fly. When he goes out in the future, if he takes one of them away, there will be another one that can protect the farm in the sky.

However, although this guy's size is now very huge, there is still a big gap compared with Xiaotian. This guy still needs enough time to grow.

However, now I can protect the farm, and I can protect the farm while working.

In two days, Li Fan will go out and prepare to take Xiao Tian with him. The guarding work in the farm's sky will depend on this guy.

Now, Li Fan plans to let this guy practice with Xiaotian for two days.

The scale of the farm is getting larger and larger, and the products inside are becoming more and more attractive. Although the mythical beasts have established absolute majesty, most animals who want to come to the farm to steal food do not dare to take a step beyond their reach.

However, under the temptation of the best food, there will always be some animals that take risks, including many poachers from the sky, such as mountain eagles and rock eagles.

Air guards are very important.

He was about to participate in the internship. He looked very excited and repeatedly said that he would learn more from his predecessors and regard guarding the farm as the first priority in his life.

This guy's consciousness is obviously very high. In human society, he is probably very suitable for mixing in the system.

Li Fan was very satisfied and summoned Xiao Tian into the space. He gave Xiao Tian a few instructions and asked Xiao Tian to lead the group to cry to the sky in the past two days.

Xiaotian was very happy to suddenly have a little brother. Seeing the size of Xiantian that was quite different from him, he even gave some encouragement for the first time, telling the little guy to follow him and not be afraid.

This is extremely rare for Xiaotian, who is arrogant by nature. If his old rival Dasha finds out, Dasha will definitely despise him.

Songtian originally thought that its size was already very large and should not be below the size of its predecessors. However, after seeing Xiaotian, it realized that it was still very small. It expressed some anxiety that it would definitely learn from its predecessors.

Then, Li Fan took Xiaotian and Xingtian out of the space together. Xiaotian spread his wings and quickly disappeared in the air.

Xingtian, who didn't like flying, quickly spread his wings and followed. Running at this time would definitely not work.

Five days later.

Modu International Airport.

Hu Fei looked at Li Fan walking over from a distance, and hurriedly greeted him. When he got closer, he laughed loudly and said, "Brother Li, it's been a long time since we last seen each other. This time, I feel completely at ease when I have you with me." ”

Li Fan also smiled and said, "Brother Hu, you were just communicating in the past, so you don't need to worry."

Hu Fei said: "Having said that, there is no guarantee that some unexpected situation will occur. Only having you here can make people feel at ease!"

Li Fan said: "When you say this, why do I suddenly feel so stressed? Otherwise, I still won't go?"

Hu Fei laughed again. He naturally knew that Li Fan was just joking. In his opinion, there was almost nothing in this world that could make Li Fan feel stressed.

A month ago, the Chinese film industry received an invitation from the American film industry to attend the International Film Exchange Conference held two days later at the Hollywood Film Center in the United States.

Hollywood is one of the most famous film centers in the world. The American film industry holds film exchange meetings there from time to time, inviting major film countries in the world to participate.

Although China's film industry is not as good as that of the United States, it is also an absolute film power in the world and is a country that must be invited to every Hollywood film exchange meeting.

The Chinese film industry also attaches great importance to this and sends senior filmmakers to participate every time.

Based on the experience of several exchange meetings in the past, the entire exchange meeting was generally quite harmonious and pleasant. However, American films can be regarded as the world's largest film country, and its comprehensive national strength is also one of the strongest. Only China in the whole world has The country can compete with it, and sometimes it is inevitable to be a little proud.

Then, some emergencies and unpleasant things may happen.

At the last Hollywood film exchange meeting, there was some unpleasantness between representatives of Chinese filmmakers and representatives of American filmmakers.

To put it simply, it is carefully prepared by Chinese filmmakers.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

One of the scripts was dismissed as useless by a representative of the American film industry, saying that no investors in their country would be willing to invest in such a script.

The Chinese filmmakers are naturally very angry. The other party is obviously deliberately looking for trouble. Their drama may not be top-notch, but it is absolutely impossible that no investors are willing to invest.

Because both sides were very unhappy about this matter.

That was about a year ago.

In the blink of an eye, another Hollywood film exchange meeting will be held in two days.

After receiving the invitation a month ago, the Chinese Film Association began to consider candidates to attend the Hollywood Film Exchange Meeting this time. Because of the unpleasantness of the last exchange meeting, they could not show weakness this time.

Li Fan received an invitation from the China Film Association.

Although Li Fan is not considered an insider in the film industry and has never produced a film alone, the film industry believes that as long as Li Fan is here, they will be able to feel completely at ease when they go to the Hollywood Film Exchange Conference.

Li Fan thought about it and didn't refuse. This was a good thing. It wouldn't hurt to go and see it.

So today, Li Fan arrived at the Shanghai International Airport and met his old friend Hu Fei, who is also one of the representatives of Chinese filmmakers.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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