Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2138 Are you an actor?

Remember in one second【】

In addition to Hu Fei, there were six people attending the Hollywood Film Exchange Meeting this time, all directors and screenwriters.

Li Fan had also heard the names of the six people, but he had never met them. This was the first time they met.

Hu Fei introduced six people to Li Fan one by one.

Naturally, all six of them admired Li Fan. Although they were all top-level directors and screenwriters, they were still a little excited and nervous to see Li Fan.

They all said that with Li Fan accompanying them, they would feel completely at ease this time.

Li Fan shook hands and greeted the six people one by one. After greeting each other for a while, they walked into the terminal together and the plane was about to take off.

Hollywood, USA, is located on the west coast of the United States, outside of Los Angeles, California. It is a good place with mountains and rivers and pleasant scenery.

For film shooting, we have unique natural conditions, including a mild climate, ample sunshine, ideal light sources for outdoor shooting, beautiful and picturesque ocean scenery, mountain backgrounds of various shapes, and large tracts of undeveloped natural open space, which are suitable for building Large-scale outdoor scenes, scheduling large-scale action shots, etc.

Many famous film companies in the United States are established here, and a large number of top directors, screenwriters, stars, stuntmen and other film industry insiders from all over the world are gathered here.

It is precisely because of this that the movies shot here are loved by people all over the world because of their majestic and explosive scenes and realistic and gorgeous stunts.

The International Film Exchange Conference that will be held here in two days is the 18th International Film Exchange Conference. The time of each session is not fixed, and the countries invited to each session are also not fixed.

In addition to China, the countries invited this time include Lan Country, Bai Country, and Island Country.

The film development in these countries is among the best in the world.

Los Angeles International Airport.

Li Fan and Hu Fei walked out of the airport. Hu Fei said, "It's not far from Hollywood. Shall we go directly there now?"

The rest of the people looked at Li Fan, and someone said, "What do you think, Mr. Li Fan?"

Li Fan smiled,

Said: "I am more casual, you can decide."

A few people nodded without being pretentious. After a brief discussion, they decided to go directly to Hollywood.

When he arrived in Hollywood, Li Fan looked at the exquisiteness around him with great interest. Whether in his previous life or in this life, this place was famous.

It was Li Fan's first time here, and he didn't have any special feelings for this place. He was just curious about what kind of place it was.

This has become one of the most famous attractions in the United States. Therefore, there are many people on the street, including local residents and tourists.

The theaters on Hollywood Boulevard are one of the most important places in Hollywood. Among them, the Huaguo Theater made Li Fan feel very friendly.

The accommodation arranged by the organizer for the Chinese filmmakers was not far from the Huaguo Theater. Several people arrived at the accommodation and put down their luggage.

After that, Hu Fei and others were going to meet the organizer and representatives of American filmmakers to do some simple handovers. Li Fan did not intend to go, but walked out of the accommodation alone, preparing to walk around the neighborhood again.

It was an exotic, famous and lively place, and Li Fan was quite interested in looking around.

Back on the streets of Hollywood, it was still very lively, with tourists everywhere taking photos.

"Hello, sir! Could you please take a photo for us?" A young man said to Li Fan.

The man is about 30 years old and quite tall. Next to him was a four or five-year-old little girl. The little girl was very cute and was looking at Li Fan curiously.

The two should have a father-daughter relationship.

Li Fan smiled and said: "Of course, I am willing."

While thanking him, the man handed his mobile phone to Li Fan, indicating that he could take pictures with his mobile phone.

Li Fan took the phone, took several photos of the man and the little girl, and then returned the phone to the man.

The man took the phone, looked at the photos he had just taken, and said happily: "Thank you! These photos are really beautiful!"

Li Fan smiled slightly and said, "Are you an actor?"

The man was surprised and said, "I am Tim Robbins. I am indeed an actor. Do you know me, sir?"

Li Fan shook his head and said, "I don't know you. It was your performance on the camera that just told me."

When Li Fan just took pictures of the man and the little girl, some of the man's behaviors made Li Fan know that the man should be an actor.

Because when actors face the camera, they behave a little differently from ordinary people. Even just facing the camera lens will be different.

This difference is very slight and cannot be seen by ordinary people, but Li Fan can see it, and some senior directors can also see it.

Of course, it is very common to meet actors here in Hollywood. There are a large number of actors here, including big-name star actors and actors who come here with dreams to make a career and are not yet famous.

Men obviously belong to the latter group.

After listening to Li Fan's words, the man suddenly realized and was very surprised, and said: "Are you a director? Sir, he should be from China. Are you here to participate in the international film exchange conference two days later?"

Only the director can tell that he is an actor through the camera lens, and in two days there will be a new International Film Exchange Conference. This is something everyone knows, and China is one of the invited countries.


^0^ Remember in one second【】

, this young man named Tim Robbins would have such speculation.

Li Fan smiled and said: "I am indeed from China, and I am indeed here to participate in the International Film Exchange Conference two days later. But I am not a director or an actor. I am an escort."

"Accompanying personnel?" Tim Robbins didn't quite understand what escorts meant, but it was obviously inconvenient to ask in detail.

However, since he is here to participate in a film exchange meeting, he must be someone from the film industry. It is not surprising that he can be seen through the lens as an actor.

Then he smiled and said: "Welcome to America, sir, to Hollywood."

Li Fan also smiled and said, "Thank you!"

Then, the two said goodbye.

Li Fan continued to wander around and heard people talking about the international film exchange conference to be held two days later.

This is a holy place for movies. Whether you live here or visit here, you can't do without the topic of movies.

The film exchange meeting that will be held in two days is already well known to everyone, and it will naturally arouse everyone's discussion.

In fact, many people came specifically for the film exchange meeting two days later, including actors speculating on their dreams, as well as ordinary tourists.

Because the exchange meeting will be held in an outdoor open space, anyone can watch it for free.

For actors with dreams, this is a stage of opportunity, and they may find opportunities here.

For ordinary tourists, this is a rare movie event that is definitely worth watching in person.

So, there will be a lot of people coming specifically for this.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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