Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2139 The film exchange meeting begins

Remember in one second【】

Two days later, the new Hollywood International Film Exchange Conference officially began.

The exchange meeting was held in the outdoor theater, a huge venue that could accommodate tens of thousands of people.

When Li Fan, Hu Fei and his party arrived at the venue, the entire venue was already crowded with people. There were actors who came here to find opportunities, ordinary tourists, and a large number of reporters carrying various equipment.

A temporary semi-enclosed stage was set up in the center of the venue. Although it was a temporary stage, it was very large and extremely luxurious.

Several large LCD screens were placed around the stage, and people from all four directions at the scene could clearly see the images on the LCD screens.

At this time, the LCD screen was simultaneously playing some aspects of the film exchange conference, which was also equivalent to a trailer.

The tourists are mainly Americans, but there are also many foreign tourists, and naturally there are also tourists from China.

The tourists from China are not the same. They all came specifically for this film exchange meeting, and some of them just happened to be there.

They also did not know that Li Fan was among the representatives of Chinese filmmakers this time. Neither the Chinese Film Association nor representatives of filmmakers such as Hu Fei revealed to the outside world that Li Fan was the representative of filmmakers this time.

This is also what Li Fan means. He doesn't like to be the center of attention. If everything goes well in this exchange meeting, he will not interfere in anything at all and will only accompany him throughout the whole process.

Even if there were any accidents or changes, if he needed help, he would mostly just assist behind the scenes.

Strictly speaking, he is not a representative of filmmakers.

Tourists from China were talking among themselves.

"Our country's representative lineup this time is very strong. Hu Fei, Kong Xinlin, and Guo Tai are all top directors, and Yin Changming and Zhu Zehua are also top film screenwriters."

"Of course a strong lineup is needed. It will be difficult for such an exchange to be completely harmonious. Especially the filmmakers from the host country, the United States, insist that they are the number one film country, and often show some sense of superiority intentionally or unintentionally. Who knows what they will do Will they suddenly attack and deliberately find topics to embarrass us? This requires a strong lineup to deal with it."

"Alas! I have to admit that when it comes to movies, especially blockbuster movies, we are indeed not as good as the United States. Take the Hollywood Film Center as an example, our country's film center is far from as famous."

"In general,

It is true that our films cannot catch up with those of the United States, but this is a comprehensive comparison in many aspects. It does not mean that our filmmakers are worse than American filmmakers. If they really mean to make things difficult, we may not be the losers. "

"That's true. Our filmmakers are also very good. If an American filmmaker really wants to embarrass us, don't be cowardly and just go with him!"

"Yes, just do it!"


In addition to the tourists from China, the other tourists were naturally talking a lot at this time.

"A total of 12 countries are participating this time, and they are all major film countries. I wonder what outstanding scripts will appear this time? This year's global box office No. 1 movie "King Alec" came from the film exchange conference held here last year. On. At that time, no one realized that it would become the box office champion this year. I wonder if there will be such a script this time?"

"It is indeed possible, but not very likely. However, no matter what, it is still quite exciting."

"I'm more looking forward to some more interesting things happening. If it's just an academic exchange of professional knowledge, as well as a display and review of scripts and films, it would be a bit dull."

"Then let us take a good look at it. Maybe it will not disappoint us."


Before the exchange meeting officially started, there was a red carpet session.

Now, representatives of filmmakers from various countries are walking on the red carpet. The cameras in the hands of a large number of reporters are clicking and the flashes are dazzling.

The first person to appear was the representative of the host American filmmakers, followed closely by the representative of the Chinese filmmakers.

Li Fan didn't go to the red carpet. He didn't like walking on the red carpet.

After the red carpet, the filmmaker representatives from each country will go to the interview area and accept a simple interview with the host.

The filmmakers' answers were all funny, humorous, and witty. Applause and laughter could be heard from time to time, and the atmosphere was very lively and enthusiastic.

After all the filmmaker representatives from all countries walked on the red carpet, today's exchange meeting officially began.

The content of the exchange meeting mainly includes academic exchanges on professional knowledge, comments and discussions on scripts or films, etc.

The films that are reviewed and discussed are all films that were released in the past year. They are not necessarily all blockbuster films. Some films that are not blockbusters will also be reviewed and discussed.

The scripts being reviewed and discussed are all newly created by filmmakers from various countries, and these scripts have not yet begun formal filming.

There are film investors on site. If an investor takes a fancy to a script and decides to invest in that work, a contract can be signed on the spot.

This is also one of the biggest highlights of the scene.

There will also be trailers for new films, and trailers and promotional videos for upcoming films can be screened on site, which is an excellent publicity opportunity.

Each country can preview up to two movies.

Therefore, filmmakers from various countries brought movie trailers. Hu Fei, Kong Xinlin, Guo Tai and others naturally also brought two upcoming movies

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Movie trailer here.

Li Fan looked at it and felt good.

The process of the entire exchange meeting was relatively loose, and everyone was more casual. After all, this is an exchange meeting, not an awards event.

Hu Fei, Kong Xinlin, Guo Tai and others were greeting and greeting some directors and screenwriters from other countries. Everyone obviously knew each other.

Li Fan was alone in a corner, neither looking for anyone else, nor anyone else looking for him.

He didn't know the other people. Some of them had heard their names but had never met them, so naturally they couldn't be considered friends. The other people also disliked him, so naturally they had no intention of coming over to say hello to him.

Li Fan also enjoyed his leisure time, and the old god was there to take care of himself.

After everyone exchanged pleasantries, they gradually got down to business. First, everyone had academic exchanges and discussions on some professional knowledge, and the atmosphere was relatively harmonious.

After Li Fan listened for a while, he stood up and left temporarily. It was enough for Hu Fei, Kong Xinlin, and Guo Tai to deal with the matter now. He didn't need his help. It didn't matter whether he was there or not.

Representatives of filmmakers from various countries were walking around, so it was not abrupt for Li Fan to get up and leave, and it did not attract everyone's attention.

The exchange meeting continued. After the academic exchange of professional knowledge, the filmmakers began to comment and discuss some films released in the past year.

The atmosphere remains harmonious.

But this harmony is not destined to last forever.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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