Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2140 What’s the purpose?

Remember in one second【】

Grover Burley is one of the representatives of American filmmakers this time. He is the most senior original screenwriter in the American film industry. He has very high prestige in the American film industry and is also very famous to the outside world.

A screenwriter, no matter how good he is, is generally difficult to be as famous as a director or actor.

For a movie with a very high box office, the audience often only pays attention to the actors and directors, and hardly pays attention to the screenwriter.

Naturally, everyone remembers the actors and the director, but they don’t know who the screenwriter is.

As a screenwriter, Grover Burley is as famous as a big-name director and actor. Whenever the audience talks about the works written by him, in addition to the director and actors, they will always mention him.

This made Grover Burley feel a little proud and proud, and sometimes he felt a little elated.

However, Grover Burley does have the capital to be flamboyant, and his strength is indeed extremely strong.

As a representative of American filmmakers this time, Grover has a strong voice. In such a globally-focused film event, Grover naturally wants to be the focus of the audience.

To put it simply, I want to show my abilities and show off in front of the best filmmakers from the major film powers, as well as countless actors, tourists, and media reporters at the scene.

Seeing that it was almost time, Grover discussed with other American film representatives around him for a few words, and then said: "Dear fellow filmmakers, friends from the media, and all friends at the scene..."

Grover obviously wanted to say this to everyone, so the filmmaker representatives from various countries stopped their conversations and looked up at Grover, wanting to hear what Grover had to say?

In addition to domestic reporters from the United States, the media reporters at the scene also had reporters from other countries who came here specially. They knew that there would be a lot of valuable news in today's film event.

Naturally, there are also journalists from China.

All the reporters knew Grover. Now that Grover seemed to have something to say, all the reporters' eyes lit up. They had a premonition that a very valuable news was coming.

As a result, all the cameras and camera lenses were focused on Grover, and the clicks and flashes continued.

Not everyone among the actors and tourists at the scene knew Grover, but most people had heard of Grover's name.

After hearing people around me say that it was Grover, I suddenly realized that it was the famous American film original screenwriter Grover Burley.

What was Grover going to say? Everyone naturally became interested.

For a moment, everyone at the scene also focused their attention on Grover.

Grover saw that as soon as he spoke, almost everyone's attention at the scene was focused on him. He was very satisfied and continued: "As movie screenwriters, our first responsibility is to create movies that are good enough to make the world happy. Audiences all over the world can enjoy our movies, so that audiences around the world can feel pleasure, joy, excitement, shock and other emotions when watching movies, instead of creating some junk movies to delay the audience. It’s our responsibility and our obligation to take time to make things difficult for them.”

When he said this, there was thunderous applause.

Obviously, the tourists at the scene all agreed with Grover's words.

"Mr. Grover said it well! If all movie screenwriters were as good and responsible as Mr. Grover, we wouldn't have to suffer from those garbage movies."

"Yes, there are many factors that determine whether a movie is good or not, but the movie script is undoubtedly the most basic and important. Thank you Mr. Grover for creating so many excellent scripts for us."


Many tourists said one after another, and Li Fan in a corner nodded. No matter what Grover's intentions and purposes were, this was indeed correct. As a film screenwriter, he indeed has the responsibility and obligation to bring excellent films to life. Movies bring to the audience.

Filmmakers from various countries looked at Grover. On the surface, many people nodded and agreed with what Grover said, but their brows furrowed quietly, not quite understanding what Grover meant by what he said. .

Hu Fei, Kong Xinlin, and Guo Tai looked at each other and frowned slightly.

There was thunderous applause, and Grover was even more satisfied, and continued: "From the past to the present, we have had many excellent movies, but I found a problem, that is, our current movies are not enough in terms of subject selection. Rich, or in other words, not rich enough in the selection of theme materials. I often wonder, can we choose more themes to make movies?”

After hearing what Grover said, everyone at the scene was thinking about the movies that had been released, and slowly realized that it seemed to be exactly what Grover said.

In the past, everyone did not feel that the themes of the movies they watched were not rich enough, but now that Grover said this, the more everyone thought about it, the more they felt that it was really like that. The previous movies did not seem to be very rich in their selection of themes.

Of course, there is no right or wrong way to say this. Even if the themes of previous movies are already very rich, after Grover said this, everyone will also feel that it is not rich enough.

"Not rich enough?" Filmmakers from various countries all frowned, "Isn't it rich enough? Not necessarily. Why isn't it rich?"

Of course, it’s not wrong to say it’s not rich enough. Even if it’s rich, you can still say it’s not rich enough. This is a way of saying that there is no right or wrong.

^0^ Remember in one second【】


It is of course possible to choose more themes to shoot movies.

But what did Grover mean by saying this? Could it be that he has thought of a new theme, has already written a script, and wants to take it out and play with it?

Filmmakers from various countries thought this in their hearts. At this time, they still didn't quite understand Grover's intentions.

A film screenwriter from Lanzhou said: "Mr. Grover said this, and of course we agree. It is of course a good thing to choose more themes to shoot movies. Did Mr. Grover prepare such a script? "

Grover smiled and said: "Mr. Ferdinand misunderstood, I have not prepared such a script. I just want to discuss this issue with you and see what other themes we have not chosen before. To make it into a movie? It makes our movie richer and gives our audience more choices."

"That's it?" A group of filmmakers looked at each other. Why do they feel that things are not that simple?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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