Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2141 1 suggestion

Remember in one second【】

Regardless of whether this is just the case or not, Grover's statement is indeed correct, and this matter can indeed be discussed.

It would indeed be a good thing if we could find more subjects to photograph.

Therefore, filmmakers from various countries have agreed with this, saying that this is indeed a topic worth discussing.

Countless audiences are also interested in this. They want to know, what other themes can be used to make movies?

Grover knew that everyone would agree with his proposal and that it would definitely attract the audience, but this was not his purpose, but the premise.

He continued, "We are all a big film country, and all of you here are also the best filmmakers. Then, it is our responsibility and obligation to find more subjects that can be used for film shooting. We must serve other people." The country’s filmmakers should take the lead and set an example. Therefore, I suggest that every country’s filmmakers here today can find a new subject matter that has never been filmed before, and successfully film it into a film. movie."

"This..." Filmmakers from various countries looked at each other again, but did not immediately express their opinions on this.

This is certainly a good thing, but there is obviously a need for discussion. If you want to make a movie, other than that, the key is to find investors.

A subject that has never been photographed before is obviously very risky. It is undoubtedly difficult to find investors for such a work.

After all, the purpose of investors investing in movies is to make money, not to do charity work.

If the risk is too great, who will be willing to invest?

If you don’t have investors, do you have to film at your own expense? Who has the financial ability and courage?

The vast majority of the filmmakers on the scene do not have such financial ability, and there are a few people who do have such financial ability, and they will never be willing to do such a thing.

Therefore, in the eyes of many filmmakers, this matter is very necessary to discuss.

However, Grover had already put the suggestion in this way. Moreover, he spoke so responsibly that a large number of media reporters and countless audiences heard it all.

If they refuse, it will obviously affect the reputation of their country's film industry.

Thinking of this, filmmakers from various countries couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

Grover obviously pushed them onto the fire and roasted them. They knew that things were not that simple. Didn't this put them in a dilemma?

Moreover, Grover should have already prepared such a script and even found investors.

Otherwise, he would not suggest this.

Filmmakers from various countries are even more annoyed.

But the media reporters and countless spectators at the scene were getting more and more excited.

The media reporters found very valuable news, and the audience saw something very interesting, very meaningful, and very worth looking forward to.

Grover hadn't finished speaking yet. After a while, he continued, "In order to make things more interesting, I have another suggestion. That is, we each agree on a subject. Of course, this subject must not have been filmed before. Theme. Then, let’s see whose theme is more difficult and challenging?

In order for everyone not to deliberately choose a very unfamiliar and difficult subject, after we select the subject, we must also create a script for the subject on the spot, which takes one hour.

Of course, it’s impossible to complete the entire script in one hour. You only need to design a general story framework. Our on-site screenwriters are all the best screenwriters, so there must be no problem.

Then, we will use the script we have just designed to find film investors on site and turn the designed script into a real movie. The time is three months. The movie will be released three months later. Let’s see whose work has a higher box office?

Of course, there are many difficulties during this period from the selection of the theme to the successful release of the film, and everyone can choose to give up at any time. For example, if the script you designed does not find a film investor on site, you can choose to give up.

Of course, you don’t have to give up. You can choose to shoot at your own expense, if you have the financial ability. What do you think of my suggestion? "

"What's the suggestion? It's not good at all." This was the voice of every filmmaker present at this moment. They finally fully understood Grover's intention. He wanted to use them as the background to let himself and American movies have once again become the focus of the world.

Grover said so much, this and that, but everyone could easily grasp Grover's intention.

Grover must have prepared a script for a movie that has never been made before. If not completely prepared, it must be completely conceived.

Then, he can easily create a general story framework in one hour.

Then, the movie investor should have already been determined. After he creates the story framework, the movie investor will be very excited and say that it is a very good story and will definitely be a box office hit, and then meet him on the spot. signing the contract.

Then, the crew will be formed, filming will officially begin, and it will be successfully released three months later. Everything will go very smoothly.

And these will all be based on the background of filmmakers from other countries at the scene. They can once again prove to the world that their country, the United States, is indeed the world's largest film country.

Because other countries will definitely not be able to defeat them this time.

Just imagine, movies from other countries

^0^ Remember in one second【】

People have to select a subject that has never been photographed before in a short period of time, and create a general script for the subject within an hour.

In this way, everyone will not dare to choose a subject that is too difficult. Otherwise, it would be difficult to create the script on the spot. I'm afraid I'm going to lose a bit here.

And even if the subject matter is not too difficult, how good a story can be designed in one hour?

Of course, the story can actually be carefully designed after the exchange meeting. In fact, the theme only needs to be determined on site.

But there is a problem, that is, you need to find film investors on the spot. If it is just a theme and there is no good story framework, absolutely no investors will be willing to invest.

Even if they are the best filmmakers, it is almost impossible for investors to invest. Unless it is a popular subject, there may be investors who believe in them and are willing to take a risk and choose to invest without seeing the script.

But unfortunately it is not a popular subject, but a subject that has never been photographed before.

It is a subject that has not been filmed yet. It must be a very unpopular subject. Will any audience be interested in watching it? It's really hard to be sure.

Investors will never take risks because of this.

Therefore, if you want to attract investors to invest, you can only come up with a story framework that allows investors to see hope.

Otherwise, you can only choose to give up on the spot, or shoot at your own expense.

And this is undoubtedly a very shameful thing. They represent the film industry of their respective countries, and they are the best filmmakers in their countries. This will be difficult for them to accept.

And if you choose to film at your own expense, let alone whether you have the financial capacity, the key is whether the film can be successfully released after it is produced?

Wouldn't it be even more embarrassing if the movie was made but failed to be successfully released, or if the box office was extremely dismal after it was released?

Moreover, it is actually very shameful to choose to shoot at your own expense, because choosing to pay for yourself means that no investors are willing to invest, but it is better than giving up directly.

How should this be done?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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