Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2142 Don’t worry, take a look first and then talk

Remember in one second【】

What to do?

Filmmakers from various countries all discussed in low voices. They were a little annoyed, but in fact they were not surprised.

As the largest film country, the United States is also one of the three most powerful countries in the world. It is also home to the world's most famous film center, Hollywood. Under such prerequisites, it is strange that American film representatives do not come up with ideas.

They were actually mentally prepared, knowing that the American filmmaker representatives would cause trouble, but they didn't expect that things would get so difficult.

This time, the American filmmaker representatives can be said to have plotted against all the filmmaker representatives from their 11 countries, instead of just targeting the filmmaker representatives from one or two countries like in the previous exchange meeting.

It is obvious that the number of American filmmakers is getting bigger and bigger. Filmmakers from various countries are angry and think that they must suppress American filmmakers.

Otherwise, American filmmakers will become increasingly lawless.

It must be suppressed.

In fact, the reason why the United States has become the largest film country is due to many reasons. It is definitely not because American film screenwriters are any better than film screenwriters in other countries. They can create films that film screenwriters in other countries cannot. created works.

Therefore, if it is based on the premise of absolute public justice, screenwriters from other countries on the scene are not afraid of Grover's challenge.

Grover's strength is indeed extremely strong, but they are not bad, at most they are just a little inferior, and they are fully capable of fighting.

It's a pity that this time it's not absolutely fair and impartial. Grover calculated it mentally but not intentionally, and he must have prepared in advance. They have lost the opportunity, and the probability of winning or drawing is very small.

Of course, this does not mean that American filmmakers are sinister. There is no absolute fairness and justice in this world. They have Hollywood in the American film industry and can be the host and hold such an exchange meeting, so they are indeed qualified to take the lead.

You may feel it's unfair, but that's the rule.

Since it's useless, we can only discuss and see how we can solve this difficult matter to the greatest extent possible?

In addition to the host country, the United States, there were 11 other countries present, including a filmmaker representative from one country, who looked quite relaxed at this time.

That is naturally the representative of Chinese filmmakers.

The reason why they were able to feel quite relaxed was naturally because they had Li Fan with them this time.

They believe that as long as Li Fan is here, even if the American filmmakers are calculated mentally and unintentionally, and are prepared in advance, they will not suffer a loss, and may even let the situation that the American filmmakers have worked so hard to set up, and finally end up... They, the Chinese film industry, have made a wedding dress.

Li Fan was already sitting with Hu Fei, Kong Xinlin, and Guo Tai at this time.

Hu Fei whispered, "Brother Li, what do you think?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "This is a good thing, we should support it."

Hu Fei said, "A good thing is indeed a good thing, but the United States is obviously well prepared. They want to use us as a background to let the outside world know why the United States is the largest country in the film industry?"

Li Fan smiled again and said, "That's indeed their plan, but it's hard to say whether it can be realized in the end."

When Hu Fei, Kong Xinlin, Guo Tai and others heard what Li Fan said, their eyes lit up. They knew that with Li Fan here, everything would be fine.

Hu Fei asked impatiently, "Does Mr. Li Fan already have an idea? What theme should we choose?"

Li Fandao, "I don't have any ideas yet. Don't worry about it. Let's take a look first and then talk about it."

Hu Fei, Kong Xinlin, Guo Tai and others nodded. Since Li Fan said there was no rush, they naturally weren't in a hurry either.

Of all the filmmakers present, except for those from the host country, they are probably the only ones who are not in a hurry at this time.

Grover and several other representatives of American filmmakers are in a very good mood now. This is an extremely rare opportunity. Their American films will once again prove to the world why they are the number one film country?

It can also prove once again that the United States can become the world's largest film country, which is absolutely worthy of its title.

Although they did use tricks, no one would care about this issue. Everyone would only know that their American films once again beat the other 11 major film powers.

If there is no evidence, media reporters will not report on this issue. It is meaningless. Media reporters will only report on the matter itself.

In this way, they, the American film industry, stand on the commanding heights.

Because this matter proposed and initiated by their American film industry has a very positive meaning. Find more movie themes for countless movie audiences around the world, making the movie industry more colorful.

Such a positive thing is indeed very important and meaningful, and may even be recorded in the annals of film history.

Therefore, this matter is positive, will be praised by the outside world, and will also be expected by audiences in various countries around the world.

Of course, for the American film industry, if their wishful thinking this time is to be successful, there will be a prerequisite, that is, the American film industry can really make a film with a subject that has never been filmed before. A very good and blockbuster movie.

Moreover, we must defeat the other 11 countries and achieve a beautiful victory.

In this way, their wishful thinking can be successful

^0^ Remember in one second【】


If among the other 11 countries, there are countries that produce movies that are better than them and have higher box office than them.

So, their wishful thinking this time is probably to marry someone else.

Moreover, they will, in turn, become the background for others. If you want to step on others, you will not succeed, but you will let others step on you and become famous.

However, from the perspective of representatives of American filmmakers, this is obviously impossible to happen. They calculated it mentally but not intentionally, and they were well prepared. How could they lose?

Hillary was a director and he said, "Grover, do you think there's a chance they'll win this time?"

Grover smiled faintly and said, "There is absolutely no way they will win. Even if their screenwriters are very strong, they may not be much worse than me. But in a short period of time, they have to choose a person who has never filmed before." The subject matter, and a general storyline must be created based on the subject matter, and the quality is absolutely impossible to be very good. It is almost impossible for investors to be willing to invest. And as we just said, once there are no investors on site willing to invest, the only option is Choose to give up or shoot at your own expense. How many of them have the financial ability to shoot at their own expense? Even if they do, they will definitely be reluctant to part with it. Therefore, it is very likely that they will choose to give up, and in this way, they will completely become our background. "

After hearing this, Hilary smiled and said, "Grover, you are right, that is indeed the case. However, before giving up, they will first choose a theme. Grover, what theme do you think they will choose?"

Grover said, "It's hard to guess. However, in order to attract investors to invest, they will definitely choose some themes with good story design. In this way, we can win a game first in the selection of themes." "

Hillary nodded and said, "Yes, it is true."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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