Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2143 There is another legendary figure in China

Remember in one second【】

Filmmakers from various countries are discussing in low voices, while many reporters on the scene are writing articles excitedly at the scene.

For them, this is very valuable news, and they need to send the news back in the shortest possible time. Whoever moves the fastest will get the upper hand in pushing this news.

This news was an unexpected surprise for them. No one knew that such a news would come out again.

However, they also knew that such exchanges would not always be peaceful, and they were mentally prepared for it.

They know that this news will definitely attract the attention of countless people and will definitely make countless people around the world excited and looking forward to it!

In fact, even they themselves are looking forward to it. What themes will the filmmaker representatives from various countries choose? What kind of story will you design? Will it be able to successfully attract on-site film investors? If not, do they choose to give up or choose to shoot at their own expense?

All of these are still in suspense, and the answer is really exciting!

The media reporters were tapping the keyboard quickly while expecting the answer in their hearts.

However, national journalists from 11 countries who participated in this exchange meeting were slightly worried. Grover had probably made preparations in advance for making such a suggestion. The filmmaker representatives from their respective countries had already lost their jobs. It’s a head start, and this is American Hollywood. As the host, the United States has a very obvious advantage.

This was not a fair and just contest, but they could not use this to make a fuss. They could only pray in their hearts that the filmmakers of their own country could give a surprising answer.

The mentality of the audience at the scene was slightly different. Most of the audience were American natives. They were excited and looking forward to it.

They were hoping that the exchange would not be so peaceful and that something interesting would happen.

Now, as expected, they were not disappointed, and something interesting happened.

"Mr. Grover's proposal is a good one. Our current movies are indeed not rich enough. If we can make a few movies this time with themes that have never been made before, it will be very meaningful."

"I wonder what kind of theme everyone will choose? This is really exciting!"

“What I’m most looking forward to is Mr. Grover’s work.

Mr. Grover is the best movie screenwriter. Although screenwriters from other countries are also excellent, there is still some gap compared with Mr. Grover. "

"This time we need to find film investors on site. This is actually a competition. I don't know how many countries' films can successfully find investors?"

"In addition to our country, the United States, there should be several countries. They are all powerful countries in the film industry. Although there is a gap compared to our country, the United States, they are still very strong."

"It's difficult. The situation this time is special. It must be a subject that has never been filmed before. No matter how well the script is designed, there will be a lot of risks. Investors will be very cautious and will not take action easily. Moreover, an hour's With time, you can only design a general story framework, which makes it even harder to attract investors.”

"That's true. If only we in the United States can find investors in the end, wouldn't it be too lonely?"

"If you can't find investors in other countries, you can still film at your own expense. If you don't have the financial strength, you can decide to film first and then find ways to find investment. It depends on whether those filmmakers have the confidence and courage? If they are not sure about filming at their own expense, it only means that they are not confident.”

"I don't think anyone would choose to shoot at their own expense, because if they decide to shoot at their own expense, in the end they can't shoot because they can't find investment, or the funds are very limited, and the movie they make is too rubbish. That would be too embarrassing and a shame. It’s the face of the entire film industry in their country. It’s better to just give up on the spot. Although it’s a bit embarrassing, everyone can understand.”

"It is indeed understandable. After all, their film capabilities are not as good as ours in the United States, and they do not have top film screenwriters like Mr. Grover."


Audiences in the United States were talking a lot. Audiences from 11 other countries, including China, were unhappy after hearing this.

Everyone can guess that Grover must have made preparations in advance. This is not a fair contest. Although everyone has acquiesced in this unfairness, you completely ignored this and then talked about it here without shame. This makes people I feel unhappy.

Everyone admits that your country, the United States, is indeed the largest film country, and Hollywood is indeed the most famous film center in the world. You do have the right to be proud of it, but to be fair, if it is an absolutely fair and just contest, can your country, the United States, guarantee that it will win? ?

It was as if Grover's abilities were far superior to those of the screenwriters from other countries on the scene.

"I say, friends from the United States, you should support the filmmakers of your country. But it is a fact that the filmmakers of your country have the upper hand in this competition. You can't just not mention it. .”

"Friend, welcome to Hollywood. What you said is indeed true, but this opportunity is actually part of strength. If the most famous film center in the world is in your country, this film exchange will be in your country. Nationally. Then, it will be your country’s filmmakers who take the lead. It’s a pity that the most famous film center in the world is in our country.”


Well, I have to admit that this statement is somewhat unreasonable.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

, but it’s hard to refute.

"Even so, your country, the United States, may not necessarily win, right? Don't say it too early, lest you won't be able to take it back later."

"Theoretically, of course, our country is not guaranteed to win, but that's just in theory. In practice, we don't think any country can beat us this time."

"China, don't forget that there is still China."

"China is indeed our biggest competitor. Mr. Yin Changming and Mr. Zhu Zehua who came here this time are indeed very good film screenwriters, but unfortunately they still cannot compare with our Mr. Grover."

"Mr. Yin Changming and Mr. Zhu Zehua may indeed be inferior to Mr. Grover, but don't forget that there is also a legendary figure in China, Mr. Li Fan. Perhaps, they can ask for help from Mr. Li Fan through an overseas phone call."

"Mr. Li Fan is indeed a legendary figure, and Xianyuan Farm is very desirable. However, Mr. Li Fan is not from the film industry, and has never directly created a film. Therefore, the situation you mentioned is impossible to happen. "

"It seems that Mr. Li Fan has not directly created film works, but this does not mean that Mr. Li Fan will not create film works. I think it is better for you to keep a low profile for now."

"We are not high-profile, but we do have this confidence. Even if it is true as you said, Mr. Li Fan will really take action this time, and we will definitely win."

"Really? Then let's wait and see."



Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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