Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2144 What theme will you choose?

Remember in one second【】

The exchange meeting site.

Hearing that Li Fan was mentioned by audiences from other countries, the audience from China couldn't help but feel very proud. Li Fan's fame has spread all over the world, and Li Fan's various legendary stories have also begun to spread in countries around the world.

Audiences from other countries said that if Li Fan is willing to take action, the United States may not have the last laugh this time. This makes the audience from China very satisfied. It seems that the audiences from other countries are very discerning.

However, those viewers from the United States then said that even if Li Fan really took action, they would win in the end, which made the viewers from China unconvinced.

However, they did not argue. There was no need to argue now. Those guys had never really seen Li Fan's ability, and it was useless to argue with them.

The key question now is, will Hu Fei, Yin Changming, Zhu Zehua and others at the scene really ask Li Fan for help?

If Li Fan is willing to take action, today's matter will be settled. The situation that American filmmakers have worked so hard to set up will become a wedding dress for their Chinese film industry.

Audiences from China absolutely believe in Li Fan. Although Li Fan has not officially created any film works so far, this does not mean that Li Fan has nothing to do with film works.

In fact, in addition to being adapted into TV series, a large number of Li Fan's works have also been adapted into movies, all of which are classics.

They believe that as long as Hu Fei, Yin Changming, Zhu Zehua and others ask Li Fan for help, Li Fan will definitely take action. After all, this involves some face issues of the country.

But, will Hu Fei, Yin Changming, Zhu Zehua and others ask Li Fan for help?

The audience from China were not sure about this.

"With Director Hu Fei here, he should ask for help. After all, Director Hu Fei has a close relationship with Li Fan and is easy to talk to." Someone said.

When others thought about it, hope ignited in their hearts and they became very expectant.

If Li Fan really takes action, they will have to thank Grover this time. If Grover hadn't bothered to set up such a situation, Li Fan wouldn't have had the chance to take action.

The audience at the scene was talking. At this time, the manuscripts of the reporters on the scene had been sent back to their news organizations. All major news organizations immediately responded.

The latest situation at the scene was reported to the outside world.

Netizens from all over the world are all aware of the latest happenings at the Hollywood Film Exchange Conference.

Reporters from countries that did not participate in this exchange meeting also went to the exchange meeting. This is a film event that the whole world is paying attention to. Although their country's filmmakers did not attend, they still need to pay attention.

Netizens from various countries are discussing it on the Internet.

Netizens in the United States are naturally very excited, looking forward to American films once again making the world famous and letting the world take another look at the strength of the world's largest film country.

Netizens from 11 countries who participated in the exchange meeting were quite dissatisfied, but also somewhat hopeful.

"I knew the American film industry was going to cause trouble again this time. Since they are the number one film power, they feel more and more great about themselves. Do they think they have won surely this time?"

"They do think so, and I'm afraid this is also the case. It's not because their strength is absolutely guaranteed to win, but because they are the hosts and they are the ones who caused the matter. They took a lot of advantage. Maybe even the works They are already prepared. But the other 11 countries only have more than one hour to prepare, so it is impossible to win."

"Indeed, this is unfair. But who made Hollywood the most famous film center in the world? There is no way it can be unfair."

"However, apart from anything else, Grover's proposal this time is really good. Our movie may indeed need some fresh blood."

"It is precisely because of this that we are dissatisfied and have some expectations at the same time. This is really a bit contradictory."

"Who says it isn't?"


Netizens from the 11 countries that participated in the exchange meeting were somewhat conflicted, but netizens from other countries did not have such conflicts.

All they have is excitement and anticipation!

"This is very exciting! Mr. Grover is indeed one of the best film screenwriters in the world. This is a good proposal and worth looking forward to!"

"I wonder what kind of subject everyone will choose? It's a subject that has not been photographed yet. It must be a very unpopular and difficult subject to shoot. It is indeed very exciting!"

"What kind of subject matter will be chosen is one thing. In addition, which countries can win the investment from investors on the scene? Those countries that have no investors to invest, will they choose to give up or film at their own expense? This is also exciting!"

"What's even more exciting is that whether investors invest in filming or self-funded filming, what is the effect of the final film? Is it good-looking? This is the most important thing."

"That is to say, if more than two countries finally choose to shoot a movie this time, then the winner of this competition will have to wait until three months to decide. At that time, the box office will have to speak for itself."

"So I hope that more than two countries can choose to film, which will be the most interesting and exciting. If only one country chooses to film, it won't be very interesting."

"As the host and initiator, the United States will definitely want to film. It depends on whether other countries will choose to film?"

^0^ Remember in one second【】

"Objectively speaking, this competition is unfair to other countries. But it is not important to us. What is important is that this is really a very meaningful thing and worth looking forward to!"


With relevant media reports, what is happening at the film exchange meeting has become the focus of attention around the world.

Countless people are paying attention to the progress of the matter and are looking forward to it!

What people are looking forward to at this stage is what kind of themes will the filmmaker representatives from various countries choose?

Now, after intense deliberations, all the filmmaker representatives at the scene have almost chosen the theme.

Grover said, "It seems that everyone has already chosen the topic, so let's announce the topic now. Everyone present must be very much looking forward to our answer."

Filmmakers from various countries nodded slowly. No matter what, since things have reached this situation, they should try their best to do their best.

A country's filmmaker said, "In that case, please ask Mr. Grover to announce your answer first."

These words spoke to the thoughts of all the filmmakers at the scene. Since you, Grover, look confident, then we want to see what kind of subject you have chosen?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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