Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2145 Is there a prison?

Remember in one second【】

Grover nodded without being pretentious and said, "Of course, since this matter was initiated by us, we should take the lead. In our previous film works, no matter what the theme of the film, the protagonist They are all human beings. This time we decided to break the idea that our protagonist will be an animal. Yes, you heard it right, our protagonist is not a human being, but an animal. It’s a real movie.”

"The protagonist is an animal?" Everyone's eyes lit up, it sounded interesting.

In previous movies, no matter what the theme, the protagonists were indeed human beings.

It’s a movie, it’s not a cartoon, the protagonist is of course a human being.

Grover set the protagonist as an animal this time, which was indeed a bold innovation that everyone found interesting.

The reporters at the scene were excitedly rushing to write. Grover's answer had been revealed, and they wanted to report it as soon as possible. Now countless people around the world are paying attention. This opportunity is very rare.

All the audience at the scene were also talking, and almost everyone showed strong interest, including people from 11 countries participating in the exchange meeting.

Of course, this does not mean that Grover's movie is successful. The key still depends on the design of the story and the effect of the final film. Can it be attractive?

Only if it is attractive enough can the final box office be high.

However, at least now everyone has shown a strong interest, which is undoubtedly very important.

When everyone is interested, it not only obtains the prerequisites for high box office, but also attracts the interest of investors, allowing investors to see profit returns, and the possibility of investors choosing to invest is very high.

If the filmmakers from the remaining 11 countries at the scene want to successfully obtain investment from investors, they will undoubtedly need to let investors see profit returns.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for investors to choose to invest.

After hearing Grover's answer, filmmakers from various countries also had a low-pitched discussion. Using animals as the protagonists would indeed be very attractive, but the story is difficult to design.

Maybe the whole story will be designed to be ridiculous and incomprehensible.

Therefore, many filmmakers admired Grover a little. They actually thought about this idea, but ultimately rejected it.

At the Chinese Filmmakers Representative Office, Hu Fei whispered, "Mr. Li Fan, what do you think of this idea?"

Li Fandao, "The idea is good, but the key depends on the design of the story and the shooting effect."

Hu Fei nodded and said, "What about us, what do we choose?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "I have some ideas, but I'm not sure yet. Don't worry, let's see how other countries choose?"

Hu Fei nodded again. Li Fan was not in a hurry, and he was naturally not in a hurry either.

Everyone at the scene was very interested, and Grover could clearly feel it. He was very satisfied, and continued, "Everyone, we have already laid out some ideas, and now it's up to you."

The other filmmakers nodded slowly and gave their answers one after another.

After the filmmaker representatives from each country gave their answers, they would arouse bursts of discussion from everyone at the scene. The answers from some countries were equally interesting, but the answers from some countries were not so interesting.

There are also identical and similar answers, which are allowed.

After all, it is very normal for filmmakers from two countries to think of the same, or perhaps similar, themes. And this has no impact on the game.

Everyone’s themes are the same or similar, so it depends on the design of their respective stories and the final shooting effect.

Even if everyone had the same idea as Grover and used animals as the protagonists, that would still be possible, but no one would choose this way.

Regardless of whether it is an interesting answer or an uninteresting answer, they all have one thing in common, that is, the chosen subject matter is not remote, difficult, or challenging.

This was as expected. It is difficult to design a story for a subject that is too challenging, and filmmakers from various countries still need to design stories to attract on-site film investors to invest.

Therefore, no one will deliberately choose a very difficult subject to create in order to make their answers challenging.

Of course, even so, it is still difficult to attract investors' interest.

Judging from the current situation, what the audience is most interested in is Grover's proposal that movies with animals as the protagonists are also the most challenging in terms of difficulty.

Grover was very satisfied with the current situation and looked towards where the representatives of Chinese filmmakers were.

Now, the other countries have announced their answers, and only China is left.

Grover said, "Mr. Hu Fei, Mr. Yin Changming, and other gentlemen, you should have already discussed it, right? The theme of your choice is..."

discuss? Of course it doesn't exist. With Li Fan here, Hu Fei and Yin Changming have not discussed it at all. They are also the only countries at the scene who have not discussed it with each other.

Hu Fei whispered, "Mr. Li Fan."

Li Fan smiled and signaled to Hu Fei not to worry, he already had a plan.

At the beginning, Li Fan didn't have the answer, or he had many answers and it was hard to choose.

However, just a moment ago, he saw someone at the scene, the young actor who took a little girl with him on the streets of Hollywood the day before yesterday and asked him to help take pictures.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The young actor once introduced that his name was Tim Robbins and he was from Ohio.

Seeing Tim Robbins, Li Fan thought that he was from Ohio, and his heart suddenly moved, and he made up his mind at this moment.

The time is just right.

Li Fan said to Grover, "Mr. Grover, we already have the answer. However, before that, I want to confirm one thing first. Is that okay?"

Grover didn't know Li Fan. He used to think that Li Fan was the student of one of Hu Fei and Yin Changming and came here specially to meet the occasion. But now Hu Fei, Yin Changming and others did not speak. Instead, it was Li Fan. He was talking, but it didn't seem like the same thing anymore.

Grover was confused, but he still said, "Of course, sir, what do you want to confirm? Please tell me."

Grover was confused, and so were the other filmmakers at the scene. They had the same idea as Grover before, but now it seemed that it was not what they thought.

Li Fan smiled and said, "Thank you. I just saw Mr. Tim Robbins at the scene. He is an actor. I want to confirm something with Mr. Robbins. "

There are many actors on site, most of them are young actors with dreams, coming here to find opportunities.

Therefore, Grover and a group of filmmakers were not surprised that a young actor named Tim Robbins was here. They were just wondering what Li Fan wanted to confirm to Tim Robbins? What does this have to do with the subject matter they chose?

The media reporters and all the audience at the scene were also very confused and whispered among themselves.

Tim Robbins himself was a little confused. He naturally recognized Li Fan, but he didn't know what Li Fan would need to confirm with him?

However, he was more excited, very excited. This was a moment when everyone was focused on him, which made him a little nervous. He said to Li Fan, "Sir, do you have any questions for me?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Mr. Robbins is from Ohio. I wonder if there is a prison in Ohio called Mansfield State Prison?"

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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