Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2146 Taking

Remember in one second【】

"Mansfield State Prison?" Robbins was a little surprised that Li Fan actually knew that prison.

In Ohio, there is indeed a state prison called Mansfield.

However, Mansfield State Prison has been abandoned for many years and is somewhat dilapidated. It is said that the government department is planning to demolish the prison, but for unknown reasons, it has not started taking action.

Many native Ohioans didn't know there was such a prison, but Li Fan, a Chinese, actually knew about it.

Robbins knew about Mansfield State Prison because his hometown is not far from Mansfield State Prison.

Although he was surprised and didn't know the intention of Li Fan's question, Robbins still said, "Yes, sir, there is indeed a state prison in Ohio called Mansfield State Prison. It's just that the prison has been abandoned for many years, and there are some Broken."

Grover also knew that there was such a prison in Ohio, but he didn't understand Li Fan's intention at all. He looked at Li Fan with more and more doubts.

In fact, not only Grover, but everyone at the scene did not understand Li Fan's intentions, including Hu Fei, Yin Changming and other representatives of Chinese filmmakers. They also looked at Li Fan with some confusion.

The reporters at the scene were no longer rushing to publish at this time, and were talking among themselves about Li Fan's intention of asking about Mansfield State Prison.

The audience at the scene was naturally talking a lot.

"Who is this young boy from China? What is his intention in asking this? What does this have to do with the subject matter they chose?"

"Is there such a prison in Ohio? I'm from Ohio and I've never heard of such a prison."

"It's normal if you haven't heard of it. Who would care about the name of a prison? Besides, it's an abandoned prison."

"As Mr. Robbins said, there is indeed such a prison in Ohio. But, what does that Chinese young man mean? Can he represent Chinese filmmakers?"

"Other Chinese filmmaker representatives have not spoken at this time. That young man should be able to represent them."


The crowd was talking everywhere, and the audience from China in the crowd looked at Li Fan thoughtfully.

Li Fan ignored the doubts and comments of the people around him.

Instead, he looked at Robbins thoughtfully, nodded, and said, "Thank you. It's good to have such a prison. It's just that the name of this prison is really a bit too long."

Robbins said, "To be honest, I also think its name is too long, and it feels a little inconvenient every time I talk about it. But it's called this name, and there's nothing you can do about it."

Li Fan smiled and said, "Maybe we can change its name to a shorter one."

"This is indeed a solution," Robbins said.

Although Robbins asked questions like this, he became increasingly confused and confused about Li Fan's intentions.

It sounds like Li Fan is very interested in that prison, and he even talks about changing the name. This is really incomprehensible.

He really didn't understand what was so special about a dilapidated prison that had been abandoned for many years and the government had already intended to demolish it that could make people so interested in it?

Moreover, Li Fan is still a Chinese.

Robbins was getting more and more confused, and everyone present, including Grover and the filmmakers, were also getting more and more confused, and they couldn't understand Li Fan's intentions at all.

Fortunately, Li Fan quickly made them understand.

After Li Fan once again expressed his gratitude to Robbins, he said to Grover, "Mr. Grover, the subject we want to shoot has been determined, that is 'prison'. We plan to shoot a series with 'prison' as the subject." movie."

"Using 'prison' as the subject?" Everyone was stunned. Can prison also be the subject of a movie? Is there a market for such a movie?

Everyone's first reaction after being stunned was that they all thought it was a bit ridiculous.

Prison, a place where prisoners are held, they really don't know how to make a movie about prison?

Even if it were made into a movie, would anyone be interested in watching it?

Most of the people at the scene couldn't help but shake their heads. It was absolutely impossible for them to be interested in watching a movie about prison.

Prisons, where criminals gather, are dark and dark. Thinking about them makes me feel uncomfortable. How could I be interested in seeing them?

Everyone found it incredible. However, they did understand Li Fan's intention when he asked Robbins about Mansfield State Prison.

It turned out that I wanted to make a movie about prison.

I have to say that this idea is very bold. What if today is just about whose subject matter is more challenging? So, there is no doubt that the prison-themed movie will win the first place.

This is no longer just a question of whether it is challenging or not, this is simply a ridiculous choice.

Grover also found it incredible. He looked at Li Fan and said, "Sir, are you serious? Do you really want to use 'prison' as the theme?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Of course, I think this subject matter is pretty good. Are there any questions?"

Why is there a problem? The question is not. The key is, will there be an audience willing to watch this subject?

Not to mention that no audience is willing to watch it, even the director is probably unwilling to make it. Which director would be willing to make a movie with the theme of "prison"?

It doesn't matter whether you have box office results or not, what's important is

^0^ Remember in one second【】

It is very likely that I will be ridiculed by my colleagues and the outside world, saying that I have a brain problem for actually making a movie with the theme of "prison".

In the same way, I'm afraid not many actors are willing to act, even new actors without any reputation, I'm afraid they are not willing.

Because, if they become famous in the future, the fact that they have made a movie with the theme of "prison" will most likely become their disgraceful experience and be dug up and ridiculed.

Of course, film investors are even more afraid to invest. If you invest, you will definitely be laughed at. What kind of vision do you dare to invest in a movie with this theme?

These problems are all obvious and can be imagined with a little analysis.

Therefore, we can also say that there is a real problem, a big problem.

Among the representatives of Lan Guo filmmakers, a filmmaker named Jasper said, "Sir, the subject of 'prison' seems a bit inappropriate. Sir, you might as well think more about it."

The relationship between the Languo film industry and the Chinese film industry was good, and Jasper couldn't help but want to remind Li Fan.

Some time ago, Li Fan already knew Jasper's name and knew that Jasper meant well. He smiled friendly and said, "Thank you Mr. Jasper for your kindness, but I don't care about this subject." The movie has confidence.”

"This..." Jasper couldn't say anything else and looked at Hu Fei, Yin Changming and others. The meaning is obvious. I want to ask Hu Fei, Yin Changming and others, does what this young man said really represent your opinions? Why don't you say a few words?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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