Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2149 Disappointment and Expectation

Remember in one second【】

The Chinese audience at the scene became more and more excited as they thought about it. At this time, with the reports sent back by reporters from various countries at the scene, the fact that Chinese filmmakers chose "prison" as the theme has been known to countless people in various countries around the world.

After everyone learned about it, they all felt unable to understand. Although Chinese movies are not as good as American movies, they are still an absolute power in movies. Why did they choose such a subject this time?

Anyone can imagine that no one would be interested in watching this subject matter. Why would Chinese filmmakers choose this way?

No one could understand it, and there was a lot of discussion on the Internet.

Then, there were reports that barely solved everyone's doubts.

According to the report, the person who chose this subject is suspected to be the legendary figure of China, Li Fan.

The report is not entirely sure about this statement, but points out that it is very likely.

Moreover, Li Fan was at the scene.

Li Fan's name has already spread all over the world. People in some countries may not know much about Li Fan's deeds, but they must know Li Fan's name and know that there is such a legendary figure in China.

Now I heard that the person who chose this theme was Li Fan, and everyone suddenly realized that it was Li Fan who chose it.

However, this does not mean that everyone, like the Chinese audience, will change from previous incomprehension to excitement and anticipation.

Everyone still doesn’t understand it, even more than before.

Since Li Fan was the one who chose the theme, he shouldn't have chosen "prison" as the theme.

"In the rumors, isn't Li Fan a miraculous person? He shouldn't have chosen such a subject that is completely uninteresting. It's really incomprehensible."

"Who knows, maybe the rumors are too exaggerated, or maybe Li Fan is overconfident and thinks that he can win this contest even if he chooses prison as the subject."

"Whatever, he chose prison as the theme, we just don't want to see it. This has no impact on us. I still look forward to the American work this time, with animals as the protagonists. It's interesting to think about it."

"Indeed, the themes chosen by several other countries are also interesting. It depends on whether the filming can be successfully completed."

"Alas! China is disappointing this time.

I originally had great hopes for China. After all, China is also a big film country, so there is no problem in ranking among the top three. "

"It's really disappointing. I don't know if they can successfully shoot the movie this time? Of course, even if it is successfully shot, I won't watch it."

"It's probably a bit difficult to successfully shoot. It's not a question of money, but a question of the director and actors."

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say!"


Netizens from various countries are talking a lot, and they are a little disappointed with China's choice this time.

The reason for their disappointment is that they had high hopes for China before. It can be said that besides looking forward to American movies, I am most looking forward to Chinese movies.

At present, the United States is the world's largest film country, and this is undisputed. But which country should be ranked second after the United States? This is somewhat controversial.

Some people say it is the Hua Kingdom, some say it is the Bai Kingdom, and some say it may be the Lan Kingdom.

The second place is controversial, but Chinese films can at least be ranked among the top three in the world, so everyone naturally has great hopes.

But now, everyone is disappointed.

Audiences in other countries were disappointed, but audiences in China were excited as never before.

Reporters from other countries speculated that the young man might be Li Fan, while Chinese media reporters reported with certainty that Mr. Li Fan was currently attending a film exchange meeting in Hollywood and personally selected " "Prison" was the subject of this shoot.

This news made the Chinese audience extremely excited. In addition to the incident itself, does it also indicate that Li Fan will officially create a film?

If this is the case, there may be a second and third part in the future...

This is absolutely exciting news.

Of course, other movies will come later. The first thing I want to enjoy now is this movie with the theme of "prison".

Although everyone, like audiences from other countries, is not interested in the subject of "prison" at all, because this is Li Fan's movie, everyone has a completely different mentality.

That is, the more incomprehensible and uninterested a subject is, the greater the surprise it will bring to people.

This means that everyone absolutely believes that Li Fan's "prison"-themed movie will bring them a huge surprise.

They were extremely looking forward to it, even more than if Li Fan had chosen a normal theme.

At this moment, the hearts of Chinese audiences and the hearts of audiences from other countries can be said to be two extremes.

One was extremely looking forward to it, the other was extremely disappointed.

The scene of the Hollywood Film Exchange Conference.

The audience at the scene was still discussing heatedly, and the reporters from other countries at the scene still looked at the Chinese reporters with a hint of schadenfreude, intentionally or unintentionally.

An hour passed quickly, and it was time for each country to create stories.

Grover smiled lightly and said, "You are all the best filmmakers. I believe that even if you only have one hour, you should have designed the general framework of the story. And this is enough. And we are now

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Movie investors on the scene must have been prepared and couldn't help but take action. This will be a great story in the film industry. "

There are dozens of film investors at the scene, from many different countries, and they are indeed eager to give it a try and are looking forward to it.

Because, as Grover just said, signing an investment contract with a filmmaker on site may indeed become a good story.

Because this is a grand event that attracts global attention. If the investment is confirmed on the spot, it will be reported by reporters on the spot and will be known to audiences around the world. Its influence will be much greater than when they usually invest in a movie.

If you are lucky, the movie invested on site can achieve good box office after its official release, and its influence will increase significantly.

In the past year, the box office champion movie "King Alec" was invested by a film investor named Horace at the last Hollywood Film Exchange Conference.

"King Alec" won the box office championship. While Horace won huge profits and returns, his personal reputation also increased unprecedentedly. The world praised his accurate vision in investing in movies.

Profits and personal reputation will be rewarded, which is why the exchange meeting can attract dozens of film investors from different countries to the scene.

Now, they couldn't help but take action.

For the audience and reporters at the scene, it was also a very anticipated moment.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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