Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2150 I am willing to invest

Remember in one second【】

The film investors at the scene were eager to give it a try, and this time the themes chosen by all countries were themes that had never been filmed before. The box office prospects were an absolute unknown, which further tested their vision and courage.

The reporters and audiences at the scene were extremely looking forward to it. Which countries’ films can successfully obtain investment from film investors? This is something that people look forward to very much.

Representatives of filmmakers from various countries nodded slowly. They also attached great importance to this, and they did not want to lose face because of it.

Afterwards, representatives of filmmakers from various countries told the stories they designed one after another, and the filmmakers at the scene listened carefully and carefully considered whether it was worth investing in?

They have to be careful because it is a double-edged sword, and with the right investment, fame and fortune can be gained.

But if the investment fails and the movie they invest in does poorly at the box office, they will not only lose money, but their reputation will also be affected to a certain extent, saying that their vision for movie investment is poor.

Therefore, every filmmaker is very cautious and will never take action easily.

Not long after, the first country to successfully obtain investment from filmmakers was born, namely Lan Guo.

There were bursts of cheers and applause at the scene. The media reporters once again rushed to write, and valuable news appeared again.

There was the first country, and then there was the second country...

In the end, 11 countries except China all told the stories they designed, and five of them, including the United States, Lanzhou, and Baiguo, successfully obtained investment from film investors on the spot.

Countries that did not receive investment from film investors chose to give up after careful consideration for a while, and did not take the risk and chose to film at their own expense.

This choice is understandable to everyone.

Then, everyone focused their attention on the location of the representatives of Chinese filmmakers. Now only China is left, and it has not yet told the story of its own design.

Although everyone has no interest in movies with the theme of "prison", everyone is still a little curious about what kind of story the young man will design?

In addition, it is definitely a no-brainer to find investors on site, but if the young man is really Li Fan, he should just pay for the filming at his own expense.

Regarding the fact that Li Fan is very rich,

But no one had any objections.

Seeing everyone's eyes focused on it, Li Fan nodded and said, "This is a story about prisons and prisoners."

Everyone at the scene nodded. They knew it was a story about prisons and prisoners. Isn't this nonsense? If the prison is not about the prisoners, what else can it be about?

They were waiting for Li Fan's next words about the story design.

However, they soon discovered to their surprise that there seemed to be no more to say about story design.

Li Fan only said this about the story.

Because, Li Fan then talked about other things, "I plan to shoot this work in the United States. The main scene is the Mansfield State Prison in Ohio. I will negotiate with the local government departments. I think , they would be interested in letting us film there.”

Li Fan's words naturally aroused heated discussion among everyone at the scene. No wonder Li Fan had asked about the Mansfield State Prison in Ohio before. It turned out that the movie was going to be filmed there.

Well, wait, did Li Fan decide to use "prison" as the theme after confirming that there was indeed Mansfield State Prison in Ohio?

What is this operation? It’s confusing.

The audience from China smiled and nodded, saying in their hearts, "Sure enough!"

Grover said, "We feel very honored that your husband wants to shoot this movie in our country. As for Mansfield State Prison, we will definitely not refuse him. It's just that he doesn't plan to tell us more about the plot of the story." Say it?"

Li Fandao, "As for the plot of the story, it's not that I don't want to tell you more. It's that I haven't finalized the overall framework of the story yet, so it's not easy to tell you yet."

Grover nodded and said, "So that's it." In his heart, Grover wanted to laugh a little, and said in his heart, "I know you haven't designed the story frame yet. What kind of story can you design about the prison?" ? Let’s see how your boy ends up?”

Hearing that Li Fan said that the story framework had not been finalized yet, other people at the scene also wanted to laugh and felt a little regretful. Their curiosity could not be satisfied.

However, everyone knows that it doesn’t matter whether Li Fan’s story frame is finalized or not. There will be no film investors on site anyway.

Unless there are film investors from China present, they may still choose to invest, but for some reason, there are no film investors from China present today.

Grover continued, "Since Mr.'s story has not been designed yet, it is estimated that no investors will be interested in the scene. And from what I heard just now, do you want to choose to shoot at your own expense?"

Li Fan naturally planned this. He also knew that no investors on the scene would be interested in his work, so he would just invest on his own.

For him, this small amount of money can hardly be described as "negligible". He has too much money.

Moreover, this work will earn hundreds of times in return.

Of course, if there are investors on site who are willing to invest, Li Fan will not refuse.

This is an opportunity. If someone is willing to invest, it means that the other person has the vision and courage to get this opportunity.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

, Li Fan is willing to help the other party get this opportunity.

As for the thousand-fold return and the dispensable things, he didn't care.

Li Fan nodded and was about to express that he would indeed shoot at his own expense. However, a filmmaker suddenly spoke up and said to Li Fan, "Hello, sir, my name is Hector Alsop. Can I ask you a question?" ?”

The move of the investor named Hector Alsop made everyone at the scene stunned, wondering what Hector's intentions were.

Li Fan was also a little surprised and said, "Of course, please ask Mr. Hector."

Hector nodded and asked, "Excuse me, is your name Li Fan? He is the owner of Xianyuan Farm, Mr. Li Fan."

Li Fan smiled and said, "I am Li Fan, and I do have a manor called Xianyuan Farm. "

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an uproar at the scene. Although everyone had guessed that the young man might be Li Fan, now that Li Fan personally admitted it, everyone still felt a violent impact.

Li Fan's reputation is too great, and so is the reputation of Xianyuan Farm. Including those who had previously discussed that Li Fan's fame was greater than his strength, they all felt the impact at this time.

Although they already believed that the rumors about Li Fan were too exaggerated, they still felt the tremors in their hearts when they were sure that the young man was really Li Fan.

They don't know why they are like this? But the feeling is very real.

All the filmmakers, including Grover, trembled in their hearts and secretly said, "It is indeed Li Fan!"

The investor named Hector Alsop was silent for a while, and then said with certainty, "Since it is Mr. Li Fan, then I am willing to invest in Mr. Li Fan's movie. Is it okay?"

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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