Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2151 On-site invitation

Remember in one second【】

As soon as Hector Alsop said this, everyone at the scene was shocked. He was actually willing to invest in Li Fan's work with the theme of "prison"?

What is this operation? Too much money to spend? The key is that it has an impact on reputation, and my vision for investing in movies is too poor.

Although Li Fan is indeed very famous, no matter how famous he is, it is impossible for people to become interested in a movie with the theme of "prison" that they were originally afraid of being interested in.

It is impossible for everyone to watch works that they are not interested in at all just because Li Fan is famous, at least that is the case for most people.

So, the ending of this "prison"-themed movie is no different from what everyone analyzed before.

Why did the investor named Hector invest?

Everyone at the scene was surprised. Even Li Fan was a little surprised and said, "Oh? Is Hector sure you want to invest in my movie?"

Hector said, "Yes, Mr. Li Fan, I am very sure."

Li Fandao: "Why don't you ask me first how much the investment cost is?"

Hector said, "I am willing to invest no matter how much it is, unless it is too high for me to take out that much money."

Li Fan smiled and said, "In that case, I will accept Mr. Hector's investment. Thank you Mr. Hector for your trust."

Hector's face lit up and he said, "Thank you, Mr. Li Fan, for accepting my investment. I feel very honored."

Li Fandao, "Maybe this will be a good investment."

Hector said, "I think so too."

A few words of dialogue between the two settled the matter. After it was finalized, everyone at the scene came back to their senses.

Are you really sure to invest? Is there something wrong with that movie investor named Hector?

Almost everyone at the scene thought so, which is indeed incomprehensible, just like Li Fan's previous choice of "prison" as the theme was incomprehensible.

Someone next to Hector said, "Mr. Hector, this movie is unlikely to have any box office. Do you really want to invest in it?"

Hector smiled lightly and said, "I always have a feeling,

Investing in this movie is the most correct decision among all my previous investment projects. "

People around me said, "How can feelings be used as a basis? Since this movie will be shot in the United States, it is very likely that American actors will be used to film it. Will it be possible to successfully find all the actors? It is not certain. After all, The actors would definitely not be willing to film such a work.”

Hector nodded and said, "Most actors in the United States, whether they are famous actors or unknown actors, may indeed be unwilling to shoot such a work. However, we believe that Mr. Li Fan will find a suitable actor." And those actors may soon come to believe that it was one of the best decisions of their lives.”

"This" the people around him shook their heads after hearing this. He felt that he could no longer communicate normally with Hector.

Forget it, let him go. Anyway, when he regrets it soon, he will know what a stupid decision he made today.

Grover and a group of filmmaker representatives also felt incomprehensible. They all looked at Hector suspiciously, especially the filmmaker representatives from several countries who had not successfully obtained investors. They really couldn't understand. , why no one invests in his works, but there are people who invest in Huaguo's works with the theme of "prison".

Moreover, this was under the premise that Li Fan didn't even tell the story framework.

I can’t understand! They originally thought that no matter how embarrassing they were today, there would be China at the bottom, and they would not be the most embarrassing.

However, now, Huaguo has successfully obtained investment from film investors. This is really unfair.

It's a pity that no matter how unfair things are, they can only sigh helplessly, nothing can be changed.

Only Hu Fei and Yin Changming looked at Hector, somewhat admiring his keen perception.

There is no doubt that this will be an investment that will earn extremely generous returns. Hector's ability to seize this opportunity keenly is indeed admirable.

A group of reporters were once again rushing to write a story. This was a shocking accident that was extremely newsworthy. They wanted to report it as soon as possible.

A movie with the theme of "prison" has successfully obtained investment, which is destined to once again trigger an upsurge of discussion among netizens from various countries on the Internet.

As mentioned before, if someone is willing to invest, Li Fan will not refuse. He does not care about the return he can earn from this investment.

Since the other party has seized this opportunity, this opportunity should belong to him.

Next, Li Fan said, "I just said that I plan to shoot this movie at Mansfield State Prison in Ohio. So, as you may have guessed, I will invite American actors to star in this movie."

There was another buzz of discussion at the scene, and many people were nodding secretly. They had indeed guessed it.

Li Fan continued, "As for the protagonist, I actually already have a suitable candidate, Mr. Tim Robbins. I wonder if Mr. Robbins is interested in this?"

It was obvious that Li Fan was extending an invitation to Robbins.

This was originally a normal thing, but in the eyes of everyone present, it seemed a little abnormal.

Why did Li Fan choose an actor with no reputation to star? Are you worried that famous actors won't agree to star?

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Logically speaking, Li Fan should try his best to find famous actors to play the leading role.

The actor is very famous, and maybe there will be people who will go after the actor specifically, so that the box office will not be too bleak.

This is also the only way this work can attract the audience.

Now if you find an unknown person to be the lead actor, then this is the only method available.

Everyone at the scene once again believed that Li Fan made a wrong decision.

However, they soon believed that this should be a decision Li Fan made out of necessity.

Because, as they analyzed before, it is definitely impossible for those famous actors to agree to star in such a work.

Even actors who are not well-known may not agree to appear.

But there is still a possibility that unknown actors will agree to appear.

Then, Li Fan can only find actors who are not famous. And if you find an actor on site, the actor is more likely to agree.

Because the attention at the scene is very high, once you agree, it will definitely be reported by the reporters on the scene, and audiences around the world will know about it, which will undoubtedly be very helpful for increasing your reputation.

Of course, this increase in fame may also be negative. It is believed that the actor's judgment is too poor to even shoot this kind of work, and there is no future.

This depends on how the actor weighs the pros and cons.

It doesn't matter what everyone at the scene thinks, what matters is what Robbins himself thinks?

Robbins was very surprised at this time. He did not expect that Li Fan would directly invite him to play the leading role.

Agree or refuse? Robbins had no answer for a moment.

Naturally, he could also think of the questions that the audience could think of.

He was hesitating.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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