Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2155 Unreliable

Remember in one second【】

Although Clarence, Arvid, Johannes and others found Li Fan's sudden visit strange, they did not dare to neglect it.

Clarence said: "Okay, please invite Mr. Li Fan. Well, wait, I will greet you personally."

After speaking, Clarence stood up and walked out with the staff.

After a while, Clarence and Li Fan came back together. Clarence first introduced Arvid, Johannes and others to Li Fan.

Li Fan greeted Arvid, Johannes and others one by one and exchanged a few words.

Afterwards, Li Fan said: "Mr. Clarence, gentlemen, you seem to be worried about whether Mansfield State Prison should be demolished?"

Clarence said: "To be honest with Mr. Li Fan, we are indeed arguing about this matter."

Afterwards, Clarence gave Li Fan a brief summary of their dispute and the views of both parties.

After hearing this, Li Fan was not surprised. Before he came, he had already inquired about the government department's affairs about Mansfield State Prison.

It was not difficult for him to find out these things clearly.

He is also somewhat thankful that Mansfield State Prison has not yet been demolished. Otherwise, the movie he will release next will inevitably leave some regrets.

Because, this movie in the previous life was filmed at Mansfield State Prison.

If the film were shot in another prison in this world, the quality would not have any impact, but for Li Fan, there would be a special feeling missing.

In a previous life, after that movie was released, Mansfield State Penitentiary, which was scheduled to be demolished, was saved because of the movie's success.

Moreover, it has also become an attraction for tourists.

Also, people began to no longer call it "Mansfield State Prison" but instead called it "Shawshank Prison."

For the Chinese, "Shawshank Prison" is the transliterated name. If translated according to the meaning, it is called "Shark Castle Prison".

Both translations are possible, but the mainstream one is called "Shawshank Prison", and that movie is also called "The Shawshank Redemption".


That classic among classics, even praised by many as an unsurpassable classic, will soon be brought to the world by Li Fan.

After hearing what Clarence said about the relevant matters, Li Fan smiled and said, "I do have a way to resolve the dispute between you."

"Oh?" Clarence, Arvid, Johannes and others all looked happy when they heard what Li Fan said. They had long heard of Li Fan's name and some legendary stories about Li Fan. Li Fan said there was a way, and maybe there really was a way. They were looking forward to it.

Clarence said: "If Mr. Li Fan has any ideas, please tell us."

Li Fandao: "The way is to turn Mansfield State Prison into a tourist attraction for tourists to visit and play, as Mr. Clarence said. And I can help you turn Mansfield State Prison into a tourist attraction." Attractions.”

"Oh?" Clarence, Johannes and others who opposed the demolition of the prison were even more happy. Clarence said eagerly: "Mr. Li Fan really has a way? Please ask Mr. Li Fan to help us. What can Mr. Li Fan do?" If necessary, we should do our best.”

Even Arvid and others who insisted on demolishing the prison looked at Li Fan with anticipation. If Mansfield State Prison could really be turned into a tourist attraction, they would naturally be willing to keep it.

Mansfield State Prison has a history of hundreds of years. It would be a pity if it were to be demolished. It would be best if it could be turned into a tourist attraction and preserved.

Originally, Arvid and others did not think that anyone had the ability to turn a prison that had been abandoned for many years into a tourist attraction.

But now that Li Fan is here, thinking about the legendary stories about Li Fan, Arvid and others suddenly discovered that there may indeed be someone in this world who has such ability, and that person is Li Fan in front of them.

Li Fan smiled and said, "I guess some of you still don't know the relevant things that happened at yesterday's Hollywood film exchange meeting."

"Hollywood film exchange meeting?" Clarence, Arvid, Johannes and others looked at each other. There was a film exchange event in Hollywood yesterday, and they naturally knew about it.

However, they still don't know exactly what happened at the exchange meeting.

Also, what does what happened at the exchange meeting have to do with the method Li Fan said?

Clarence, Arvid, Johannes and others were a little confused. Clarence said: "Mr. Li Fan is dissatisfied, we know that there is such an exchange meeting, but we really don't know what happened at the exchange meeting." clear."

Li Fan nodded. There is nothing surprising about this. Although yesterday's incident has caused a stir on the Internet in various countries, there are still many people who do not know about it for various reasons.

Later, Li Fan said: "Mr. Clarence and all the gentlemen, you might as well have a general understanding. It is very easy and does not take too long. After understanding, everyone will know what I said and know that I am here for this trip. The reason for the visit.”

Rather than explaining it, it would be better to let a few people understand it themselves.

Clarence, Arvid, Johannes and others nodded. Since Li Fan said this, they can just go and find out. It was convenient anyway, and they had originally planned to find out.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

A few minutes later, Clarence, Arvid, Johannes and others had learned about the general situation on the Internet.

The situation surprised them, and they understood the purpose of Li Fan's visit.

As for the method Li Fan said, they can also think of it, but why do they feel that it is not very reliable?

What Li Fan said is that after the movie he shot in Mansfield State Prison is released, Mansfield State Prison will become famous for his movie, and many people will come here. Mansfield State Prison will naturally become a tourist attraction.

But, I’m afraid this is unreliable!

First of all, Clarence, Arvid, Johannes and others do not believe that there can be any market for movies with "prison" themes.

Secondly, almost everyone on the Internet is watching bad news, and this is not just bad news. Almost all people are saying that they will definitely not be interested in watching a movie with the theme of "prison". .

So, it is foreseeable that the final box office results of this movie will be very dismal.

How could Mansfield State Prison be so famous for such a dismal record?

Not reliable!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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